Romanians are a Middle Eastern people

When Rome conquered Dacia there were no Italian colonists willing to settle there due to the living standards in Italy being so high. As a result Trajan saw fit to colonize the now depopulated province with Latin-speaking Syrian and North African settlers. The impact of this can still be seen today as Romanian and Italian genetic similarity is negligible yet the Romanians' J2 composition is still extremely high for the region.
This is why we Romanians must welcome our Syrian brothers in their time of need.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Instead you should go to Syria and donate your clay to Israel

The J2 is from neolithic times; same thing is true for other eastern Mediterranean haplogroups (like EV-13) now found throughout the Balkans, S. Europe and beyond. Doesn't change much though, let's face, it most people in Southern and South Eastern Europe are not racially pure, haven't been for 10 000 years. Gypsies still need to be exterminated though.

Nice thread
Now go back to your stepes

Trăiască Bashar al-Assad!
Long live Bashar al-Assad!

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Bucurestean here. How do you explain this, then?

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Its called a shitpost my man, maybe you havent yet integrated enough into Leaf society.

And maybe you know nothing of the straight face routine. Just cuz something is a shitpost doesn’t mean you can’t respond to it seriously to make the shitposter look stupid.

Maybe if you didn’t have a gay face you’d understand.

>This is why we Romanians must welcome our Syrian brothers in their time of need.
Get the fuck out of here, you fucking cuck. Go to Syria if you love sandniggers so much.

>the daily Romania thread
>they daily look at muh shithole and fairy tale history
Will you fags just STFU and GTFO?!

From this point on only the true sons of Rome are allowed to post.

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>there were no Italian colonists willing to settle there due to the living standards in Italy being so high... The impact of this can still be seen today as Romanian and Italian genetic similarity is negligible
You're contradicting yourself you troglodyte.

Sa traiasca Nicolae Guta!

Pleacă Zoltan

Those 0. are error margins since it's not a prfect test.
Basically you're a Balkan mutt.


Ai emigrat sau te-ai născut acolo?

Bashar Al-Assad is based,the syrians are not.

It must suck being called mutt all day, eh Americanski? Shh no more tears.

Am fost nascut in Bucuresti si ma am mutat in Canada in 2000.

>Look at my shithole Jow Forums look!
>Lets stare at it.
>Let's just agitate about it.
>Now let me makeup some fairy tale and call it history

Attached: 20170514_234019.png?fit=656,538&ssl=1.png (656x538, 411K)

Don't look middle eastern.

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Citi ani ai?

>Humans are primates
>Humans create great civilization
>Humans not want to move into Gorilla jungle because of great civilization.
>That is why we are moving Gorillas into Romania.

Vrei sa te mai intorci acas?

Ce pizda ma-sii posteaza atatea frunze aici? Sa va ia dracu de albastrupastilati

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uite frunza pulii, suji pula lu trudo

>tfw part of the latin masterrace

Attached: latinmasterrace.png (2860x749, 658K)

Da cum se nu haha. La o banca. Network engineering.


Da foarte tare. Am fost in Romania aceasta vara sa vad familia si tara (ma duc aproape in fiecare an). Aduc si niste bani pentru aia din tara care ai mai vad. Dar imi vin lacrimi tot timpul cund sunt acolo si vad frumusetea si sufletul tarii in oamenii (si fetele!) care ai intilnesc si cund vad natura si historia in toate locurii. Imi place tara foarte mult si imi pare rau ca am trebuit sa plec cu parintii mei. Cred ca osa mai stau in Canada pina cumpar o casa sau un apartament si il inciriez la alti casa pot sa ma duc inapoi in Romania si sa am bani in orce caz.

Bravo, și pe mine mă tot bate gândul să plec

Italians were not really European even before the Edict of Caracalla my friend. Real Dacians, Vlachs and Slavs in Romania should stay swag from cryptoahMeds and others farmernigger monstrosities
May as well start presenting yourself as a mulatto

Eu unu regret ca am emigrat, ma intorc acasa cat de devreme pot, daca esti descurcaret o sa o duci mai bine acasa decat altundeva

Poate ar fii bine sa pleci un pic sa stringi bani si sa ai aduci inapoi acasa cum fac cinezii.

