How do we fix the UK Jow Forums

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nuke london

Get rid of the people. They are all cunts

yeah these too

change its name to israel


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Reclaim the colonies and confiscate all of their bloody tea and crumpets

they could start by actually leaving the eu

yes this


let me cum on it

all counties independent

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swansea already got nuked, it didn't work

If at first you don't succeed, try and try again

By rebuilding the empire

The empire never lasted and was a laughing stock.
>Got asses kicked by their own baby nation over a tax, and again over not being able to let go.
>Got BTFO'd by a hungry man in India.
>Couldn't even kinda establish a colony in China. All they got were missions that got kicked out by the peasantry.

>nuke the tax babies, not like they're humans anyway
>hungry man's dead, take tea fields
>china, they're a free market now, let's give them heroine this time.

>thinking UK will nuke a country with Muslims. Will also nuke them back and harder.
>Die of street poop immediately
>Drug possession is a death penalty in China, only get money from black market.

Why are you posting seriously on Jow Forums? The political shit here is only to satirize Jow Forums.

This is a serious board. Don't you get mad because I epically owned you idiot

No, I just thought you last post was pretty cringey