Here is the study that Jow Forums is suddenly obsessed about.

The study had 30 college students write down their experiences at random moments in the day. They found that about 26% of the time, at that random moment, someone was conducting inner speech.

This does not mean that only 26% of people are capable of inner speech. This means that, even if this is taken as fact, there is only a 26% chance that at any given moment someone is currently engaging in inner speech.

It gets even worse if you actually read the text of an "interview" they conducted with their participants. It's full of leading questions. It's literal garbage.

The actual study:

The interview

This thread is reserved for the discussing the methodology and conclusions of the research itself.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Good job researching, Prof. of NPC Studies.

Bless you, user. Sorry, this pasta is obligatory as it's also relevant to the hysteria.

The NPC trash was spawned from lefty-infected "academics". It's been around for years, but you lads are just getting a whiff of it. Let me save you. BEHOLD!

>The original "Inner-Speech" article.
>Lefty-funded article ("Liberals Are More Intelligent Than Conservatives")
>Lefty-funded article#2 ("...right-wing media attacks on universities...")

But, don't stop there! The list goes on! They are unironically trying to bring about LITERAL wrong-think, subtly discrediting dissent as psychosis.

This is a golden opportunity as we get to see just how many Jow Forumsacks are so gullible that they would fall prey to the enemy propaganda unwittingly; an opportunity to separate the wheat from the chaff! Think of it as a meta-game in though experiment. Game over: Nearly 15% of Jow Forums is officially... retarded. Don't feel bad. No one looks majestic falling off their high-horse. We need a more fitting name for the twits ensnared by this—thematically matching original article itself—"beepers". Beep beep, faggot!

>It's literal garbage.
yeah we know. it's just good memeing/trolling

well that's understandable

user no they were 472 participants

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Literally this, it fucking amazes me that 70%of this board can't into bantz

Not for phase 2 where they actually conducted the sampling with beepers.

The aim of Phase I was to survey a large, heterogeneous sample of college students, stratify them on the
basis of psychological distress, and take a random sample from each stratum so as to advance a representative
sample (N = 30) to Phase II.

"Participants gave consent, provided contact information, and then completed the SCL-90-R. Subsequently,
they were divided into deciles based on their GSI scores; there were approximately 40 participants in each decile.
We took random samples of N = 3 from within each decile; these participants were contacted by telephone
and invited to participate in Phase II. If a person declined to participate, he or she was replaced by another
randomly selected participant from the same decile. This procedure resulted in 30 participants (3 from each
decile) being advanced to Phase II."

Fake news as always

The psychology today thing is definitely fake news.

The "472" number comes from phase one which is a fluff number to make it seem like there was a large sample, when the actual experiment ended up with only 30 participants after they literally cherrypicked the participants they wanted.

So yeah, fake news.

Mods: How are NPC threads political?

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>70% of this board is NPCs

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>Of the 30 college students, 5 never reported conducting inner speech

So over the course of a couple hours, 1/6 people don't have mental thoughts. Everyone is getting the percentages wrong, but the idea is still there.

>fun police
No memes allowed here

I've been pinging all of them for the janitors as fast as I can and they pop up faster than they go down like a fucking hydra.

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Hell if I know, but if this board is going to fill up with them, I figured at least one of them should be somewhat accurate


The actual study is in consequential. It just formalised a concept which all inner dialoggers already knew.

No, it's garbage unless you think blackedposting is a good meme.

all people who make npc threads are npcs you guys literally copy and pasted from a mainstream psychology today news article and ran with it literally following the media like zombies

proof that NPCs are real is the fact that theres so many NPC threads all of a sudden they follow a script and all post the same thing whatever is popular trend

even like a week ago this didnt even exist

>sees people on Jow Forums talking about NPCS
>"I have a great idea let me make 10 more threads about NPC's!!"

nice brain thinking for yourself there bud

how are you thinking for yourself if youre posting the same exact thing every one else is posting when it didnt even exist a few days ago????

you literally follow the masses or else you would be talking about NPCs years ago when nobody else was

if you had a brain to think for yourself

i observe this shit every day on this board whatever is the current latest news story everyone talks about and then moves on to the next thing whatever the mainstream news is talking about for the day/ week

this is one of them im not going to take notice of a trend and start posting about "NPCs" i have my own beliefs that i would have been posting about years ago i dont need a psychology today article to tell me what i believe in and what im going to start posting about all of a sudden on one day. it doesnt change me . thats what makes you an npc if youre changed by the media and can be swayed to and fro

think about it if they werent posting about it before then how are they not sheep since its a new trend that they latched onto

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If you take a look at a lot of them, they aren't in jest. These fuckers brains are as compromised as Swiss cheese.

