Why you shouldn't believe in (((dark matter)))

Dark matter is fucking bullshit.
Don't believe me? Ask yourself this then. What phenomena could we observe in the universe that would disprove dark matter? A galaxy that doesn't appear to have any extra dark matter in it maybe? Wrong, that actually (((proves))) dark matter.
> nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2018/dark-matter-goes-missing-in-oddball-galaxy
How about just failing to detect dark matter particles at all? Wrong, again, that just (((proves))) dark matter is something else.
> livescience.com/63201-no-wimps-pandax-dark-matter.html
So why would physicists do this?
Simple. If something like MOND is correct (I'm not defending MOND, it has problems), then that means that the solution to this problem is someone needs to come up with a theory that explains our observations. It means that a brilliant physicist needs to devote years of study and experimentation to finding a theory that fits with our numbers.
If dark matter is correct, then we need a mind-bogglingly expensive detector to get the faintest whisper of dark matter particles.
Now ask yourself this. Of those 2 approaches, which one gets you a small army of interns, millions of dollars in grant money, and an expensive office near the gigantic detector? Which ones means toiling thanklessly in your small office working on theory after theory that doesn't quite satisfy the constraints of our observations?
Yeah, now you know why dark matter is bullshit.

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if MOND has problems then there is no perfect theory right? why wouldnt we need more observations? you would rather that money went to feeding more niggers then?

The earth is flat you goddamn retard

Dark matter is what’s used to account for the extra gravitational push galaxies seem to get in order to form.

It’s also the term coined for the stuff that bends light around it and causes a lensing effect when trying to observe distant galaxies, because we are surrounded by dark matter on a galactic scale.

Is it the masses of dark planets/stars that have gone cold after billions of years and getting flung out of their original systems? Is it a cloud of exotic non-baryonic particles? We don’t know. But we see its effects while using the tools and science that we have today.

Scientists are always making shit up to make their equations work out. This is not the first time nor will it be the last. They are too invested to question their fundamental premises, so the fact that they are wrong must be because of magic invisible asteroids. Confirmation bias is endemic in modern science.

Inconsistencies in Mercury's orbit were detected in 1843, and relativity did not solve the issues with its orbit until 1915. That's 72 years! What we need is a better theory than MOND. I'm not my generation's Einstein so I'm not smart enough to solve it, but I am smart enough to acknowledge my own ignorance.

Bring the Deutsche Physik movement back please

so you think because obviously the solution exists, that we should have found it now like this is a video game and you just progress every certain amount of time? at least you admit you are too stupid to comprehend whats even happening. luckily your opinion will not impact the scientists who do the work

No, that's not what I'm saying at all.
It is entirely possible that we will NEVER solve this inconsistency.
What I am saying is that there is a lot of money in studying dark matter, and there is almost no money in studying theories like MOND.

so we should oppose building a dark matter detected because you think its a waste? you just admitted before you are too stupid to understand dark matter so why would your opinion matter? you should have pretended to be an authority on the subject if your goal was to manipulate us into following your opinion. maybe start a fund for whoever solves MOND then? oh so you want to control where money goes for a dark matter detector, but cant fund MOND research? once again you have no idea what you are talking about. you probably are just copying the opinion of some youtuber and dont know why you feel this way at all. are you jealous that you believe some scientists is sitting in an office laughing at how your taxes is being stolen by them?

> so we should oppose building a dark matter detected because you think its a waste
Yeah when it’s my fucking tax dollars I do.
Tell me, how does Prof. Schlomos circumsized cock taste?

earth is flat, gravity is fake, bing bang is a hoax and god exists. amen and good night.

don't believe it? look up the jesuits inventing the globe earth model. good luck!

>Tell me, how does Prof. Schlomos circumsized cock taste?
and now you wrongly believe im somehow involved in this dark matter conspiracy you made up. like they are scouring the depths of Jow Forums waiting for someone to say dark matter is bullshit, where i come in to set the record straight. im just opposing you because i can tell you are a huge faggot. you speak like a manipulator anyway, like if we dont believe you we are a shill instead of you trying to prove something to us. you even just called me a shill. im closing this thread since you are being paid to reply to me

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> pic related is you

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Why is there any darkness? Light is the fastest thing in the Universe and there are stars everywhere but we're supposed to believe it's "dark", sounds like bullshit to me

Preaching to the choir. Everybody already knows that the eletrical universe theory is the correct unkiked view of physics, gramps.

Dark matter is a swidget for a bunch of famous wise men who refuse to admit that they're fucking wrong about everything they've claimed to be right about for the past fucking century.


fucking. thank. you.

