Me and gayposters

me and gayposters

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I spot gay

Are all the malaysian bois small and cute?

me watching gay and straight posters arguing

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Stop being gay.

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the average brit :3

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how does a straight person find a Jow Forums gf

Once i were searching a gf on Jow Forums but now, with HRT i can become the girl i ever wanted!

i dont wanna be a girl i wanna be not lonely

As a girl you can find a bf ezpz, the genedr is a fluid thing: male or female dont matter anymore, btw posting in a gay thread searching for a gf... you just want to interact with other people like you, find your way user, try prostate orgasm feel free to partecipate in gay thread and one day you will understand the chaos in your heart.

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im like slightly bi but i dont think id ever date a dude. and yeah i know its stupid posting that here, im more just bored and lonely than anything. maybe gonna try joining discord servers soon. but thx for the advice


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Im looking for bf now, i make that kind of post to keep covering the things up, but im taking HRT atm.
It's a strange turn of my life i guess

prove it

When i will looks like a cute girl ill make a thread

hope it goes well friend


Thanks guys, this really help me

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Dumb trap korbo dont chop your dick off

I will not do that, i want to keep a cute femine penis

Me and gayposters (me on the right)

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Hyd lad?

I'm alright thanks, yourself?

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the average brit trying to hide high quality nekos outside of his regular thread

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me on the left, gayposters in the middle

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Me on the right taking notes on how I can get the gayposters to love me

The average brit waving to Canada!

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Me and my gay boyfriend being happy together.

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