Wives are for breeding, not friendship

The principal value of any marriage must be to foster life. There may be values that
follow from it, but fostering life is the
essential element of marriage.

>shouldn't common interests be part of
a good marriage
That only common interests that matter are those related to FOSTERING LIFE. Any other common interests are meaningless. Your wife is not your recreational partner, only your partner for FOSTERING LIFE.

>but we don't plan on having children
GTFO childfree degenerates. You don't have a wife, only a low grade and expensive whore- you bought when you should have leased.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>dont be friends with the people you live with
OK Jew

Your 10th shitpost against white women in an hour

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Just a womb you can sort of deal with. If you’re lucky. That’s all white women are.

>Must be a conspiracy against white women
No, it's a movement.

This isn’t something you need to worry about you unloveable unfuckable loser.

>Your 10th shitpost against white women in an hour

the others have gone to bed

What’s even the point of this thread?

Obviously a family needs a stable environment and that includes the mother and father having a good relationship

take their rights away and the feminist laws and i ll marry tomorrow and make my wife's vagina look like a stargate from the 10 children she ll give birth to. till then fuck you

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It's not that she SHOULDN'T be a friend. It's that she WILL NOT be a friend. Not until she's old and fat and wrinkly and completely worthless will she finally finally start to comprehend what the word "friendship" really means-- but only because she stopped being worth anything.

Treat old cunts like shit: the way they treated you when you were younger.

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I'm a child-free straight man that uses other men's wifes as a free source of pussy because they strapped themselves into an agreement of economical value rather than emotional need, which changes by the hour and I can exploit.

Have fun being a provider to you cheating wife and what may not be your kids you tradecon slave.


End all gibs.
End all women's rights.

Want to save the West and the white race etc.?
Then enslave the cunt. Only about 3-4% of the population is Jewish. HALF the fucking population is female. Let that sink in.

Rothschild flag

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Your're a fat kike, admit it

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These tradcucks wants us to marry, have 1-2 children (the woman will tell you no to more), 7 out of 10 children are not even the biological father's, then divorce rape you, become single mother and she ll raise beta cucks that will shoot some school or sluts that will start fucking at 13. Fuck the trad cucks, fuck the feminists and fuck everyone that is not behind taking women's rights away.

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A fat kike that's fucking your wife as a side-piece

A woman's only right is the right to be subservient.

There is nothing wrong with a latina sidepiece, granted your wife is pregnant.

>Wives are for breeding, not friendship


If you don't even understand that women are essentially animals they, as in the majority of women, will say they're not getting fucked properly. Literally cucking yourself if you believe women want respect and adoration instead of rules and punishment. They're willful children and wish to be treated as such.

officially retarded. Wife is my best mate & knows traditional roles are best. If you don't know your wife how can you be sure they're teaching your child properly?

women are children and slaves to their baser instincts. Hence they should never be left to their own devices. Get rid of the cucks and betas and nature will take the natural course.

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if you have a woman friend that is very weird how can you put yourself in that lower position. if not you should be getting whipped it woman

10/10 thread dear distinguished fellow poster. Upvoted!

>fellow poster
It's us against NAZI America, friend. Stay strong.

t. incel

Retard leaf

Having a mate you care nothing for is a recipe for divorce and dysfunction
If the only target is spewing out as many retarded shitspawn as you can, niggers win at that easily

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Why don't you like my trap thread, though?

>A fat kike
>I hate white women

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The sad truth is as long as women are not shamed by other women for their basic instincts nothing will ever change. Men will always pursue due to biological urges, even if those urges make it harder to secure a proper family unit to raise. Just as women are naturally attuned to dominance, men are attuned to procreation. Hence the male feminist.

Chill bro, it's totally okay for your wife to have me as a boyfriend. It's her choice! If you disagree you're a frail masculine puppet.

Yes they are.

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>Wives are for breeding, not friendship.
I would add to help raise children, but other than that agreed.

i recognise that bulge

>raise children
That is what I mean by 'fostering life-' the entirity of raising children.

Women should not work outside the home. Have 6-8 children, then spend your 40s on helping other mothers raise their children.

It's just hair. Shaved women are degenerate.

disagree. Back in the day when civilizations rose men were not betas and betas were killed. Betas only chase women. Chasing someone communicates that they are of higher value. Nowhere in history women were worshiped like today. Thirsty men need to get the bullet, and women need to learn their place by force. The future of the world depends on this.