What the fuck did you just say to me you little bitch?

>beep boop
Nice script.

Yours is the only NPC thread that hasn't been nixed by the mods. There's a good reason: you're the only one who hasn't gone insane.

''it didnt even exist a few days ago''

That in of itself should be /thread for this gay ass shit

>Memes existed thru all time and space they aren't created rather they have always been
You are insufferable

>The study had 30 college students write down their experiences at random moments in the day.
how can you even think to check in at a random moment without thought? Their built in NPC timer must go off and then they just do the action they are programmed to do.

NPC test Jew psyop

// config/db.js
module.exports = { url : 'mongodb://localhost/acquisition' }
oops wrong person

The original study is irrelevant. Its anons responces that are the real redpill.

Yep. Good figuring. I attempted to wade through some of the interview transcripts and this is not science. The interviewers were critical of Melanie's choice of words during her answers. In other words the interviewers were leading her answers to be the "correct" ones.

>>Memes existed thru all time and space they aren't created rather they have always been

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Maybe the Non NPC's are controlled by some other force?

Unified consciousness?

>Nearly 15% of Jow Forums is officially... retarded
Your lowballing

NPCs take everything literally. Beware their shallow mechanisations.

NPC test Jew psyop

// config/db.js
module.exports = { url : 'mongodb://localhost/acquisition' }
oops wrong personss

doesn't take a scientist to figure out that most people don't bother to read primary source material.

pretty much this 100%
Student: I hear my voice in my head
Interviewer: Are you sure it's your voice?
Student: Yes, it's my voice
Interviewer: Are you really really really sure. Like 110% sure it's 100% identical to your real voice
Student: Well I mean i guess it sort of sounds slightly different
Interviewer: AHA it's not your voice I was right all along.

>Your lowballing
self-awareness. i like that.

The truth is out in the open - the majority of humanity is not human. This is the single most important thing to discuss and spread far and wide.

There is nothing you can do to stop it. The NPC has been found out.

After reading this post you notice you can only breathe manually.

>Maybe the Non NPC's are controlled by some other force?
>Unified consciousness?
Technically true.

The Student's answer is the one supported by tests. When most folks hear an accurate recording of their own speech, they hate it.

With it being an election year, absolutely.

You're subscribing to a mentally-ill fad for mentally-ill people. Take your Klonopin, Jake.

Don't fry a circuit Mr. Toaster.

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The truth cannot be contained. The majority of humanity isn't really human. They are soulless husks, vessels for memes, NPC's.

This is the only distinction in the world. Some people have souls. Some do not. To which species do you belong?

Citation needed*

I've been talking to an intelligent normie I know and he says he never has inner speech, so these people do exist.

>vessels for memes
>follows the NPC meme
user, irony be thine name!

It's older than you think. But keep comforting yourself.

Like i said you dont need to trust somebody eles study. Just ask the question. Do you have an inner monologue? The answers you get is the best data to draw up you own conclusions. I was sceptical until i actually spoke with one. Unless they are simply larping.


>criticises people for lacking critical thinking, being non-thinking zombies and lacking a brain to think for themselves
>posts picture of k-pop whore off tumblr

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You wouldn't say that if you weren't an npc though.

>she would look so good getting blacked
is a top quality meme, when posted by a leaf

Shut up, Derek.

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The amount of butt hurt is astounding. To understand what a NPC is and the internal monologue requires abstract thinking. Something humans can do extremely well. Something we inherited from our caveman ancestors. This was a necessity when hunting large game. Those who are having great difficulty wrapping their minds around this concept actually have a diminished cognitive capability. That itself is fascinating. Without outside box thing, we would not have rockets, computers, cars, medicine, nuclear reactors. We also would have never sailed across the sea. It is necessary for our existence and our future as humans. It allows us to imagine whats beyond our planet. It is as important as our capacity to love, and to be loved.

