Can someone summarize the NPC thing?

Can someone summarize the NPC thing?
>my best guess
I heard about that study that some people don't have internal monologues so maybe it is related to that

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NPC = non-player character.
There's some people who believe that certain humans have a will, and can freely act according to whatever they wish to do, and that others are merely automata pretending to be humans, with no actual thoughts other that pre-programmed processes.

It is just some Jow Forums thing
I presume it is called being a normie
But afaik it is this+ do you hear a voice when you are thinking

It can be boiled down to one word: narcissism. They think "these people don't have the same beliefs as me, so they must be incapable of thinking for themselves at all!".

I remember a friend of mine throwing big parties, and he considered some people "cardboard cutouts".
They didn't have a lot of personality and just kind of felt like set dressing.
It was a mean thing to say but there was a bit of truth to it. I guess this is kind of the same thing

Sounds like something an NPC would say

Jow Forums think they are the only people in the world that think things

Good examples of common npc behavior.


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Why do you people force me into using this pic so often?

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right so this is the new goblina/boomer default insult


Sounds like something an NPC would say

t. An animal with little to no inner monologue

>(you)ing everybody in a thread
Wouldn't expect anything else from an artificial simulation.

Its based on a misreading of a study. The study randomly interrupted people during their day to see if they were experiencing an inner monologue. Most people only did 20% of the times they were checked. This turned into the headline that "only 20% of people have an inner monologue" and now Jow Forums thinks they are the only people in existence who experience conscious thought.

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cringe and bluepilled NPC damage control

It's shit-tier Jow Forums meme.

npc on damage control falseflag protocol

that study is kinda interesting though tbqdesu
I don't think a person would necessarily HAVE to have an inner monologue to still approach life morally and trying to do their best, it's just a little strange
>inb4 u know what
yea I know

Jow Forumstarded solipsism

wait so it's not normal to have an internal monologue saying things 100% of the time...

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yes it is, and everyone does it. But Jow Forums lacks reading comprehension yet again...

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100% of the time my friend? Are you saying you've never been on "autopilot" while brushing your teeth or something?

Yes, and this is what the study highlights as well...

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Hm I guess it might not be all the time, Idk. I never actually kept track of it or anything so it's hard to say.

>some study
Another study found that if hot Japanese women didn't fuck me every twenty to forty hours the dragon would eat the sun and never spit it back out seems that one hasn't caught on yet

or driving home!
A hypnotist guy I know once explained that there was absolutely zero magic to hypnotism, all they try to do is to induce that state where you 'zone out'. You're totally awake, conscious and capable but your brain sort of goes on sleep mode and goes through the motions.
It's some interesting stuff for sure

this is like the major thing
it's a study from half a decade ago that checked 30 people
30 people isn't even enough to make a general population statement

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