Covenant Jow Forums - NPCs = no conscience, mods hate us EDITION

Adam wasn't the first man, but he was the first man created with a conscience, what God refers to as a Nesamah. You'll read how he and his family were cast out of the garden(located near Lake Van) and they co-mingled with the other humans. These same conscienceless people existed all around the world and they weren't all wiped out by the flood either, that is another major misconception. You see Noah's sons again going out and co-mingling with these people.

>Freewill, Judgment, Choice, and Consequence...

While very few people are able to reason, there is a reason for everything—even for Satan. Through Yasha’yahuw(Isaiah), Yahowah(God) tells us that He created evil, and in the first book of the Towrah, God demonstrates why. Bad must exist for us to have the opportunity to choose good. And for that choice to be credible, an Adversary must exist to be its champion. If everything were wonderful, if all of life were sunshine and joy, no one would have a reason to rebel against Yah or separate themselves from His love.

Heylel (sometimes written “Halal”) ben Shachar, better known as Satan, is a spiritual being who was created by God. He was part of the “saba’ – command and control regime” Yahowah calls malak or “messengers.” As we move out of Bare’syth in the Towrah and into Yasha’yahuw in the Prophets, you will discover what caused Heylel ben Shachar and his fellow demons to be expelled from Yah’s service. But that’s less important now than what he did.

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“The serpent (nahas – snake, viper, and poisonous cold-blooded reptile) was, is, and will be (hayah – exists as) reasonable and cunning (‘aruwm – shrewd, subtle, and sensible, prudent and judicious, clever, circumspect and cautious, perceptive, elusive and obscure, a highly skilled sagacious expert who is mischievous, abusive, and dangerous, even piercing) more than (min) any (kol) living thing (chayah – life form) relative to (‘asher – in relation to) the open field (sadeh – expanse of land [i.e., outside the Garden]) that Yahowah (YHWH), God (‘elohym), had made (‘asah). He [Satan] said (‘amar – told and claimed) to (‘el) the woman and wife (‘isah), ‘Indeed (ky – surely, truly, and clearly), so what if (‘ap – even if, by contrast on the other hand, nevertheless) God (‘elohym – the Mighty One) said (‘amar – claimed and told you) not to (lo’) eat (‘akal – consume food) from (min) any (kol) tree (‘ets) in the protected garden enclosure (gan).’” (Bare’syth / In the Beginning / Genesis 3:1)

In Revelation, Satan, which is merely a title meaning “Adversary” and not a name, is specifically identified as “the serpent.” By using ‘aruwm in relation to this dark spirit, Yah is telling us that our adversary is not only “shrewd,” but also “sensible.” He is “clever and cunning,” which means that he is “tricky,” even “sly.” More important still, our adversary is “elusive,” “obscuring” his role in malicious schemes. As such, don’t expect an ugly fellow with horns advancing a mantra which is purely evil. He wouldn’t fool anyone with such a routine.

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The simple statement above is comprised of two elements which collectively form the basis of every religion on earth. Lies are made credible when they are based upon something which is true. God actually said: “You may eat from any tree in the garden except don’t eat from the tree of the understanding of good and evil.” That is considerably divergent from the statement Satan attributed to Yahowah. In academic circles, this ploy is called “revisionist history.” In debate, it’s called a “straw man.”

The Adversary’s whitewash of Yahowah’s Word was a clever corruption or counterfeit, which is the most effective way to convince people that a fraud is true. No one would be fooled by a pink, three-dollar bill with a picture of a rabbit riding a turtle. (Although most have no problem with “In God We Trust” inscribed on a bill depicting Satan’s sun-god religion by way of an Egyptian pyramid and the eye of Osiris.) Simply stated, every aspect of the Babylonian religion, and thus Catholicism, was and remains a concealment, corruption, and counterfeit of something Yahowah said. One does not have to be creative to counterfeit, only “crafty and cunning, shrewd and sensible.” From Babylon to the present day, this singular strategy has deceived more people and caused more harm than all other ploys combined.

