I'm going to be stuck in a fur con with a friend tomorrow, how do I survive this shit?

I'm going to be stuck in a fur con with a friend tomorrow, how do I survive this shit?

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Fuck some furry

Be a fennic. Everyone loves a fennic.

Bring your own fursuit to blend in or they'll rape you.

you probably won't survive

They act like animals right? Stay close to an alpha male, and they wont rape you.

Masturbate to Alice

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how'd you get 'stuck' going to fucking furcon?

>going to a furcon with a friend
>has a friend that's a furry
Do you understand what you did wrong here?

He didn't tell me until a week ago.

Then how did you get stuck into going to the con? Did he invite you and not tell you it was for furries until recently?

Fuck a girl and treat her like a dog

Exactly, he booked the shit before telling me.

I would suggest:
-Glock-19 (very concealable)
-Minigun (Only if you're good at heavy lifting)

Attached: merchant.jpg (200x300, 8K)

Do you value his friendship?


How in the hell does one become a friend with a furry?

When someone spills something on their fur suit tell them they can get it out with 2 parts ammonia 1 part bleach in 5 seconds then go down the street to the gas station and watch the show.

Tell 'em pissing on the spill, along with the bleach and ammonia, really helps speed up the cleaning process.

If you care then go. But if you don't, then tell him no

I'll do you one better. Tell them to mix the compounds in your mouth with urine as saliva and urine speed up the process.

Rubbing nitroglycerin into the spill can also help lift the stain more.

Alternatively you can use liquid mercury and salt to get it out.

That would work great!