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stale pasta
archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/subject/"wives are for breeding"/type/op/

uuuu love hair

>shouldn't common interests be part of a good marriage

No, only common values and compatible personalities.

>GTFO childfree degenerates. You don't have a wife, only a low grade and expensive whore- you bought when you should have leased.

Agreed. The fact these people are also the fucking worst. Marriage for family means absolutely fuck all to them, it's just a novelty they feel compelled to go through. The DINKs regularly throw us under the bus.

>The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife. (1 Cor., 7:3-4)"
Fuck off, relationships are supposed to be equal. Even back then, they weren't this "Women get abused, men rule" sort of thing, it was an equal give-give relationship - this doesn't mean the men weren't dominant, but the man does his job and the woman does his.

You are so caught up with the larp you think everyone is mocking 100%
Literally only look at tranny porn these days and Asian teens that pass as high school girls.

>>shouldn't common interests be part of a good marriage
>No, only common values and compatible personalities.
This. Honestly, not sure why so much resistence...
Women make shits friends. But they can incubate babies.

Ty. Have an upboat.
BTW, not a larp.

The irony is that back then, you were only truly equal when you were dirt poor. Because you were both equally in the dirt together, you equally starved together, you equally got sick and died together.

Separation of roles didn't occur until you climbed towards the higher classes, in which it basically became: men went off and did war, acquiring assets, and government business, women stayed behind to manage the staff, defend the home, and a bunch of other shit without actually doing most of it.

Automation killed women's role in society, and left a bunch of better off women with fuck all to do at home all day.

listen to Camille Paglia. She tells how it was always PERFECTLY NORMAL AND TRADITIONAL for married men and women to hang out separately in the village or the homestead and do male or female things.

It's more like: you don't pick your wife because she likes football, you pick your wife because she'll smile and nod and help you make football night for you and your friends, even if she doesn't like it.

lol wat

real or sarcasm?

nevermind, misread it

Women have always been prioritized over men for the simple biological reasoning that 1 man and 10 women will rebuild faster than 10 men and 1 women. This imperative is parroted today with the ideals of 'women and children first' in crisis. Note that this phrase implies women over children...

Yeah, total fucked simps are disgusting and onions-based but let's not get too overboard in determining a women's place.

In older societies women would be shamed and expelled from the group if they were unfaithful because their affairs created distrust in bloodlines. That fact molded women towards their true purpose, as life giving people deserving of reverence as long as they acted within the social rules. If a woman was a slut at this time, they would be outted and estranged by other women because that behavior delegitimizes their own position.

This. Division of labor- specialization, and strengths.

But I like whores. Especially ones with common interests.

Thats society problem,not women one.
Look you society teach girls that the lives of the unborn kuds they have is worth less then any slight discomfort they may expirience.
If her children life is worth so little imagine how wortless her partner is.

This is literally the 45th time you make this shitty thread you fucking moron

That's a man with a dick. Fick off leaf

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Smells like kike meddling, to me. When do we eradicate them?

>45th time
And still you believe wives are not for breeding?

All religions say women should be subservient. Romans and Greeks held women to lower status. (only when Rome started worshiping them fell). Ottomans also treated women poorly. Women started getting power around 1880 or so. Thats just 150 years of human history.

You're better than this user. Stop telling yourself you love it, when its killing you. Were you abandoned? Is that why you sleep with married ones? So they wont want more or to attach?

There's a difference between societal power and political power. Women have traded the former for the latter. No we have tinder sluts parading their abortions as a mark of freedom instead of women committing to their mate and breeding a family unit and nuturing their offspring. It's not subservience in totality that women are now lacking, but an actual need. The feminist movement has completely disenfranchised womans power toward society in the long term.

I was shitposting a common idea that happens to the majority of men in today's society. Get over yourself you undercover feminist.

>shitty ass shoop
>fake tits
That's a fucking tranny you faggot OP

ive had white gf's and it always ended in pain for me. Now i have waifu and its fucking amazing...