Created without freewill, I don’t think Satan possesses the capacity for creativity. His only trick is to beguile by concealing, corrupting, and counterfeiting something God conceived and created. (For those who may be confused, there is a difference between choice and freewill. For example, the military is a command and control institution and thus soldiers do not have the freedom to refuse an order. As with Halal, those who choose to rebel are punished and drummed out of the corp. Those without freewill cannot choose their own destiny.)

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Moving on, the second element of the Adversary’s plot to mislead Chawah was to say: “so what if God said something. What gives Him the right to make the rules?” Today, this ploy forms the basis of Catholicism’s condemnation of those who are “Sola Scriptoria.” Popes consider themselves authorized to alter, even completely change, God’s directions. In Socialist Secular Humanism, man claims god never existed, making mankind the ultimate authority, and thereby rendering Yahowah’s message moot. In Islam, Allah was modeled after Satan, so everything Yahowah said was simply contradicted. Rabbis were especially cunning, openly claiming Yah’s authority for themselves.

“So what if God set the Sabbath apart, we want Friday, or Sunday, or the weekend,” as the case may be. “So what if God summoned us to observe the seven Miqra’ey, we prefer Easter, Ramadan, Hanukah, or May Day.” “So what if God chose the name Yahowah, we prefer Mother Nature, Evolution, Ha Shem, Allah, Jesus, Jehovah, or the Lord.”

As you travel along life’s way, and you confront a tradition or teaching that is somehow attributed to God, ask yourself: Has God said this? Or is what is being claimed an alteration, a corruption or counterfeit, of something God actually stated? In the process of fooling Chawah, Satan exposed a test we can use to avoid being fooled ourselves.

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With their nesamah/conscience, or capacity for rational and moral judgment functioning, Adam and Chawah recognized that there was reason to be concerned, even intimidated. The God who had been their friend, their loving Father, had been hurt by what they had done, and out of respect and reverence for Him, out of awe for who He was, they were now afraid to face the one they had loved and who had loved them. While it is totally inappropriate to fear our Heavenly Father, especially when we are part of His family, it is completely appropriate to fear God when He acts as our Judge, particularly when we are estranged from Him. All of us will eventually confront Yahowah in one of these two roles: as Father or as Judge. The choice is ours.

Yare’ is one of Scripture’s most important words. It can be translated “revere” or “fear,” concepts which are mutually opposed. On one side, it conveys “awesome respect and adoration.” On the other, it speaks of “the great distress, dread, and concern, even intimidation,” which naturally results “from being in an unfavorable circumstance in the presence of an authority.” Each of the 600 times it appears in Scripture, context, circumstance, and understanding must dictate whether to render the word: revere or fear.

And in some cases, such as this one, both connotations would be correct. Adam’s reverence for Yah would have caused him to be concerned about what he had done. They were guilty, they knew it, and they were now face to face with a Father who had become their Judge.

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Christianity is pretty gay so fuck off.

One of Christendom’s greatest myths, that of Adam being the only man in existence during his stay in Eden, is being pulverized by God’s Word. “Then Cain went away from (yatsa’ – departed from) the presence (paneh) of Yahowah () and settled in (yasab – came to dwell and live in, inhabit) the land (‘erets – region) of Nod (nowd – of lamenting and complaints, of homeless wanderings, of destitution and hopelessness), east of Eden.” (Bare’syth / In the Beginning / Genesis 4:15) Places were named after people, or at least types of people. Nowd denotes the nomadic lifestyle of the early hunter gatherer—something, as a farmer, Cain would have loathed.

After being banished, Cain found a woman among the nomads of Nod, and he chose to marry her. Though it does not say so implicitly, it is implied that the men and women living outside the garden did not possess a nesamah/conscience. But the offspring of a parent like Cain with a nesamah would be so equipped. It is the only rational conclusion which can be made from the Scriptural and archeological evidence.