Science is the TRUE ONE WORLD RELIGION THE BIBLE WARNED ABOUT IN REVELATIONS, think I'm wrong? Try to refute a known scientific fact to ANY elementary educated imbecile.

go shill somewhere else paid jew fag

Electric/plasma universe theory is the only one that makes sense

The worst part is that science as a methodology or tool is actually fairly good at explaining things. (((Science))) is a fucking religion that doesn’t tolerate any dissent.

The whole experiment is a waste of time. They will never be able to observe whats really happening based on the same principle of the double slit experiment. Simply observing these particle collision experiments causes quantum superposition to break down so you cant see whats really going on. This whole branch of science is a dead end.

The holy trinity has spoken and his word is the truth


Dark matter is a pretty poor theory. However if you want to replace it you need to come up with something better, which is not easy (understatement of the century).

MOND has serious problems.

I agree. But I think the answer “nobody knows what’s going on” is a perfectly fine one. But you don’t see that at all. If you criticize dark matter theory you get ridiculed.
> xkcd.com/1758/
PS I hope Randall’s wife dies of cancer soon
Even though every theory of dark matter keeps getting proven wrong. Go ask an astrophysicist about MACHOs and see what they say. Dark matter gets a pass every time it fails to be observed, but the inadequacies of MOND will get drummed out and ridiculed every time someone questions the foundations of dark matter theory. (((Science))) is a fucking cult.

absolutely this

what about the electric universe theory ?

>Dark matter is a pretty poor theory.
It's not a theory. It's an observation. It's a label. There was a mismatch between theoretical and observed galactic rotations, and it needed to be called something, so they called it Dark Matter. Was it MACHOs (massive compact halo objects)? WIMPs (weakly interacting massive particles)? Was it relativistic frame dragging? Was it evidence that Einstein's gravitation needed more tweaking? All of these are lumped under the Dark Matter quandry. It's just a label for a current mystery in science.

Gravity is the result of matter interacting as spontaneously induced dipoles.

Electrons are kept in orbit around the atomic nucleus through EM attraction between the net negative election and the net positive core, balanced by the repelling induced dipole resulting from the current of the electron approaching the nucleus.

Cosmological constant is just spontaneously induced dipoles in different galaxies which are not yet "in synch" with each other. As time goes on, they will synchronize and the universe will start to contract.

>It's an observation
It's literally the opposite of an observation.

Are you guys now just looking for new things to deny? Vaccines, global warming, evolution and globe shaped earth not enough?

No, it literally isn't.

>peka needs to confront the uncomfortable truth that our entire world perspective is kiked beyond imagination
flat earthers glow in the dark or are just (You) baiting though, they're not our niggers and if I were a mod I would range ban them for 6 gorillion days for low quality content

This is exactly what I’m talking about. Something we have not observed beyond the discrepancies in our observation is now something that must be “denied”. You can’t be skeptical of any claims, you are a denier and a heretic if you question the claims of all mighty (((science)))

"a remark, statement, or comment based on something one has seen, heard, or noticed."

>see that gravity doesn't work the way we expect based on known masses of things
>make remark: perhaps it is dark matter!

It's an observation.

OP same could be said of black holes. They talk about them as though they were real, and still not theoretical.

the minute you see them start saying that 99% of the universe is unmeasured, unobserved substance, you know something is fucked up with their theories

most likely the current theories for how gravity works are totally wrong

>Climate Change isn't real!
>Global Warming isn't real!
>Moon landings were fake!
>Earth is flat!
>Dark Matter isn't real!

Jesus fucking Christ what's next on Jow Forumss crazy list?

it's more legit in my book, yet still cucked. they follow the globe model. what if space is a lie and the sun a tiny spot, not far away?
the lie is bigger than any man can imagine. at least, ordinary men.

We have observed the emissions of black holes though.

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dark matter is just missing gravity we dont get in our calculations of matter in space we dont know anything we literally just know based on calculations there should be more matter out there for gravity on the large scale to behave as it does.
The cunt that named or popularize the name "dark matter" truly was shit at naming or retarded


if you take the creation in genesis literal, then you begin to suspect we live in world deceived by satanic powers. more and more things will come true of the apocalypse and we will know. nothing will be hidden from those with eyes to see and ears to hear, only the cucked masses will follow the devil to their grave, that much is certain. it will be father against son, mother against daughter. the end will purify all things.

yes mate, this is what they're saying

it's the only way they can explain galaxy rotation. The "dark matter" has to be positioned in a large disk surrounding the galaxy in order to make the equations work.

No, they literally have candidates for dark matter like MACHOS, WIMPs, and SIMPs. It’s not a tongue in cheek name. They are actually looking for invisible matter (with your tax dollars of course).

>We have observed the emissions of black holes though.

Or some phenomena beyond their comprehension they fashioned into the theory of a blackhole.

