I make le post

i make le post

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Other urls found in this thread:


le hotpocket dog would win

The delusional mind of anonymous.

>using emojis as filenames
where did we go wrong?

all of those are me


emoji are based

Attached: 1532398807566.jpg (1132x1093, 214K)

what It pruned my emoji

wait one second

Janny has the advantage because he can delete posts

that man is based holy moly

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wai errybody got a green id

oh, except the aussie, he brings down the curve.

what about you team creme

i have a noble light green id, as compared to your dirty mustard~

yes but the question is an argument
i chose these 6 for different reasons

1. portugal doctor speaks in very confusing ways
2. spain breaks rules and probably laws and actively pisses off the mods by evading bans
3. mrs normie can't type very well so it also comes across as confusing like doc
4. singapore just really likes chino
5. tunisia is a good poster and very well versed on "memes"
6. janitor has it out for tunisia and spain

i do not know what would become of it if everyone actively took part

well, what topic would they all argue over?

Jow Forums

thats a pretty broad topic, kind of like ur mum

you have a off white id
I have peanut butter id

Personally I wanna see ms normie try and write a ban appeal

also I can understand ms normie and doc pretty well

It would be a pretty funny conversation that's for sure though

mu meli chino (wawa suwi)

Everyone except mrs normie would win

holy fuck user u guys were serious?

What I miss?

I was one of the only ones that actually stuck with it but yeah. I basically only remember that sentence (mi meli chino wawa suwi) but still.

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no, urs looks more like what krauts add to their wurst, and mine is a lighter shade of green, showing it's noble ancestry.
for comparison, the op has a darker green, showing him to be of a lower class, and the kiwi has a lime green id, revealing him as a member of the illuminati.
the swissbro is obviously drunk as he is blue, as is our purple brit fren

well here u go m8

I still have it saved desu lole but thanks user

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you're completely wrong and I am totally right

I'm gonna say either tunisa or the janitor would take the logical victory. Rationality really isn't SSP's strongsuit. I'm not sure about doc and ms normie's true intelligence but I don't think they could get a point across at all just because of their illiteracy. Finally Singapore wouldn't be able to contribute anything to the discussion other than spam

ur hwhelcom3

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but from my perspective the jedi are evil

and from my perspective you are a urinal cake

from my perspective you are peeing on my cake

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its still yours when i'm done toots

I don't wanna eat it though

its your cake
no one asked what you had planned for it

I planned for you not to piss on it

*sips tea*

should have left it in a urinal General Dumbass
your planning sucks

i just win agains all bant with 2 treads + 2 posts.
and proved i was right.

I don't get ban i have one time rule bad and I have been ban one time and I had norime do it for me so they could understand it

see you next time space crowbar

was it accepted or denied


Why would I have a fight with them....dont know who the are and never talk with them.

maybe they think the tiger will beat the lion

it's using a template from a meme that gets ironically posted on /tv/ a lot
search "an argument between these 6 would be priceless" in google

it doesn't specifically have to be an angry argument about anything in particular but if you were all forced to interact with each other at the same time it'd be interesting since you all have different posting styles and focuses. if an outsider were to look in and see it they wouldn't know what was going on.

Then they would be 99% right in this.

I see what you mean but I don't see any ponit were we all would have a discussion about anything. And me not knowing them mean that I may be able too see you ponit and get were you comeing form but that as far as i can go. I just see me name in here and wanted too see what people was saying.

What a shity thread

Attached: Gender check.png (1709x823, 119K)

prove it

Then make a better one or don't bitch about it.

There are only 2 sexes

there are male and female and sometimes hermaphrodites but those are rarely formed properly so doctors make the baby one or the other

Jewish and Marrano LIES!
There are male, female and abortions / deformities of nature