Along these lines, we know that the addition of the nesamah made Adam uniquely different from other animals. It is therefore what made Adam like God. Further, we know that children inherit a nesamah from their parents because Cain would not have been judged if he were incapable of knowing right from wrong. Further still, this point is hammered home in the introduction to the fifth chapter of Genesis, something we’ll examine momentarily. And lastly, in the conclusion to the flood, Yahowah declares that He achieved His purpose, that of ridding the region of corrupt souls with a nesamah. Collectively, these insights strongly suggest that both the nesamah/conscience/judgment and nepesh/consciousness and soul are passed on as part of human conception. The child of a parent with one, gets one.

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So then you may be wondering, are there humans alive today without a nesamah and what is the fate of such souls? It is possible, but we aren’t told. That said, this would certainly explain some of the horrid behavior we have seen throughout human history. However, while we don’t need to know if conscienceless souls exist, or need to understand their fate, it would be reasonable to assume that their destiny would be the same as any other animal. Death would be the end of life.

If you were not yet convinced that yada’, “to know,” is a relational word, the next passage, like the previous one in relation to Adam and Chawah (Genesis 4:1), makes it perfectly clear. “Cain became acquainted with (yada’ – came to know) his wife (‘isah – woman) and she conceived (harah – became pregnant) and gave birth to (yalad) Hanowk (hanowk – meaning initiated (transliterated Enoch)).” (Bare’syth / In the Beginning / Genesis 4:16)

To “initiate” is “to facilitate a beginning.” It is “to admit and include someone in association.” It is “to instruct in the foundational principles.” The Enoch who embodies these qualities was the son of Jared and the father of Methuselah (the longest living mortal man). So Scripture reveals: “Enoch walked with God three hundred years and he was not, for God took him.” After “initiating” the longest human life in history, Enoch became the first mortal to experience eternal life in the presence of Yah.

Enoch’s son gave birth to Lamech, Noah’s father, and thus “facilitated” the “new beginning” embodied in his name. Collectively, the lives of Enoch and his descendants are shared with us “to instruct in the foundational principles” of Yahowah. They represent “those who are admitted in association” with Yah.

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bump for interest.

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It’s a mishmash of right and wrong. I’d suggest reading the Bible yourself rather than trusting him.

We've had this thread many times already. Confirmed forced meme.

Sage and ignore, do pic related instead (Praxis).

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Enoch’s son gave birth to Lamech, Noah’s father, and thus “facilitated” the “new beginning” embodied in his name. Collectively, the lives of Enoch and his descendants are shared with us “to instruct in the foundational principles” of Yahowah. They represent “those who are admitted in association” with Yah.

In keeping with this point, the most similar words in Hebrew dictionaries to hanowk mean “tried, tested and trusted,” “compassionate and merciful,” and “temporary shelter and encampment.” They describe the Set-Apart Spirit’s role in achieving this objective.

Continuing to demonstrate that there were many people living outside the Garden of Eden, “It came to pass (hayah) that he built (banah – established) a city (‘iwr – inhabited population center) and called (qara’) the name (shem) of the city Hanowk, after (ka) his (huw’) son (ben).” (Bare’syth / In the Beginning / Genesis 4:16) I continue to stress that Scripture says that humans lived outside the garden because if the religious claim otherwise were true, God’s Word wouldn’t be reliable. The species Homo habilis and Homo erectus are a million years old, and Homo sapiens have roamed the planet for tens of thousands of years. Adam and Chawah were expelled from the garden just shy of 6,000 years ago.

From this point, Yahowah presents Enoch’s lineage. From a prophetic perspective, the most important descendant is “Tubal-Cain, the forger of implements of bronze and iron.” I say this for two reasons. First, Gog, the leader of the Islamic Magog Federation which attacks Israel in 2027, is a ruler from Meshech and Tubal. Meshech can easily be traced to this region of eastern Turkey but without this tip, Tubal would have been more difficult to locate.

