/sig/ - self improvement general - a thousand mile journey starts with a step

Brothers, always remember that the first and the nobles of victories is to conquer self. We shall not speak about defeating the Jews and other undesirables, unless we become Ubermenschen ourselves.

The movement will be better off without fat fucks and skinny retards. Muscle up gentlemen.

Stop eating sweets, softdrinks and fastfood. They are literally created to harm you and your well-being.

The movement needs smart people with broad knowledge and a head full of ideas related to our cause. It's also a good pasttime, better than lurking all day on an anime imageboard.

But not in the REEEEAD SEEEJ way. Join your local church community or a nationalist group / party. Or even start one yourself.

Higher T levels, better sex, confidence, energy, lack of depression and much more - if you fancy that, then get your hands off your dick. Also, pornography is an industry directly controlled by the Jews. Just saying.

ITT: we discuss everything that will help the individual become an Ubermensch. Brothers, this is our common struggle.

Share your:
>motivational pictures (related to our movement)
>NoFap experiences
>diet plans
>favourite exercises
>personal growth stories
>reading lists

And everything you deem worthy of being in such thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Lets do this

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Self-improvement is a scam and any value system that suggest you will find the perfect life in "self-improvement", family or religion.

Even in the face of demographic collapse, single men in Western societies have driven everything about our societies because we have time to pursue things according to our own values/likes and the rest is secondary.

Become MGTOW and don't give a fuck how other people (especially women) tells you how to live YOUR life.

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I've already cleaned my penis, am in great shape. Most of us are already better educated than people have ever been. Now what?

pretty much this. i tried to go /sig/ for half a year, it made me even more depressed

Went hiking today. 5hour on a steep incline. Ill sleep better tonight and feel better tomorow.

Home cooked pasta meal. A littletoo much in the way of carbs. Anyone a bit nervous to learn the art of cooking, ill say i was too. The hardest part is prioritising what to cook, when. Youll learn with practise.

Fap status:

I didnt, aside from pol fan fiction.

As for touching base with a community... thats the biggest hurdle i face. I connect via an instragram meme page i manage which is followed by the like minded.
I have plans to start a podcast that isnt shoving my beleifs into your ears but hearing people out in a humours environment. Any suggestions on a formula i should stick to?

MGTOW will win.

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bubala, why do you always have to subvert. it's absolutely evil

Why the fuck are you bunch of kikes talking about MGTOW? Self improvement has nothing to do with that... women can improve as well as homosexuals.

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i havent wanked in four days

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>wants to save the white race
>with another podcast

neck yourself

Its not my main focus shit rat.

i have no idea who you are but i am sure of one thing. your podcast will be the most uninteresting, unfunny shite splat of an audio file. never upload them

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Best thread on pol desu

Rate this nofap plan. I'm struggling going more than three days with it since I have some depressing stuff going on and it's a vicious cycle of depression feeding faps and vice versa.

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Your image suggests that after 60 days without masturbation you turn gay?


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STFU whiney bitches and contribute something of quality

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>Any suggestions on a formula i should stick to?
be funny but stay on topic
boring and """""intellectual""""" is bad but an hour of shitposting gets old real quick
also try to keep it at or under an hour if you're not discussing news/ideology
people zone out without pretty pictures with vibrant colors once you reach a certain point

most importantly don't be afraid to try new things

Pretty good stuff, i'll try to fit some of those in my routine.
Here's another nice one to get people started.
Feel free to increase the rep numbers if you find them too easy.

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that's not the point retard
wow homecooking? what a fucking pro
why the fuck do you need some fucking plan and shit to stop jerking off. literally just don't you subhuman
>I connect via an instragram meme page i manage which is followed by the like minded.
cringe. bet you talk about Jow Forums in real life too
>boring and """""intellectual""""" is bad
based and redpilled

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Fail yesterday after 16 day


Every fucking time.


why did you bump something on page 1

Jude you will pay, every other race will wipe you off the face of earth.

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I have a question about my workout

Can I train my neck with a kyphosis ?

