Which is worse:

Which is worse:

A) homosexuality
B) Incest?

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They are both legal in France sssooooo.....

Not gonna lie: both at the same time is pretty bad.

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daily reminder OP is a pedophile jewish kike shill

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I love Kirino!

Homos. The massive amount of disease they spread affects everyone.

fuck off OP is a rurifag for life

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Obviously A you tard because you can create life from incest.

Homosexuality by far. At least incest was ok in the bible until it started causing genetic deficiencies. Faggots were the original abominations.

why not both?

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fags at least won't procreate

Incest is best. What kind of man wouldn't fick his own daughters? Only reason any man doesn't is because of the law. If it wasn't for the law every man would be getting sucked off by his toddler daughters.


>fags at least won't procreate
There's something called surrogate mothers and sperm donation. Dumbass fag.

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Depends, if it's just first generation incest and then it stops, it's not that bad and has a low chance of negative effects. But if we're talking about multi-generation incest it's pretty fucking bad.

Basically, it should not be promoted but considering we accept procreation of individuals that has a higher risk it would be hypocritical to not allow incest. I rather have 1 instance of incest than race-mixing because you know with a 100% certainty that the race-mixing will have detrimental effects. Different effects perhaps, but bad nonetheless.

About homosexuality, I accept it as long as we don't promote it. If possible, we should strive for a cure.

Which is worse? At this point homosexuality due to the insane promotion in media and liberals.

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Still better than being raised by a single parent or fractured family.

I want to fuck my anime sister. And anime daughter.

Hell, where is my father/daughter incest anime?

incest unless she's hot


>Homosexuality unless she's hot

Homosex . God destroyed soddom and saved Lot , and then Lot had sex with his daughters

Stupid cat got BTFO. her sisters are way cuter


I like watching my sister's have lesbian while I do them. I wish they were traps.

Homosexually, they always form LGBT groups to push for more degenerate agendas.

There's plenty of weird father-figure/daughter anime like Usagi Drop and Papakiki but I dont know any real father/daughter shows.
Father/daughter is the only good incest pairing.
Fuck yeah, 5hey are. Nice little lolis

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deformed abominations

C) Infection

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extremely rare sisterfucker

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Gay Incest is worstcest.

You can get deformed abominations from 100th cousins too you moron.
>What is zika


Incest is quintessential huwite culture.

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I don't have a sister and mother is dead.
>extremely rare
You don't have to go far to find someone in your ancestry that was incestuous. It's basic mathematics, which of course is hard for a neet like you to understand. It's part of you. How do you feel?


Literally only a problem that semites and other forms of mud people have, Moshe.

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Only because we've lost our way. Most of European history was filled with wincest back in the day.

i was referring to what you posted being extremely rare

learn to Jow Forums newfag

>tfw you will never breed your underage teenage sister
Why even live?

Both faggot.

Even siblings it's very unlikely to have deformations as long as it's not done for several generations.

an incestuous faggot

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Daily reminder incestual lesbians are the fucking hottest. Twin incestual lesbians is literally patrician tier.

Homosexuality in every case. Especially homos if your sister is hot.

incest, homosexuality brings nothing into this world, incest brings doomed broken offspring

>Disease is nothing

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Incest because it results in extremely destructive mutations.
At least the bad results of faggotry don't continue for generations ruining many other people's lives.

that's a wonderful point I wasn't considering

at least with homosexuality you don't create inbred babies

Both combined

Incest keeps the bloodline pure.

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I imagine kuroneko's feet, after a long day of being a cat, must be absolutely disgusting from marinating in sweat, grease and bacteria. When she removes her shoes at the end of the day, she probably gets flustered at just how smelly and toxic her bare feet are; her own body betraying all standards of decency by producing an unbelievably lewd and slimy, biohazardous zone of filth within her own footwear. Shoes designed to look pretty and appealing, now soiled and turned into unusable, smelly, ruined trash by her own festering feet. It's almost amazing how an odor so potent and foul can come from a girl so cute. What a contrast!

The contrast would be captivating. On one side, you've got her beautiful, pale, shapely, happy feet. They're works of art, and can arouse anyone with their perfection. On the other hand, you've got endless of amounts of potent stink to contend with! Imagine seeing the Kuroneko dip her toes in the ocean and turning it into a bubbling, stinky green mess with her odor and killing all the fish!

Kuroneko's big, pale, smelly feet!

