Dismantle the porn industry...

dismantle the porn industry. A literal retard girl who has been hooked on drugs show she could be raped by niggers on camera, then had to be hospitalized for her ptsd after a shoot, because she was denied by those same niggers to bring her comfort animal which helps her with her ptsd. Normies will eat this shit up if we can get them the information

Hannah Hays has actual brain damage from a a car accident, and is being manipulated and taken advantage of by her agent, manager, and producers. It's one thing if a mentally sound person gets into porn, but to take advantage of someone with brain damage is next level evil.

Here is a video of her saying they wouldn't let her have her comfort animal with her at a shoot and she had to be hospitalized because of an anxiety attack.

youtube.com/watch?v=jlRe_YATJsY&t [Open] (embed)

youtu.be/UatdLeRyMxU [Open] (embed)

youtube.com/watch?v=8fx5hMwC6Zc&t [Open] (embed)

She is literally retarded and is being taken advantage of

Is there any way we can get this to Hannity or Tucker and use it to help shut down the (((people))) making this filth?

Save and archive any videos or tweets you can

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Other urls found in this thread:


don't use and memeflag, and maybe we'll get somewhere.

Gas the kikes.

Could this vid be uploaded to YouTube to go viral or would be censored?

>Hannah Hays - Georgia Peach, An American tale of feels and racial tension


Porn is for degenerates.

Burn the coal pay the toll.

enough with these shitty threads

Let's save Hanna
Save the white race!

waste of time. normies will never bite into this. all you're gonna do is draw more attention to blacked and other degenerate shit. furthermore she seems like another woman her age; aka not a special case. they're all sex-crazed retards.
let em rot i say.


She's a retard, retard.

Fuck this bitch. When she's on set she needs to be draining lizards not playing with them.


>actual brain damage from a car accident

This is not confirmed...while she was in a car accident, it's far more likely she's simply a product of the stereotypical SWTS and received a poor public education in the Georgian public school system

>she's being manipulated and taken advantage of by The Pornography Jew

She turns 20 next month, and started in that (((industry))) in the summer of last year, so she's legal, an adult, and accountable for her own decisions

Who are you calling a retard, Lithuanian cuck? Go fucking white knight your porn star somewhere else.

>its one thing if a mentally sound person gets into porn

there are no mentally sound people in the porn industry, save your energy and outrage for people that matter

Burn the coal, pay the toll

go figure a meme flag person is fooled by a manipulative porn bitch. she knows what she doing i clicked on her twitter and she has dudes buying her shit, probably morons like you that feel sorry for her, then she gets dicked down and gets some more money. you cannot save whores..

The toll for coal burning isn't to keep fucking niggers you retarded cucks.

I would but I need to fap ~4 times a day or I go crazy

You feeling things for her cause she's white faggot?

why doesn't some white guy business owner Jow Forumstard just take her aside and train her in some position and make something useful out of her

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Plenty more things to worry about than some brain damaged whore being taken advantage of.
The fact that our pedo mods don't delete these Hannah threads just shows its a trash topic.

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This, shes manipulating betas for gibs

Are you fucking stupid this girls whore mother sold her off to the kikes and to ths porn industry learn to balance your fucking arguments retard

Too be fair, ANY girl who does porn/has interracial relations should be considered retarded.

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you're just being manipulated by a woman who manipulates men for a living, also most porn stars escort on the side.. like really famous ones, not to mention this bucktoothed hillbilly

How many times do you plan on doing this exact same thread? We already arrived collectively at a conclusion that stories like hers are relatively rare in porn and that there's nothing wrong with Mistress T locking you in chastity.

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This is what kids should be doing instead of on phones looking at jewporn.

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God speed, user.

no one cares

how many Hanna Hayes threads do we need a day? you're not just promoting her, are you?

>lulling tards
Tards are suppose to have people responsible for them.

Fuck not this again. To hell with that coal burner. Nothing lost, nothing to save.