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Wanna try it again faggot? Every single one of your nations has fallen.

There was only one attempt, the fire will rise again it's only natural.

At least our only nation isn't Somalia.

Only one? Get a load of this retard

Things must become worse to get better.

A /sig/ thread isn't complete without ancaps and Israelis shilling against every other post in the thread.

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The dogs will come back to bite you.

greetings kike

Sure sure, try it AGAIN, you'l surely destroy us this time

there is no us in ancap it's only you.

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>MGTOW psyop
>in /SIG/ thread

you dun goofed

youre back. we thought you were dead lol

how long did you nofap for?


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Honest opinion on Krav Maga?


Karate kyokushin?

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If you don't mediate at least 2 hours a day, you will never make it

Get behind me satan

he meant JEws

always go for muay thai
far more accessible


yes there is, except it's voluntary. also im just lib
well i didn't expect him to figure that out anyway

wait are you seriuosly implying sports teams are important and we are trying to destroy them. this is even cringier than i thought

one of the best on Jow Forums

No matter who you are, you can improve your life. Take control. Move forward. Dreams keeps us alive, fighting for them makes us feel alive.
Self Improvement information here pastebin.com/3Qv9B4r1

How is your Self Improvement going ?

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>wants to save the white race
neck yourself, we dont tolerate white nationalists here

Here's this nofap schema I made. I hope it will help someone!

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>is this SIG?

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If by sig you mean cringe yes

You'll hear about it if I die.

it might help to not sound like a complete fucking retard. who the fuck loses their motivation and ambition from jerking off how the fuck is it even related.better appearance? how does cumming make you look worse?
>All my ambition in life, everything i want to become, and my ery essnce as a man hinge heavily on my ability to stop cumming
imagine being this much of a weak willed retard
what the fuck does that graph even mean btw
>nsfw Jow Forums boards
Jow Forums is a red board retard
>eating too much
what the fuck?
what the fuck?
>tumblr notifications
someone needs to go back. that shouldn't be a problem for anyone on Jow Forums

Gib discord link

oops forgot
>sitting (for) too long
what the fuck?

fuck off discord cancer

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here comes le epic redpill dump guys

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>Stop eating sweets, softdrinks and fastfood.
>implying anything but tdee matters when it comes to losing or gaining weight
it's really not as complicated as you fat boys make it.

Don’t listen to the meme flag fag. Go taekwondo, it’s what I do.

>The ancap jew contributes nothing but counter-signal ''cringe XD'' posting

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Stopped drinking and smoking (2 months now). I am working on Nofap and i managed 2 weeks and still going. I have made so much progress over the past year. The secret is to do it kne step at a time otherwise the challenges will overwhelm you if you try to tackle them all at once.

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Jew Jitsu is just a women's self defense class.

Take Muay Thai and BJJ.

It's not just about weight. Nutrition matters as does the effect on insulin.

I fucking wanted this a while ago

thanks, saved.

I just finished smoking a cigg and I'm taking a tobacco shit right now. My gut is hiding my long penis. Help me guise.

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You are a lost 17 year old get out.

Why is my ID viagra?

Shills and others hate this specific thread so much because it is one of the only positive threads made on this board. They don't like to see us try to improve ourselves, for if we do become successful people, that would be going against the narrative that we are all neckbeards or something similar to that. We cannot let ourselves be filled with hate and politics all the time. When people see you, your success, your physical fitness and your right state of mind.. they will question how you have gotten to that point in your life. That is when you introduce them to your beliefs that which so many people define as "extreme" in mainstream society.

It is another possibility that specific people only seek to ruin these threads because they are too lazy to take charge of their own lives and seek out personal development.

Either way, my friends, simply ignore them and continue on with your day - with eating right, working out and focusing on success.

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He sits there seething at the idea of others from improving themselves. This right here guys is the Juden.

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I’ve missed sig.

I hope you guys are keeping daily journals. It’s incredibly important for reflection and serenity gains. It helps you step back and reflectively analyze your actions and how you spend your day. Let’s you know what you truly find to be important.

