Nobody else gets to experience this flavour except Nova Scotia

>nobody else gets to experience this flavour except Nova Scotia

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sad indeed


that's cheating

>ppl die from starving
(Inb4 edgy)



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i just get rainbow sherbet

my dad always used to buy orange sherbet when I was a young lad and it was awful. I can still imagine the taste

wait the opening post is icecream? what is it flavored as ?

it's moon mist ice cream, grape + bubble gum + banana

literally the best ice cream on the face of the planet

Sounds gay. Mint chocolate chip is GOAT

at that point you should just be eating mints

looks like someone chewed a bunch of starburst with milk in their mouth and regurgitated it into an ice cream pot

not really that good desu


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not wrong

>Well you know him, he's a great guy, wonderful guy, great guy... he just doesn't have good taste in ice cream. Many such cases of people like this.

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perhaps it's only in Nova Scotia for a reason?

Because the ice cream barons of Ottawa are in complete control

yeah yeah sure whatever you say bud