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. . .

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god i wish that were me

dont let ur dreams be dreams

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beers is expensive and i dont have bux desudesu

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also, what do you think about English pubs?

feels bad

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>tfw gf found my cake folder

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Not that kind of cake you sick fuck

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it depends on the area. Council estate pubs are usually full of chavs, but most just have a bunch of drunk boomers in them, which are cool I guess.
cakes are immoral

god i wish i had that strawberry

Did she show you her cake folder?

It's okay, my hard drive is now encrypted.

I might've found that a bit before.

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oh thats fine then encrypted cakes are perfectly moral

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Who has a bigger cake folder, you or her?

Bigger, me.
Better, her.
Mine mostly exists as a result of proof-of-concept crawlers and mass downloader scripts. Hers is curated.

>tfw you'll never have a loli loving gf

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tfw no lgf or llgf

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ok, who first?

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