Newtonian gravity is only constructed from empirical observation of the mid field of gravity (r^-2 term). Einstein corrected this with the addition of a near field r^-3 term to account for Mercury's orbit, since Mercury is in the near field of the Sun.

GR is merely an empirical theory just like Newton's and everyone else's, it is still missing the far field (radiating) term of gravity. This could possibly be calculated from discrepancies in rotations of galaxies, but that is just speculation from my side, I haven't tried.

Scientists have literally seen a star orbit behind a black hole and vanish, only to reappear again on the other side.

Where did that light go, I wonder? Hmmm.

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>they fashioned into the theory of a blackhole.
To be fair, the didn't fashion the theory -into- the blackhole. The theory of gravitational black holes predicted polar jets. And then when observing likely black hole candidates, these jets were observed, lending more evidence to their existence.

it's not empirical, it's entirely theoretical. It's a construction based on some loose elements of reasoning, and a huge mathematical artifice constructed from it.

There aren't all that many empirical observations confirming GR to anything beyond the first degree.

But instead of leaving this theory as an open question, people take it as gospel and instead prefer to imagine that 99% of the universe is dark matter, in order to make their flawed equations match

the truth is that smart people can be really fucking stupid, groupthink is at play

food for thought, mandatory ice

>its the gnazis hurrdurr
no you shart, it's the nephilim, and you top brass is their slaves.

>Newtonian gravity
>it's not empirical, it's entirely theoretical.

as always, the retarded mutts mix all kinds of shit together to create an absolute clusterfuck so no one can get a straight guess anymore, they really are the world's desinformation specialists.

kerry met the reptiles, because they summoned him, the son's of the devil are not happy with the current puppets. same shit with juncker, blubbering about "aliens watching us from afar"

they are their slaves. this is all you need to know, and god will literally kick their collective asses when junior toches down to clean house. it's really easy if you avoid the blubber really. so get comfy all of you because we are at go time

GR is highly empirically verifiable to be more accurate than Newtonian gravity. Do you even have a degree in physics?

Thing is, GR can't explain dark matter (and dark energy). A very simple correction, which should be the first to come to mind, is that gravity is stronger than GR says. But how come we don't notice it? The first guess would be a very weak far field (r^-1) term which only comes into relevance on galaxy scale.

Still, all the above would be empirical (guesswork based on what agrees with reality), it doesn't explain gravity itself.

Agree on the last part though, a lot of science is too much groupthink.

>GR can't explain dark matter (and dark energy)
dark energy/dark matter are just random elements thrown into the mix to make the numbers match. It's literally the mysterious "ether", some mysterious, ever-present force that we can't measure or explain, that does nothing except make my equations match observations. It's obvious bullshit

also, any r^-1 term would blow up at infinity. And any r^-(odd) term would not conserve energy

Well considering there should be 85% more mass in the observable universe with the amount of observed gravity....

If u want some dark matter just look here in the states we have too much of it

Isn't dark energy simply vacuum energy due to quantum fluctuations/zero-point energy, and since as space expanding means more vacuum, that means more energy to drive spatial expansion ?

earth is flat. space is fake.

It's hydrinos

> science is bad because it's gained worldwide acceptance and convinced more people than my belief system!

You just sound jealous, nigger.

While you brought up the case of Mercury and how new gravitational theories were needed to explain its orbit, consider the similar case of Uranus. It too had an orbit that didn't match Newtonian predictions, leading astronomers to theorize a "dark planet" that was altering its orbit. Said "dark planet" was discovered 25 years later; we call it Neptune.

Both modified gravity theories and dark matter should be given serious consideration, but so far the dark matter theories make more sense. For example, there is the bullet cluster, where the observed matter doesn't match the gravitational lensing going on. Or that galaxy you mention that doesn't seem to have dark matter - ask yourself what makes more sense, gravity behaving differently in one galaxy than all the others, or one galaxy not have as much of a particular kind of matter? There are a number of other observations that make far more sense with dark matter than a modified gravity theory.

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Correct, dark energy and dark matter is the discrepancy between GR and reality.

Modifying GR to take into account these would be like modifying Newtonian gravity to take into account Mercury's orbit, which was empirically what GR was designed to predict better than Newtonian gravity.

You are correct in noting that I mentioned radiation above. However the complaint about infinity is nonsensical.

>science is good because worldwide niggers and jews love it!

yes they have canidates of what it could be but thats literally saying the thing we cant even detect see or do anything with could be a,b,c or whatever. Fact is by our calculations gravity is missing on the large scale that is literally all we KNOW yeah you can give a missing number a fancy name and yeah you can postulate what it is lol. But all we know is that our calculation of gravity doesnt work on big scale it could be a error in the theory it could be a math issue it could be whatever.

