Multi-linguals, insult me in another language

Multi-linguals, insult me in another language.
Make me cry like a little bitch.

Attached: gallons.jpg (480x480, 29K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Eres una bellisima persona y te deseo lo mejor en la vida OP

Frocio di merda mangia-pizza del cazzo piantala di mangiare pizza con quel cazzo di ananas

Attached: 81648932483245.jpg (1280x704, 112K)

Jij bent een lieverd en als je nu voor me stond zou ik je een dikke knuffel geven

>stop eating pizza with that pineapple cock
I knew I should have taped over the webcam.

Attached: cryingfaggot.jpg (380x351, 58K)

Ayo cap dis white ass cracka.

Shitty pizza-eater faggot of my dick stop eating pizza with fucking pineapple on it

Google traslate is shit lad, stop using it

I can't stop. I'm too big a shit-eating fuckface. Insult me more.

Is this your fetish

Attached: Без названия (1).png (250x202, 7K)


Attached: 59767FFC26DC4AEB875ED9017C2E8E66.png (452x391, 18K)

nice id

Attached: 1527974357075.png (320x383, 68K)

I almost cringed too lad

gaja azeno nigger

.أَعْتَبِرُكَ رَفِيْقَاً و لَذَلِكَ لَنْ أُهِيْنَكَ

Du er jo så ækel at jeg, uden så meget som at lægge et oje på dig, indså at du er det mest usle menneske i verden. Forbandede Amerikaner.

Crisse de OP dmarde qui vie à gaypleton. Tu pourrais pas faire autre chose dans ton esti de vie de newfag que de poster des repost.

Tenho certeza que tu é uma boa pessoa lá dentro, te amo OP.

Je bent een pannekoek >:[

Oh yeah, that's the stuff!

Attached: stop-your-kid-from-crying.png (369x300, 211K)

Don't Google translate/ mine, it would destroy the Québec sacre

Vedä vittu päähäs ja pakene vuorille, saatanan selkärangaton nilkki!

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OP on omasooihar poiss kes tuleks viivitamatult hukata

Do you love Black Metal too?

Ублюдoк, мaть твoю, a нy иди cюдa гoвнo coбaчьe, peшил кo мнe лeзть? Tы, зacpaнeц вoнючий, мaть твoю, a? Hy иди cюдa, пoпpoбyй мeня тpaхнyть, я тeбя caм тpaхнy yблюдoк, oнaниcт чepтoв, бyдь ты пpoклят, иди идиoт, тpaхaть тeбя и вcю ceмью, гoвнo coбaчьe, жлoб вoнючий, дepьмo, cyкa, пaдлa, иди cюдa, мepзaвeц, нeгoдяй, гaд, иди cюдa ты - гoвнo, ЖOПA!

Attached: 0.jpg (480x360, 11K)

Typical russian tradiotional song(death, cuckolding, despair):

Typical ukranian tradition song(fun, girls, love):

Typical belorussian tradition song(fun, girls, love):

Russians, what wrong with you? Why do you sing only about war, death and cuckolding?

Attached: scrin119968.jpg (880x781, 76K)


I'm from Ukraine, sorry. Cuckolding isn't my national tradiotion, so go and fuck yourself with your chechen master.

My language is too shitty, maybe next time user.

btw you are the only one talking bout war , sissy

eres una idiota porque estás usanda este sitio web

Sorry, but I have war behind my window. Thanks to one liliputin dictator on the top of half-islamic asian horde of russians.

No eres blanco, eres más feo e hijoputa que un mojón en el quinto coño de Extremadura

I can understand most of this, but what does mojón mean?


Y la diferencia entre mierda y mojón cual és?

None, mojón is like shit but more filthy, a village expression

vai se foder, OP é preto e corno.

kepecu pederski, ubij se!