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Incest, it makes stupid shit like islam, homos are just gross and annoying but they're harmless if you don't let them alone around kids or get their blood on you

keep the degeneracy to a minimum please...

pshh. footfags...

Alex Jones' sexual preference

You love kuroneko's smelly pale feet in your face. Don't lie. You want their odor to seep into your lungs and melt them!

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I change my mind

c) foot fags

Why does everyone bully the feetish? Nobody likes neko's soft feet!

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all parts of her are fine. your fixation on the feet is a freudian issue where they symbolize her genatalia

Who has more smelly feet, her or anchovy?

>Usagi Drop
Poor guy, do you even know?

That is a difficult question! It's important to take into account the ethnic backgrounds of the two girls! The anchovy is italian so her feet mostly stink strongly of rotten pizza or basil, while the kuroneko is a cat so her feet don't really have a specific stink! Not to mention anchovy's foot stink was used to gas abyssinians in the 1930s! Making anchovy wear boots in the summer is illegal since it turns her feet into smelly biohazards!

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You should be a LN writer. I'd buy your smelly feet novels!

y-you actually like my feet posts?

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If you awe wooking fow wansom, I can teww you I don't have monyey. But what I do have awe a vewy pawticuwaw set of skiwws, skiwws I have acquiwed uvw a vewy wong caweew. Skiwws that make me a nyightmawe fow peopwe wike you. If you wet my bwothew go nyow, that'ww be the end of it.

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Why break only one taboo in a one time? :^)

Incest as a social concept/taboo, but homosexuality is a different beast altogether and gays should be hanged.

Always. Legitimately one of the few things to make me laugh on this godforsaken site

Do you want me to stuff my smelly socks in your air conditioner?

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Not gonna read the thread but...
Definitely being a faggot.
If you have a strong and noble bloodline with superior genes, what's wrong with not wanting to dilute it? Why not strengthen them by combining them with my Aryan sister and feeding her my seed?

What if both happen at the same time? That would be the worst

I'd say incest though. At very least homos don't give birth to fucked up mutated creatures

There's literally nothing wrong with incest or lesbianism provided both partners conform to the standards of their gender.

Butch lesbians are a sin, but two beautiful feminine lesbians is God's gift to men.

No B because the "life" created from incest are deformed freaks

Miscegenation is worse than both those actually

Incest, because it has cumulative damage (i.e. genetic abominations are passed on). Fags are bad, but they can't reproduce and create more defectives.
Now, if we get into the topic of fags adopting or using surrogacy, then they get closer, but I'd still have to say incest is worse.

99% of the people that get an STD deserve it
If you wait until marriage like a decent non-degenerate, it isn't an issue.



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Can we have both?

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They're essentially the same:

Daily reminder that accepting pedophilia as a disease comes next and making a crime to call to call it a disease right after that.

They're both only ok in anime. 3d inbreeders and disease spreading fags get the fucking rope!

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No, they are not.

Except if you count marrying your cousin as incest. We tolerate this shit only because of rich, traditional, catholic white folks who don't want to mix genes with a lower class family. Fucking degenerates.

I always find that lefty meme entertaining considering the South has some of the lowest rates of inbreeding in the world. After you take out niggers and spics of course. They raise it up quite a bit.

You're as bad as trannies trying to push your shit onto everyone, even furfags aren't as bad now that they've quarantined themselves mostly.

Put 'em down Christ-chan

Je suis une cope.

degeneracy isn’t a continuum. They’re both ideologically and morally bankrupt.

A, only because by family has a lot of incest in it


Best = healthy ofsspring
Worse = retarded offspring
Worst = no offspring
So incest > homosexuality
You might not like it, but any sex without creation of offspring is on homo level.

Homo because AIDS and other std's can spread like wildfire. Incest is bad too, but at least it takes a few generations for the real bad shit to kick in. Plus you can fuck a distant cousin and it'd be okay. On the other hand, it doesn't matter if it looks like a girl if you fucked a dude, you fucked a dude.

She doesn’t need them

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Depends if you have a cute sister

Homosexuality at least incest does not spread aid

>all pedophiles will be rounded up and burnt to death in upcoming civil war.

homosex is a mortal sin. beastiality is just bad. its like rape incest and homosex are mortal sins . god basically implies beast is a mortal sin in that your suppose to be executed but doesnt call it that so i want to say its just bad. like a adulterer is supposed to be executed but i dont think its called a mortal sin ever

spreads genetic disease tho


Fags reproduce through sexual child abuse.