How about the homeless?

Yes and no. Some of them are no long engaging in high brain function. Some are homeless by dumb luck. Can't lump homeless people into one category.

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This threads make me angry at you dumb autists who talk to themselfs

>It’s goes “I think ttherfore I am’

>And not “I talk to myself therefore I am”

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Yeah but is there a link between the voices and resistance to group think?

>college students
Well shit it all makes sense now, it was literally nothing, college students are mindless android sheeple, in other news water is wet

>i act therefore i am.

Are autismos glitchy NPCs?

There you go, Absolutely. Think about it as if it's a firewall or sandbox for viruses.

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Fyi it is not voices. It's you. If you heard disembodied voices in your head and your not the one in control, that is schizophrenia.

You are using a shitty microphone. Thats why.

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>your not the one in control
thoughts come into everyone's heads (except NPCs) without their input, that's the strange thing about it, and what makes meditation so difficult.


>This means that, even if this is taken as fact, there is only a 26% chance that at any given moment someone is currently engaging in inner speech.
It's 20% chance among 26%of the population at a given moment.
26% display the ability.
5.2% in total will be having inner dialogues or thoughts at any given sober moment.

>t. NPC

Why do we make such a big deal about inner speech? Couldn't that just be the code that the NPCs are being told to think, ala Westworld?
Most "people" have inner-speech, shouldn't they be the NPCs, and those who are capable of action without sub-vocalized thoughts be the real people in the simulation?

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Of course it fucking nothing, but you're too late OP. It's already a meme.

>t. NPC apologist

Yea nigga. Everybody has triple digit IQ's

Double digit IQ numbers are the truely special ones

>without their input
Outside stimuli. Meditation is easy when you remove distraction and focus on one thing. Its difficult for you because you are new to it or your doing it wrong. I learned meditation from Buddhist monks at my local temple. Don't for the love of god try the shit that's posted on the internet. You need one on one interaction with someone who is a trained practitioner.

ITT: People thinking they're special snowflakes, even if they'd probably have failed, if they took part in the study.
Literally tumblr tier.
This is what Jow Forums has succumbed to.

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Any research on Millitary and NPCS

Vet user posted something about low IQ NPCs. Hey needed much higher IQ men than them.
I've read nothing about them being easy targets

You can hear voices in a hypnagogic state or when you dream, its schizofrenia only when you are fully awake

Besides meditation, what other Jewish tricks have been established to allow oneself to think they have a soul but are, in fact, a hollow shell?

theres only like 5 players in this entire simulation
lets see who wins

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because people who are able to think and read without subvocalization read twice as fast as those who have to say each word in their head. And people who can react without thinking, react twice as fast and are better at sportrs, these are obviously dumb NPCs hurr durr does not compute. Retard.

I've barely ever tried it, so it was difficult. But I just mean meditation as in sitting down and doing nothing but concentrating on my breath. I'd rarely make it more than 15 seconds without falling into a minutes long rambling thought train before catching myself and having to try and go back to concentrating on my breath. Of course I agree you'd get better with practise, but the point is that the thoughts coming into your mind are spontaneous and do not arrive as a result of your conscious input. In that sense they are not "you," creating them, but some part of your brain that you don't control.

>one of only 5 players in the entire simulation
>spend my time masturbating and drinking goon

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your time will come

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>t. Toaster

>understanding the human psyche has no possible political implications
It's amassing how accessible technology is to the clinically retarded.

Citing a TV show as a source is a perfect example of NPC behaviour

>Expecting a Player Character to actually read the lore

reminder real players can't die
you're in until the final results
near death is just tiny resets
you know deep down you shouldn't have survived

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When you smoke weed it put you into a schizophrenic state.

>You can hear voices in a hypnagogic state or when you dream.
That is your subconscious. There is a wall between that while you are in the awaked state. Think of it as defragging. You brain is moving data around and processing the days events.


I always keep well stock up with bottled fairys and health potions anyway.

>i jack off therefore i have a love life

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