The year 2036

It's me. I've briefly returned. My attempts at getting ahold of the IBM are a success. You can cross-reference my trip code with any archive of a post by Timetravel_1, this is legitimate.

CERN's dystopia will soon be brought down, and victory will come to the people, I just have to do one final task: Eliminating their database.

I won't be on here for long, a day or two at most and only for an hour or two tonight. I will, however, continue to take questions in that time.

An attempt to return to the future could prove troublesome, as I will likely already exist there. I'm considering simply staying in this time once my mission is complete, I don't know where to go from here.
In that event, I may blend in so as not to arouse additional suspicion. If I do, I suppose I may remain active here.

The future is always uncertain even to the observer, it seems.

Attached: Insignia.jpg (283x262, 25K)

I'll get right on that chief
Also your pic looks like a stylized bagina

Can I ask a few questions?

That's what I'm here for, go ahead.

Okay so,
What happened/happening with China? Did they split up, is Tibet independent, etc?
Also what’s happening with Mexico?

I don't know much about Mexico, actually. They've mostly kept out of things as a whole.

China annexed part of Russia as well as North Korea and South Korea during WW3. They were our primary foe during such. When CERN took over, they reportedly split into several smaller countries with varying governments, but I can't confirm that with 100% certainty


And you probably get this a lot, but what is the US like? Is it a nuclear wasteland now, has it fallen from grace, or is it doing alright?

We're improving. Some major cities were hit and the internet is practically nonexistent because of CERN, but otherwise things are slowly getting better.

Hello my friend, I think you already answered this, but any news on Brasil?

Nothing, unfortunately. I don't know the current state of them.

Damn. That fucking sucks. At least something is happening.

Also, the architecture. I’m a fan of log cabins and old fashioned wood homes. Are these still around, and if they are, are they still accepted and not considered a stand out? I believe that the architecture has become a lot more modern and advanced.

Is belgium a world power yet
Have we shared the joy of waffles and beer into the world

They're around, but they're rather... Quaint? Is that the word? They're not considered strange but they're not considered normal. With construction material costs through the roof as happens during/after a big war like this, I wouldn't be surprised to see more of them cropping up, but they haven't yet.

lol sure. What happens to Germany and the refugees?

Refugees from where exactly? In my time, lots of people are flocking to the US because it's in slightly better shape than other first world countries.

Germany sided with us in WW3, surprisingly. They weren't targeted by Chinese nuclear strikes but they took the frontline fighting fairly hard. I assume they're alright.

No worse than anyone else, at least.

That nice. Much rather have a quaint home than a run down one.

One more question, the technology. How more advanced is it?
Oh yeah, and what are the politics in the US? Mainly political subjects, or subjects that are controversial.

Aside from my time machine and CERN, most of the world is so concerned with resource conservation and so damaged in infrastructure that technological advancements have taken a major setback.

Controversy mainly surrounds Asians being political figures or taking government positions. It's unfortunate, but the general public distrusts them after WW3, similar to their treatment after the Pearl Harbor incident. Personally, I disagree and think they're citizens just as much as us, but...

Other than that blemish, racism is at an all time low.

How is France doing in that era ?
Have we surrendered (again)

Finally, what are the guns and weapons like? I know that CERN probably took them away, but during war, such as WW3, how much more advanced are they compared to now?

>France surrendering

>Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire

Guns and weaponry as a whole are still mostly the same. Warfare itself is what changed, with it lasting mere weeks and ending with a climactic bombing of American and Chinese cities.

that's the joke dude...
anyways how are we doing

As far as I know, better than the rest of us, more than likely. Enjoy your (probably) working internet and tyrannical mad science. I can't picture CERN 'abandoning' their own country.

Oh hey you're back. Please make sure that the internet is saved. If so, will we see any headlines? Anything about CERN suddenly disappearing or having their data wiped clean?

so you got discharged from the mental hospital recently?

I doubt it, that would require them to be idiotic enough to reveal said hidden database's existence. If they just said they 'had data wiped' without being able to go into detail at all, people would be suspicious regardless.

A full psychiatric exam prior to my departure showed I was perfectly sane.

Can we call yoy dobby? Your tripcode looks kinda like it.

As amusing as that is, I'd rather you not.


Oh look, it's the guy that ripped Titor off. You were probably like 'Shit I have ran out of ideas, who do I do?!' and this post happened.

How are you going to 'eliminate' their database? Will you be hacking CERN? lol

Are you titor? If so, hoe did you do that thing with bending the laser, you say gravity but is that all?

Not exactly, Kyouma, but in layman's terms, yes.

My time machine is equipped with the software architecture to locate CERN'S database at any point in time in which a WiFI signal can be found, so about 2000-onwards, I believe. I will be the one to actually delete it, of course, using the IBM 5100.

I'm Titor, but I'm not Titor. This is explained in my previous threads that are long lost. To summarize as best as I can in a hurry: Multiverse theory can be frustrating.

What happens in south England, I assume London is fucked?

I believe London was among the areas attacked, yes. Although, primarily the nuclear strikes were targeted at the US and China.