Am fost prim multe tarii si stiu ca Romania e ceva special si fenomenal. Or cum ai fii si ciar daca nu e bogata (acuma). Si America de Nord este unele dintre cele mai nesuferit de traire. E de lucru pe aici, dar nu e nici un suflet bun si toata lumea sa drogeaza cu mincuni (si drogurii adevarate).

Esti norocos ca traiesti acolo in gindul meu.

Bazat si rosupastilat
Asta simt de cand am calcat in basina asta de tara

Finally someone who is redpilled, I would add we are asiatic also so we need to take everybody from there also.

Bai daca nu ma depreseaza la moarte cund intru in Pearson Airport si vad toti oameni negrii si urati si plingacosii dupa ce vin inapoi din europa. Parca vin dela un paradis si am intrat in iad. Imi vine sa ma impusc cund ma gundesc Ce frumuase sunt fetele in Romania in comparatie cu cucuanele astea de aici.

Our syrian brother can die at the border for all I care, ba pula.

>implying this country isnt diverse and will become so much so in the future
I laugh so hard at you diaspora cucks that want to come back.

No, you just don’t understand how much further down the path we are over here in North America. I want to return to use my newfound wealth to hold back the tides in my home country as much as I can, however I can. At least with money I will be able to influence and do more things to accomplish that. I won’t just roll over and let it continue happening. I’ve been to hell and it’s called North America.

Nu poti sa intelegi cat de mult te inteleg. Coae cand esti in Romania si vezi ce lume cu aparenta buna si comportament exemplar e, ce oameni normali care se gandesc la copii si la munca, nu la pierdut vremea si la droguri. Toata lumea e homofoba si rasista. Fetele tinere sunt individe cu care mai poti si vorbi. Mereu cand ma intorc la scoala aici, sunt blackpilled

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Pic related. Romania is the top. North America is the bottom.

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Sugi pula ba muie, numa cu mine mort se intampla asa ceva

You will do nothing since things here arent democratic, a bunch of politicians that are subservient to other big nations and the corporations and they will do what they are told, as a matter of face we are getting foreign workers for a while now and the number will only increase.If I were you I would choose a more sane nation to go than this place.

coae de unde esti? Cred ca ne-am intelege bine

>implying you are worth anything
You talks as if you wield some kind of power or authority when in reality you are nothing like the rest of us and as it stands we are following every policy that France and UK have done in the past decades.

This is the insanity of every country these days and it’s much worse over here. I’ve seen our people. We are much more intelligent and capable than North Americans. I have faith and I see the potential in us to shed the stupid virus that these other western countries are getting.

Toronto. Sunt in centru de nebuniee.

Incearca sa faci comert in Romania, o vei duce mai bine decat sa muncesti in strainatate.

go to chanon, you belong there

Then you havent seen the reality of this place only your projection of your highest dreams and hopes, if you think the enthnic romanians care about immigration or replacement of their population you are surely mistaken, they are only motivated for a better living standard.

slav(E)s, ahMEDs, gypsies, celtshits, jews: all racial filth that belongs in a crematorium and not in Evropa. Soon we will cleanse you from this continent

You peasant scum should anal lick your math and IT teachers, deep tongue their assholes every time you visit your shithole, without them you'd be picking fruit and washing toilets for minimum wage.

Eu sunt in Montreal, celalt centru. Aici mai trebuia sa-ti fie rusine si de ce a facut imperiu britanic la fr*ncezi

La cati bani am si cate afaceri pot deschide acolo, putere cam am coae


But you dont if you think your small shop or 2 rented apartments means power then you will be in a world of pain.

Trust me, I have seen the people. And I know all about the corruption of the politicians and the maddening beaurocracy to get any business started and the corrupt cops that need to be bribed to get them off your back. I know all about it. But you’re wrong about the people.

Liberal retards exist everywhere, and Romania is no different for sure, but the Romanian national spirit is much stronger than the globohomo liberal spirit and you can feel it when you’re in Romania. There’s just too much truth and history behind our culture to be easily toppled by ideals of people born yesterday.

