What is your favorite exercise

what is your favorite exercise
I love powercleans

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overhand pullup

these are very good as well. I need to work my back more now that you mention it

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On some days I manage 20 reps

stop the fighting

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that looks like a good exercise though a somewhat demanding one that could leave you sore if you messed up your form or did more weight then you could handle

not sure what my favorite is though I do like bike riding
unfortunately my last bike got stolen and the one I have now doesn't fit me so its uncomfortable to ride
hopefully I can get a new one sooner or later

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i started doing 10 squats a day like a week ago
no reason why in particular...

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I’ve never tried these, do they help much?
Best to ignore the autist. Also sorry for lashing out at you that one time

its all gat ive forgotten about it

Maybe if you do a bit more than 20 a day

I was just doing them today and yes I can say that they are very demanding at higher weights. Also hope you can get a new bike, I prefer jump rope for cardio but anything is better than running
I’ll take a look at them, look interesting

Leg press. The heavier the better even if it means few reps. Personal best is 2x 370 kg. I can probably go higher but the local gym doesn't have the equipment.

Pull-over because you are doing high pecs + triceps + Deltoids + Serratus on a single move.
Also Arnold press because you do everything for the upper parts of the back.

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I hope you are doing a 100% of that weigh, I see a lot of faggots that only lift half the way, you need to put the ankles on the ass.

I go full out. Took me a couple weeks to get the technique right though.
Ankles to ass, extend 95% and never lock the knees.


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I go the gym and jog. And ride mtb, hike etc.
I work construction.