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It's becoming obvious to me that this NPC thing is being artificially pushed.

Too much spamming the same topic over and over is giving the shills away.

But the bible does imply adam was the first man. So who did cain take for a wife?

I'm not reading all of that.

Second, Noah’s ark was found by Ron Wyatt in Turkey, east of Eden, on the mountains of Ararat (at an elevation of 6,300 feet MSL) in 1991. He demonstrated that the rivets which held this mighty ship together were 8.3% aluminum, 10.4% iron, 1.3% magnesium, 2.7% sodium, and 1.9% titanium. Even the ballast of the ship was consistent with high-tech metal production. (For more on this, call the Wyatt Archaeological Museum at (931) 293-4745 and order their “Discoveries Volume” on Noah’s Ark, the Exodus, Sodom and Gomorrah, Joseph and Moses in Egyptian History, and the Real Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia. While you are on the phone, say hello to Mary Nell Wyatt and Richard Rives and ask for a copy of “The Ark of the Covenant” booklet. They are wonderful people conducting an important ministry.)

All of Cain’s descendants would be eliminated in the flood, which was still a thousand years in their future. The names of these people, however, are indicative of their fate. The first was Irad, from ‘yrad. Its root, ‘yr, means “young male ass,” and is thus prophetic of the descendants of Ishmael, the patriarch of today’s Muslims. Meujael, from mahuwya’el, is a compound name which means: “one who dances circles around God.” He was indicative of the religious schemes born out of Babylon. Methushael, from mahyya’el, means “those who accept money or compensation in exchange for the godly activities they perform.” It’s predictive and condemning of Catholicism and their indulgences.

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Im not a shill. Im just genuinely dumbfounded that some people dont have an internal monologue. Cant find anywhere eles to discuss the topic. What could be gained by pushing this subject?

I'm posting this thread because of the sutdy finding that only 20% of people have an inner voice(conscience) matches up with the CIA study that found 15% of people were invulnerable to their brainwashing efforts. This links up with what said about the gen pop not having a conscience and how only one in a million would avail themselves of his Covenant.

No it doesn't, read the thread. Cain took an NPC as his wife

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It doesn’t, that’s something he got right. Read genesis 1&2. Genesis 2 is not a retelling of the same story, it takes place on and after the seventh day.

With Adam we have a model for the whole of Scripture. The first man created in Yahowah’s image enjoyed a personal, one on one relationship with God. Adam and Yahowah were on a first name basis.

The first man, unlike any other animal, was created to walk upright. Man was built to be God’s companion, not His servant—bowing down in submission. Yahowah walked in the Garden with Adam.

Adam wasn’t alone. He was part of a family. Yahowah created Chawah from Adam. Love was now personal, tangible, and apparent. And it would be this love which would bring life, just as Yahowah’s love for us provides access to eternal life.

Consistent with Yahowah’s Spiritual model, the human metaphor inherent in the first family, is comprised of Father, Mother and Son. They represent our Heavenly Father, Spiritual Mother, and their representative, the Son of God. Life requires a father and mother. And for that life to succeed, to grow and prosper, the father and mother must become a family to nurture and raise their children.

Yahowah told us that in the covenant of marriage, man and woman become one in love, one flesh, and one family. The marriage covenant and family relationship serve as a tangible symbol for Yahowah’s Spiritual model. When we are born from above to our Heavenly Father and Spiritual Mother, we become the sons and daughters of God—and we get to live in His home.

The fact that Adam had only one wife, not many, is telling too. Yahowah likes monogamy and fidelity. He doesn’t want to share us with other lovers, with false gods. Those who choose to be unfaithful are destined to exist outside of the covenant relationship.

Mods are ginormous faggots. Communism general and BLACKED threads are fine, but not this. Fuck off

Fuck this gay earth


>covenant thread
>no elites or grunts

shit thread

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Autistic and kringe, downvoted!