You should spend 5-15 minutes a day, right before bed, writing down a summary of your day and what you did wrong and what you did right.

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I cut down sleeping to 6 hours per night straight after no fap and I have a lot more energy in the mornings and got a gf too

>Be fat as fuck
>stopped eating sweets
>stopped drinking soda
>started eating balanced meals, increased protein intake
>biking 20 miles minimum per week
>legs are getting stronger
>upper body is as strong as a wet noodle
>can't even do a single pushup

plz halp /sig/

what if I take a nap instead? or do I need to be conscious while doing nothing productive?


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Post stats lads.

49 days

>weight loss
Down 30 pounds

Read about 2200 pages in the last 3 months

Have about $1000 in stocks and saved up $3500 liquid in my account for the first time ever

Gonna hear back about a job interview as software dev on Monday or Tuesday. I hoe to god that I get it

My garden is thriving and I pull tomatoes and green beans every single day for lunch

Have painted 3 oil paintings since the sig thread a few weeks ago where I rolled a 9 on the red roller.

Template follows, then cons.

>jews aren't white meme


>NoFap streak
>weight lost (or gained)
>pages read per week
>financial gains
>career gains
>hobby gains

I guess. Try isometric exercices (you squeeze but don't move)
Ask your doctor first

Start with incline pushups.

You're doing well with everything else, you can do this too.

>>can't even do a single pushup
On your knees cunt.

if you're fat start with a fat removal workout, such as pic related. then move onto other stuff.

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>ate like shit yesterday, pizza for lunch and fajitas for dinner. In my defense my family was visiting so it was an occasion

>can’t seem to wake up before 930am

>still no career job (hopefully I get a call soon)

>busy season for other job has hit and I have only two more shifts between now and mid-September

>still haven’t gone camping or fishing this summer which I really want to do

I've been in a bit of a funk lately. Mostly because after a month of getting girl numbers, none of them amounted to a bang or gf. I have taken a couple weeks off to reflect and sulk. But today I am going back to gym and will get back into it. I just need to modify my strategy after getting number.


If you aren’t Jewing those around you, then you aren’t a real ethnonationalist.

Here’s some stuff that I do:

>moonlighting gig, I fill out a spreadsheet after each shift that includes my name and the hours I worked, the date, and a comment.
>I ALWAYS comment that my white coworker did a great job and he’s a great employee. Dude is 100% normie but I still give him that.

>I also always point out anytime a non-white coworker was slacking or being a bad worker or doing something bad

I was assured by the office that they always read these too, and I’ve gotten several emails about how they spoke with the idiot to correct their behavior, or how they gave the white guys better gigs cuz of me. I’m sure that other people do this too.

>was in a student org at college, 90% white guys
>only give spare shifts to the white guys, even tho the black guys ask me more often

I never EVER eat at the local Isreali restaurant or any black restaurant. I only spend my money on restaurants owned by whites. Pretty easy to check this out too, takes like 10 seconds of googling

Sometimes I give wrong directions to Hispanic or black people, when they ask, which is already pretty uncommon.

>refuse to speak Spanish in the kitchen at any restaurant I work at. Even tho I’m pretty good at Spanish too. I refuse to, and I’ll make one of the other workers translate for me. I do not want them to feel welcome. I will not accommodate them.

>never have passed along a non-white’s resume for my daytime job.

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can you source your claims please
how the fuck did you reach that conclusion? are you... maybe... projecting?
not suer what there is to contribute
nah good for you my tomodachis but stop acting like a larping teenager i can't help but express how much cringe i feel

Yup, just keep trying. Try expanding the pool too. Join a Philanthropy group or a hiking group or something. Way easier to make friends with girls and meet potential gfs when you’re doing something together vs in a place where you would only be talking to her in an attempt to bang her.


who made this picture?

this is disturbing, it looks like a dream of mine


Yes I feel like they can sense I am just trying to bang. I need to make more if a personal connection when I approach them. Thanks for feed back. Joining groups might be an option. I've been just cold approaching chicks.

give up