They are coming

they are coming
pick your warriors

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They can come, but i'll be waiting

Attached: 7AA5F00E-A75A-4656-8342-1A8F47868200-11588-00000C85F2B59CB8.jpg (1372x1952, 248K)

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>implying they're not here already

Attached: 20150203-145558-Axillius-id606641.jpg (526x710, 70K)

Attached: deadend.jpg (750x733, 96K)

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My candidate

Attached: 1533378560110.png (497x490, 278K)

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Attached: full.png (978x902, 61K)

Only the finest for me, thank you.

Attached: my pee pee hard.png (749x723, 451K)

the only thing they will know is fear

Attached: IMG_20180414_172209_735.jpg (469x452, 29K)

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the nicest guy around

Attached: tumblr_p6qpiqyu721v2n1mro1_1280.jpg (991x1199, 109K)

(((theyl))) never take my alimony alive

Attached: DWq6KoCVwAA1yO_.jpg (414x612, 26K)

We need more strength!

Attached: 6e99db16-1974-4ec4-9829-9ddd561fe801.jpg (640x632, 60K)

He will toot on your mom and your grave

Attached: IMG_20180820_233434.jpg (144x133, 11K)

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only my finest men

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I've selected my party members bring the hordes on OP.

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I need a name, so I can look for ero doujins of him.

Attached: post.png (1920x1080, 1.43M)

My warrior will fuck them all in the ass

Attached: ORJGKAT.jpg (1754x2480, 639K)

kot id for win

Attached: kot id is bat.jpg (556x418, 31K)

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Attached: k4kglggfuzgz.jpg (1500x1125, 282K)

Attached: 1977 Ford Pinto Cruising Wagon.jpg (800x478, 104K)

Ave, true to Caesar!

Attached: Caears Legion war tactics 1532014003980.jpg (720x708, 70K)

reinforcements have arrived

Attached: 5b40cf91e2a63afd9d5089594b711df4.jpg (746x487, 78K)

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Attached: gay frogs.png (500x512, 145K)

my contestants are ready

Attached: get shot.png (1050x1058, 478K)

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God that is some shitfucked design.


Attached: alex jones gay frogs 1533775742756.png (1280x1137, 927K)

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im a bard

Attached: 1534554706290.jpg (354x286, 15K)

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i trust him

Attached: scuttle boy.jpg (1024x1024, 138K)

Goth boi will teach these fools the meaning of pain

Attached: 1510898276586.jpg (736x730, 253K)

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Attached: snek boi.jpg (250x200, 6K)

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