> so far the dark matter theories make more sense.
Why? MACHOS were proven to be the wrong answer, why should I give WIMPs or SIMPs serious consideration?

> thinks his Jewdeo-Christian slavery doesn't make him a kike proxy puppet.

I am a laffin.

You have to explain in one way or another the emptyness between stars. You can say in your smarty pants that in Earth between me and you is air with oxygen etc. But in space what the is the purpose of distance? Gravity? That's just a theory. Time? Theory.

It is only natural Dark matter is a theory. In your cool ass merican documentary is all nice but in reality that shit is a science fiction theory. More like pseudoscience. A principal to build foundation on it. Once they'll realize it's wrong they are going to turn back and research further.

Imo dark matter is just a side effect of vacuum energy, no exotic nor undetected particles mental gymnastics

The Niggs Boson

The absolute truth of the matter is that dark matter is a result of lack of understanding and overconfidence in the understanding that is had. the basis of the belief in dark matter is that there is a red shift in light from stars observed, and this red shift is larger the further away the source of light is. The assumption is that this means that those stars are moving away from us, and the farther away they are the faster they are moving away.

The problem with this assumption is that dark matter, and dark energy, as theorized don't actually result in an increased velocity of those stars, they result in the creation of new space between those stars and us. If new space is being created it would not accelerate said stars, or the light from them.

No one seems to want to take into account the vast distances this light travels and the unknowns within that distance. Could travel near or around stars and a gravitational slingshot result in red shift? or even the gravitation around non-star objects multiplied by distances of millions and billions of light years? could interaction with unknown intergalactic phenomenon result in redshift, particularly given the distances this light travels. given that we use gravitational lenses to visualize those objects that are most distant could the effect of the lensing itself result in red shift.

Could the measurement of distances be wrong given that measurements are made on the assumption that all supernovae have the same intensity?

I think dark matter is the creation of physicists that are too afraid to say I don't know, and other physicists that are too dumb to assess the problem themselves latching on to the theories of those they respect.

You are talking about dark energy not dark matter

>vacuum energy


the two are related.

>This thread.
>t. brainlets arguing about how their simulation is run

nigga we can't have a legit theory aboud dark matter and you are going off rails with dark energy.

Not only that but we still haven't made plasma.

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Err, GR can handle gravity radiation - that's what gravitational waves are.

dark energy != dark matter.

"Dark matter" is just a tag we put on this because we don't fully understand it. Just like how people wondered how the seasons worked they labeled it as "the gods" we see this phenomenon and label it with "dark matter". This is why one day when we understand it it will probably no longer be called "dark matter".

Gravity is always an attractive force.
The electric force can attract or repel based on the charge of a particle. If there was an ambient electric field over out galaxy then opposite charges would accelerate in opposite directions when sitting in a vacuum. Plus you could shield the field with a faraday cage etc..

>Dark matter is what’s used to account for the extra gravitational push galaxies seem to get in order to form.
so literally, scientists went "hmm our equations aren't adding up, so instead of thinking maybe their methodology or figures were wrong, they called the missing figure "dark matter" and moved on.
modern physics is a scam

The difference between dark matter and dark energy -
dark matter is the mysterious stuff made up to explain the observed galaxy rotation anomaly.

Dark energy is the energy hypothesied to provide the repulsive 'force' that drives the expansion of the universe.

No they are not

It's pretty obvious that what we're calling dark matter is just a phenomenon we don't understand yet.

There isn't actually any dark matter. It's something else that is having the effect of looking like additional mass in the universe.

The fuck are you talking about.
and yes, we have created plasma, how the fuck do you think we know about it?

Can't wait to see the Dark Matter experience go down instead of up...

Janus model is better

Not only that, but they proposed a form of dark matter which was proven to be completely wrong. Now they have new forms of dark matter they propose and you should totally believe in these ones. Now that’s another million shekels for this particle detector goyim.

yes they are.

>they can't into quantized inertia

t. retard
They are not.

Great intellectual debate guys, keep it up!

Here's another retard. Show proof they are related, cmon

Oops I mean this guy:

You act as if scientists aren't actively trying to find other mathematical formulations that better describe gravity. Dark matter is literally the best we have currently. Physicists aren't a bunch of jews gathering in a room trying to plot the next great hoax, we just go with whatever works best until something else comes along that works better.

I didn't say they are (closely) related. See my explanation above.

It’s not an observation because we have never observed it.

It is a theory because it began as a hypothesis and evidence to support the claim was gathered, and no one has yet to disprove it. It’s literally the only workable explanation we have.

It's good at explaining SOME things. When things are very old, very large, or very small it starts to show some weaknesses, and just being skeptical of the conventional wisdom will get you labeled a science denier. Science zealots are no different than practioners of any other religion.

gotta serve someone. who do you serve?