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I would never let a bitch lock my little peepee up. Not even mistress T. That shits cuck


stop being fooled by a cute face and the dumb dumb innocent act, any girl that goes far enough to appear in porn is very well versed in manipulation

I just jacked off to here fucking a nigger. Thanks for this thread OP, gonna Jack off again and tweet her how she inspired me just to spite you for being a LARPing faggot.

OP goes to the strip club and thinks the girls want to date him

You faggots don't realize that we are using her as an excuse to attack the Jews who rule the porn industry, do you?

Stop being white knights and start being nazis for once.

Lmao doesn't know how many boyfriends she had in highschool, says 4-5 guys (dozens) she fucked.

She was ALWAYS a total whore before the crash. Just kill her and be done with it. There was no manipulation here.

Every time I see this thread, I have an urge for Arby's. Maybe it's time to invest in their stock with all this free advertising they get.

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Who gives a wild fuck about some coalburning cretin's made-up slut shit?!

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can you please post the tweet where she's replying back to Jow Forums saying "to everyone who keeps saying i need help i don't need help you are the ones who need help because i don't need help you do"

I realize she is human garbage, and not worth saving.

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how am i being a white knight, by saying she is a manipulative whore that knows what she is doing.. trying to save her "from jews in the porn industry" is the very definition of being a white knight. you're a complete idiot devoid of any sort of social awareness.

I'm not here to debate, cunt. If you can't tell that this whole thing is a sham right of the bat, then there's no hope for you. But go ahead, keep promoting her. Keeping making her rich.

There were like 3 of these threads before I went hiking and now I come back and there's two.

This guy gets it.

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so she was in a minor car wreck.. and used it to get attention and sympathy.

Is that her? Jesus christ, that's a really bad one.


You are being a white knight because you assume this is about saving her. You can't fucking look at a picture of a girl without instantly thinking that you saving her is a possibility. You see yourself as a potential savior.

Stop doing that and see yourself as someone who can potentially remove Jewish control of society. Not for any women, but for your people and for yourself.


This is one of (((their))) threads, with a manipulative sob story about a retarded girl with a pet lizard who fucks niggers in order to pander to the cuck fetishes of this place, or drum up false flag sympathy.

It's all an act.

Where is that pic of her when she was like 11 or some shit. that's heartbreaking.

I would really like to sue the entire pornographic industry for crimes agains't humanity.

But honestly at this point the damage is done, yet all pornography producers should be exterminated.

who cares, quite frankly? the porn industry doesn't effect you unless your mother works in it

Yep it's really her.

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Fuck off you fucking disgusting beta male whiteknight.

Does she do anal? Asking for a friend.

>who cares about culture, lets just let the Jews control it, lol xDDD

Fuck off this board and never return, you fucking britcuck. See you at the next EU meeting since you are never fucking getting out.

Bo hoo, life is hard. If she doesn't have anyone who cared about her, apart from pornmakers, that's what she gets.


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(also 90% probability it's just another scum for some orbiter bux)

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Checks out. only homos could find that disgusting shit sexual

How much are your handlers paying you to write this bullshit?

This is a very serious issue and it could be the issue that blows the lid off the whole rotten box of degenerate shit that is the porn industry.
It's been suggested for a long time that it is manipulative and abusive of people but it has been defended by some pretty compelling arguments coming from porn stars themselves. Assaults on the porn industry have also been hindered in part by the inability of the feminist movement to form coherent arguments and secure genuine victory/post-victory conditions as evidenced by things like the me-too movements sudden collapse after a spectacular initial surge which all-but-conquered the West.

This case, which anyone can see on the internet, which everyone in the west has, is simply too immediately compelling to be ignored. This is a mentally retarded person who is specifically saying that her parents support her doing this because she "needs money to survive" etc, etc etc. The implications of this type of shit should be obvious. The complete lack of fucking morality of the people fucking her is also immediately exposed.

