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Baby eaters

lol baited owned troled u

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>implying that's a bad thing

Fucking disgusting
>leafs like shitbul

haha dummy theyre like 60 pounds cant even fight off a 60 pounddog fuxking dont deserve to live

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Get shot negroid

i don't like shitbuls i just like dead babies

dumb wh*Toid

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jump dogs

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He’s actually a mongoloid

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can you eat that many?

This is the cuteboi in the bunch

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yes cute puppy
front left is also cute
back left is kinda cute

No, this is a photo of OP's emergency food in case there's a natural disaster. But they're dogs so OP is probably having chinese style takeout tonight. Taken out of the dog that is.


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Kinda cute. I would still pour gasoline on them and lit them on fire though

Fuck off furfag.

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dumb animal abusing sociopath

what the cripes?

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can't eat just one
damn mcdoggos

filthy kafir live with dog
cull your hounds

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i like pitbulls desu

cute puppers

I know you want me, you know I want cha.

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