Are Italian-Americans the Master Race?

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t. self hating italian america with german mother

No lol they are the niggers of Europe

italians are basically half nigger


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Italians maybe. Not Italian-Americans. You cannot deny they are the Master Race.

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Aesthetically maybe maybe not
Culturally yes. Meds in general created civilization and germanics are the nogs of the world who were civilized and given a kick start by the meds.

Because you need something to kick off your argument about how Italians aren’t white again.

Let’s just skip to the reason why to save time, eh?
>26 seconds in

Kick rocks, kike.

I grew up in NJ. All the Italian Americans acted like niggers.

>all italians in the us are like that

When I went to the midwest your germanic women were begging me to stay.

>rant from True Romance about eggplant

whats right below italy?

the mediterranean

Nigger, they didn't even make it to the track before the race started.

Fuck of d&c jew nigger, seriously you niggers need to fuck off every european is special and should be separate, only jews truly dislike Europeans

It appears that the evidence points to the jews being the master race. We all hate them because of it.

>A monologue from a movie made by an unironic nigger fetishist who got the idea for that dialogue from an actual nigger going we wuz sicilians n shit proves that Italians are negroids

>street mob fighting for scrubs
>master race

master racists

lol no
The irish are the master race.
>all inbred sicilians
>pagan jews
>lusted after by their uncles
the irish:
>milky skin
>presidential like JFK
>lusted after by women of all ages and races

>lusted after by women of all ages and races

fucking gold

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This whole website is Satanic black magic, sick shit!

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if u see an italian with brown eyes and dark hair then they're a rape baby from 1500 years ago.
true italians are dirty blonde/ green eyed.
years ago they found a village in china where the people had lighter hair and green eyes. turns out it was 2 lost legions from the roman empire that reproduced with the indigenous gene pool.
the ore north you go geographically in italy the more pure the bloodlines are, cause the afrikans and selucids settled in the south and worked their way up, until it got cold.

Nice try but the Irish are still nigger tier

my family is genoan and we're all brown eyed except for my cousins.


t. Self loving Italian-American with a German Mother

if you don't hate yourself you're not italian

Pseudo-scientific bullshit.
Why has the day of the rake not come yet?

Bullshit you Milanese subhuman, if you don't think you are God's gift to this Earth You are not Italian

Germans are complete shit just so you know.

i'm not milanese

Real Italians have red hair, Yellow skin and green eyes.

what part of grade 10 genetics is psuedo- science?

master bait thread

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the irish
>everything your parents ever hoped you could be when they decorated your nursery
>idolater and poor flosser
>stunning disgrace to your poor mother

>italian-americans are the niggers of europe
smart comment


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Oh marone

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Factual statement: Italian-Americans have the best slang

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We have the supreme penis. Long thick and white.


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No, they are the niggerspawn of the undesirables we sent to America.
We didn't send our best, but some, I assume, were very good people.

an italian american subhuman shitskin made this song

Well, he's actually full blooded Italian.

But he came to america to compose it so he's italian american.

Most people here for some reason think that being of italian heritage in the us makes you that when you're just american.

MEDlets are subhuman

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Where is this shot from? I know most, but can't place this one. Is it right after he loses his roulette winnings on that football bet at the casino?

your posting history, shitskin

This. Italians are even more subhuman than the Portuguese

couldn't agree more

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Italians are the best

the best sodomites

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at cuckoldry

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Ayyy, marone, more oil on my gabbagoo!

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how jewish are meds

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these are my guys. do I ? no

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>"Italian" american
You are not italian

Cringey French fuck


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Can confirm. They're just white niggers.

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I guess this is for you rune lund, I am so sorry but i din't know! I didn't fuck her I promise!

I am honest, this is anonymous now, I knwo your brother reads, so I am honest in this and this on ly, I never thouched her! I wish I did though, but I nver did. my god..I wish I did... she called me your agent and went totalt nuts.... I told her I am not his agent......

I am so sorry for her rune I know you read, but more pressing your brother, I am so sorry for him this at least you cannot blame me. it's disgusting I can't say more, ffucking vidar my best friend in childhood is a poofter. in this rune lund I guess we're both equally fucked I can't handle it. I like to shoot pistols I don't like homosexuals, butwell...

I know you read this, I am a russian bot apparantly and I'm fed up. I don't want to do this anymore, can we go shooting instead? and that one with the massive jugs from skjetten I want her. bandidos well that one chick was angry she called her a "sprut hore" I don't know what that means, I just want her and stop what I am doing right now, and fuck and fish, everyone here is scared of me and I am sick off it. I know it's the same with you too rune. so let us do some stuff, I know you will get this. I'm so sick off them all. but I want her from skjetten she massive tits but I think she just fucks everyone, she is really stupid but she is also really hot. hangaround. everyone has fucked her


pick one Laquesha

I'm a pure Irish-American and I agree with your statement. The Shitalians mixed with Jews and probably are actually Sicilians lol

All this paulie posting... its a crossover pol meets tv thread ... watch it user!

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Italian Sausage,hahahahhahahaha

Italians and Latinos are basically the same, except that Latinos tend to be while

They are actually romanians

eyyyyyyyyy chrissy, hehe

this video explains it

das rite

>moors are niggas
>sicilians have blue and blond hair
Unfortunately Italians are white and the central one's is more closely to the romans than anyone.

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La creatura...

El abomacion...

La atrociadad...

Given what they do to food?

Nice fairy tale.

So if I go to Japan and write a song I'll turn into a Japanese?

Hey thats our token negro.

Oi oi, hang on a minute.

I have the biggest thing for half Irish half Italian girls. They run rampant in CT, MA, and NJ. Petit, brunette, bitchy, with a good work ethic and phenomenal in bed

>Northern Italian is a really good race for sure
>Mixed Italians are traitors of our land, clearly not the master race because of it
>Southern Italians I just hope the Vesuvio burns then down

t. abdul

Shut your ugly monkey face you disgusting subhuman you're even worse than the common amerimutt

Down Stallone

De niro isn't italian or even italian american though

Don't you talk about our oldest and greatest allies like that

Rocky Marciano showed those fuckin moolies who's boss!

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Your home nigga.

no they're just gypsies like all shitalians

the vipers

You're a kraut WOP OP

Says the fuckin moolie, go fuck ya self you dumb fuckin prick scumbag, I’ll smash ya worm head in the oven then serve your brains to your hootin fuckin priest ya fuck

If you come to Italy and ask any italian about italian-americans, they will tell you that they're niggers and they don't want anything to do with them

Being this delusional

could any other persuasion of morbidly obese middle aged man land a hunky new england firefighter? I think not

game, set, match


Thank you for proving my point

civic cucks in 220, civic cucks in 890, civic cucks in 1861, civic cucks for ever
The only allies of Britain are her navy and army

other than germans I can't think of a diaspora group in america that isn't absolute fucking garbage

Italian americans are fake wannabe italians none of them are actually Italian they're all 100% mutts