I see, so this is Jow Forums...
I see, so this is Jow Forums
wait, come back.
yes how do you like it
(rare trips checked)
pls, it isnt as gay as it looks. Those are invading /lgbt/ fags and discordfags.
I'm not sure I want to.
It has a lot of anime, and quite a bit of frog spam. I'm not fond of such threads.
I don't know, the archive sites show that this is normal.
leave before it's too late, user
>I don't know, the archive sites show that this is normal
replying to your thead today :)
Stay out m8 this group is straight up abusive.
Where did you come?
At least stay around long enough to meet SSP
What's SSP?
He's a pretty based spanish user, who is hated and feared by the janitors.
sick spanish pedo. his art is kinda cool. his pedo ways aren't.
fake kobe is the best namefag
lurk more
die in a fire for spoonfeeding
>muh secret club
r/banter is a slow board infested with pooftahs. The majority of you "oldfags" of this 1 year old board can eat a dick.
nice digits
ok? then gtfo ya homo! anime is awesome
have a piece of Borche
Can I eat a dick