Would YOU fuck a girl with FUCKING BRAIN DAMAGE who is doing it because "she needs the money" ????
Would you, hand on heart, be able to look yourself in the mirror and say "yeah, I'm fine with fucking a mentally retarded person who is going to allow herself to be sexually humiliated for the entertainment of sickos because she doesn't know of any other way to make money" ????????

Nobody, left nor right, can say that this is "ok".

The only reason people in this thread even care is because she's cute

i don't care about this bitch.. go give some slut money you doofus. you must have trouble understanding english: i don't care about this bitch, she knows exactly what she is doing, and she isn't going to "take down porn" .

If she was lying on your couch just like that, you know you'd hit it.

Into the oven with this coal burning whore

>This guy gets it.
The only thing he will "get" is a few dollars into his account from the Clinton foundation for supporting the sexual abuse/humiliation of the mentally disabled and little children.

Lol what a faggot pussy chaser. You probably donate to all the alt right thots too.



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Can confirm she burned the coal.

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yep. he is the type of guy who gives some manipulative slut like this 5k thinking he is going to get laid.

there will always be porn, jews or not, people have an appetite for it

you can't stop it and even if you could there is no reason for you to do so, if dumb sluts want to ruin their life, let them

>implying that National Socialism isn't actually the ultimate White Knightism

At its foundations, the NS are all about being Knights in shining armour protecting their societies from wicked people.

people on here think she has brain damage for real , that's what is so funny about this, she is just manipulating people.

I just watched an interview with her and she legitimately is either brain damaged or slow.

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Aww, babbys first white knighting. Protip: she won't fuck you, and she's a literal whore

I know right. Did her pussy take the brunt of that car accident because that shit is wrecked

You must have the same IQ as her. No man in their right mind would want to have anything to do with this nigger fucking whore. She is a waste of oxygen and deserves everything she gets.

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>then she turns around and asks for your credit car number

Fun fact. The car accident that gave her brain damage made her smarter. Women are retarded by default so her getting brain damage increased her IQ

>Did her pussy take the brunt of that car accident because that shit is wrecked

>being this naive

>She turns 20 next month, and started in that (((industry))) in the summer of last year, so she's legal, an adult, and accountable for her own decisions
Heaven forbid anyone especially a woman, or black be responsible for their own actions. It seems everything is someone elses fault for why they are screwed up. The victimology industry.

yeah that's the mistake dumbasses always make with whores. thinking they're stupid and not manipulative.

There's literal pedophilia to research and expose, along with countless other more important shit like the JQ, which is related to this but is oddly absent from most "info dumps" I see people posting. nothing is going to happen with this

Even if she's brain damaged, so what? Maybe she likes the BBC, maybe she doesn't want to work and likes the easy money from getting railed by niggers. Just because she had an accident once doesn't mean she's isn't accountable for her actions. She can just stop doing porn, I don't know what's up with the fucking incel cucks defending this coal burning whore.

>Not taking the chance to hurt (((them))) and their lil pet because it's a whore

Fuck the coal burner this is a prestige chance fucking nu-pol

>thinking they're stupid and not manipulative.
often they are both, but beta males become even more stupid when they are thirsty

Fuck off Boomer. No one with a three digit IQ even thinks pedophilia is an issue, it's solution in fact.

>Hannah Hays has actual brain damage from a a car accident

Tell you what Greek boy, you send her a ticket to come to your house so you can take care of her for the rest of her life. I understand she really likes greek.

Stop white Knighting this coal burner. You post these threads daily. No one fucking cares.

Looks like the kikes are getting worried these threads lasted more than a day. Lot's of vitriol now trying to SHUT IT DOWN.

>or would be censored?

No wonder you feel for the that retard bimbo

>Would YOU fuck a girl with FUCKING BRAIN DAMAGE who is doing it because "she needs the money" ????
Uhh, yeah.
Stupid white knight cuck defending a coalburning whore