>We are much more intelligent and capable than North Americans.
No you're not.
You got lucky Romania has a decent IT teaching program, that's it, most of you fuckers are nigger tier level.

Elaboreaza, si vorbeste dracu in romana de ce faci LARP?


Remove meme flag, bozgor

Lol we got the gist of your jewyness the first couple posts you spammed in this thread while everyone ignored you. You can go now, thanks Chaim.

Nigger are you high? Tell me then where are the protest for the fact there is a complete extinction of ethnic romanians? Or where are the movements against gypsies that rule everything? Or how about the refugees that are here that rape and kill.You talked with a bunch of small people who share some of your opinions thinking they are the majority.

Me on the left

Attached: we6awe61.jpg (680x450, 118K)

Habar n-ai despre ce vorbești și ai iluzii, mai ieși afară din casă

What is there to elaborate? You think you can influence society and exercise influence on the government to implement your nationalist policies because you have a bit money when all the companies here struggle to find workers? You think that the new changes that have recently happen in our policy of immigration and work visa wasnt influenced by them?

Protesting is not in the Romanian’s blood. The very idea of a “protest” is jewish. Romanians are men of silent and determined action.

Okay then it will not be hard for you to show me some kind of outrage to the case of modern day slavery that gypsies had with those romanians, or how about their prostitution rings where they take romanian women to be sold in the West? Where is the outrage of the police and gypsies working hand in hand? Nowhere because they are weak and pacified.

>Protesting is not in the Romanian’s blood
Ayyy its that why we have major protest every 2 years against the government?
>The very idea of a “protest” is jewish. Romanians are men of silent and determined action.

Pic related before anyone brings up muh 89 revolution against Causescu.

Just another colour revolution that has been pushed by the Judeo-Masonic canal since the time of The French Revolution and Tsar Nicholas.

Oops didn’t attach pic lol
All paid actors and lowIQ minorities

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Yeah all of them are payed protesters, God forbid the might actually be there for something.Its better for you to stay there in Canada than to come here since it obvious you believe an illusion of this country and people and it will be shattered after you live here for a while.

Binecuvântat fiți de a noastră dragă Marie, Regină și iubitoare de Românie !

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Fratele meu e polițist, și se lucrează la asta, dar tu nu te gândești deloc că acest război împotriva criminalilor costă bani și timp? Ori, crezi tu că media este interesată în astfel de raportaj, când ea poate pur și simplu să vorbească de nu știu ce crimă a mai comis vreun cioroi?

Am 26 de ani și vreo 2000 de lei în bancă, ce comerț să fac cu salariu mediu pe economie?

>Renting a few stands in the market place
>good produce/low prices
>competition slashes your tires and harasses you and the police don't do anything

Open a shop
>inspectors come every day and give you bullshit fines because the local crime lord has a business just like you

Try to buy agricultural products to sell for export or food industry
>offer good price to farmers
>mafia intermediaries that offered a bad price thin you're cutting in their business model so they bribe bureaucrats to delay your shipments so you get penalties on your contracts leaving you with bad shipment since agricultural products are perishables and if they even accept your produce you'll still net a loss

Have a good business and try to win a contract with the gov
>only relatives of politicians and mafia win such contracts

You can't win in a fully corrupt system where most of the government, parliament and mayors are investigated for corruption, and economic crimes and they try to make crime legal.
The only reason it' s still afloat is the free EU money.

I want to come back to Romania more now just so I can find you and remove you from the population pool.

What does it mean ?

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Magyar niggers get out
Romania is Arab and based

Este retardat ca toți ceilalți români de pe Jow Forums. Îl poți ignora comod.

The heads of the local police and the local politicians work hand in hand with them, it has been the case ever since Basescu took power, or you think him visiting the gypsy king and getting that gold was just a random event?So whatever a low level police officer does get shut down by the higher ups and because the every day policeman is also weak just accepts it.

Keep larping, most of you IT guys spent most of your lives with your nose in a book.
You wouldn't know the reality of your own shithole.

He said magyar that's how he always wins the argument.

Sa traiesti!

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And I want you to come here so that your dreams can be shattered when you will see reality for what it is, its clear to me you think like a kid and believes in some great things that never were there to begin with.

>or you think him visiting the gypsy king and getting that gold was just a random event
Or his brother getting bribes to get gypsies of of jail promising presidential pardons.

adevăr glăsuiești

Jow Forums are dreptate in tot deauna.

Thats a separate issue in it altogether.

Vorbești fără să te informezi.

>worshiping a Danish royal Family that they invited to rule and made filthy rich
Such a cuck nation.

A hibák tipikusak. Magyarország és Románia egy főre jutó GDP-je ugyanaz most. Amikor kétsebességes lesz az Európa akkor fogod igazán bánni a jelenlegi vezetőséget.

Mai bine nu. Tara de cacat acuma . Mai asteapta poate se schimba ceva . Prea multi hoti si coruptie in romania .
Scuze pentru romana mea de cacat, am plecat din romania cand aveam 5 ani .

Țara va fi întotdeauna așa dacă nu lucrăm noi, tineretul, să punem pe cineva competent la conducere.

Hrisovul Reginei Maria :

“Ţării mele şi Poporului meu,

Când veţi ceti aceste slove, Poporul meu, eu voi fi trecut pragul Tăcerii veşnice, care rămâne pentru noi o mare taină. Şi totuşi, din marea dragoste ce ţi-am purtat-o, aş dori ca vocea mea să te mai ajungă încă odată, chiar de dincolo de liniştea mormântului.

Abia împlinisem 17 ani, când am venit la tine;eram tânără şi neştiutoare, însă foarte mândră de ţara mea de baştină, şi am îmbrăţişat o nouă naţionalitate m-am străduit să devin o bună Româncă. La început n-a fost uşor. Eram străină, într-o ţară străină, singură între străini. Dar prea puţini sunt aceia cari se reculeg să cugete cât de greu este calea, pe care o Principesă străină trebuie s-o parcurgă ca să devie una cu noua ţară în care a fost chemată. Am devenit a voastră prin bucurie şi prin durere. Privind înapoi e greu de spus ce a fost mai mare:bucuria ori durerea? – cred că bucuria a fost mai mare, dar mai lungă a fost durerea.

Nimeni nu e judecat pe drept cât trăieşte:abia după moarte este pomenit sau dat uitării. Poate de mine vă veţi aminti deoarece v-am iubit cu toată puterea inimei mele şi dragostea mea a fost puternică, plină de avânt:mai târziu a devenit răbdătoare, foarte răbdătoare.

Mi-a fost dat să trăiesc cu tine, Poporul meu, vremuri de restrişte şi vremuri de mari îndepliniri. Pentru un timp mi-a fost dat să-ţi fiu călăuză, să-ţi fiu inspiratoare, să fiu aceia care a păstrat flacăra vie, aceia care a devenit centrul de îndârjire în zilele cele mai negre.

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Aceasta ţi-o pot spune astăzi căci nu mai sunt în viaţă. În acele zile mi-ai dat un nume ce mi-a fost drag;m-ai numit “Mama tuturor” şi aş vrea să rămân în amintirea ta aceia care putea totdeauna să fie găsită în clipele de durere sau pericol. A venit mai târziu o vreme când m-aţi negat, dar aceasta este soarta mamelor, am primit aceasta, şi v-am iubit mai departe, cu toate că nu vă puteam ajuta aşa de mult ca în zilele când credeaţi în mine. Dar aceasta e uitată.

Atât timp am fost în mijlocul tău, încât mi se pare, abia cu putinţă că trebuie să te părăsesc;totuşi, orice om ajunge la capătul drumului său.”

Attached: De poveste Regina Maria si Printesa Nadeja Stirbey 1903.jpg (549x655, 37K)

Oh wow so amazing she was living as a queen while the majority of the people where fighting their landlords to get their fare share of food for their work, while majority of the people was illiterate she was building castles and palaces.

Traiasca regele si Romania Mare

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