I dunno boyo's i really did try, i consider her honorary. I mean 3x and always failure white chicks are shit in highly developed western societies. I'm a 8 in looks and body with an above average job. I cant keep a white chick in the same locale as me. They all are special snowflakes. I don't want to push blame... but i think those who nose know why this has become the golden standard. Bros that are decent looking and have a white wifey grats I dont hate... Maybe i flew to close to the sun. 100+ in and my honest godforsaken opinion find a trad waifu and cant go wrong. mind you i wont breed. but thats because i'm prepped for the happening. also im drunk so what do i know.

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Congrats on colonizing foreign pussy, but you still dug low to get your rocks off.

I agree, yet like i stated the pain my perfect ideal woman left me was ridiculous. Imagine being told you'd end up resenting her because she's obviously better than you... I almost smashed her head into a concrete wall... alas i did the chad thing, get loser drunk at a pub and fuck a random roasty in a low end park.

canuckistahns not quite ready for a brevik yet ;)

We've had as much shit luck with you guys, as you've had with us.

Russian men for the win. Western men are too emotionally out of control, it looks weak.

Spoken like a true incel.

Associating societal 'chad' mannerisms to reaffirm your manhood is not a good look my man. Either you stick to your principles of finding a good, white conservative women to procreate with or you go off and attempt to justify your lack of success by invading lesser pussy. Great job trading your dick for a green card you selfish fuck.

Free Mason Flag

Grat's ; )

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Telling you can do better than fucking other dudes wives makes a me a feminist? What it makes me is a friend. Have some honour and self respect.

yeah blah blah, remove their right to vote and the problem will solve itself. Everything else is cheap words on utopian women that will never come to pass. They are not our equals and they are not to be trusted with anything of importance.

OP is a faggot and a kike

Jesus Christ help your retardation

I don't understand why you're so militantly dismissive when we're saying the same thing.

this. western women are a scourge. also brown creatures shouldn't be allowed to vote either.

>Camille Paglia
She's the proto-tradthot with her traditional gender roles for thee but feminist lesbianism for me ethos going on

Those are both terrible reasons to pick a wife.

On the contrary, a wife can be hot and "breedable", but the test of character is how she handles shit she doesn't particularly give a shit for, but knows it matters to you.

If she can't be bothered to take a few minutes of her time to do something because you enjoy it, she'll most likely be a shitty mother who is incapable of taking a few minutes out of her own time to look after her own kid.

This is the blackest of pills, and inly the anons that understand this in these times have happy marriages. The ones that don't get cucked by guys that fo, and chose to remain single like this user

>relationships are supposed to be equal.

Im sorry you can't see the truth

Weak white men is what brought us the status of shitty white women



Your mom is fat.

When a husband joins with his wife, the two become one flesh. Would you choose to become one flesh with someone whom you don't consider to be agreeable? If so, that's your prerogative, but you're setting yourself up for discontent.

they're not jews, they are white guys too retarded to get laid

Incels and mgtow are a plague which should be contained on Jow Forums.

>inb4 = muh roastie

I just quickly want to remind you that overpopulation is a real problem. Even if you don't acknowledge the global-warming issue, there's still the issue of Oil as a resource which is most likely to run out in the not too distant future. And without the oil the world can eventually only sustain about 2 billion people, if I remember correctly, unless we get a new source of energy comparable to oil in the next couple of decades.

So you might want to reconsider the "wahmen are only for breeding" viewpoint. I mean it was good with organized religion way back, cause humanity as a species needed to expand, but this doesn't really work anymore and brings only brings harm.

It's fine if you want to have five children or such, but trying to enforce your views on others is just making shit worse.

>I just quickly want to remind you that overpopulation is a real problem.

Not for white people m8. We don't even produce 2.0 babies by couples.

Most of the countries in the world is below 2.0 fertility rate and I agree certain third world countries could reduce their fucking or increase the contraception a bit. But even then the total fertility rate would still be higher than our mortality rate thereby contributing to the problem.

Not that I've checked the individual statistics of each country, but I doubt you'll find many countries with higher mortality rate than fertility rate. I'd probably also bet that some of the third world countries even out with first world countries in this regard as they don't have access to the same medical care.

He's right. You get a wife to breed not to treat like a bro. If you had a proper family (6+, not a modern nu-family of 4) you wouldn't even have time for "hobbies". Step up faggot.

Jow Forums is a normiefest.

Fuck off kike. Overpopulation is only a concern for 3rd world countries.
Nuke everything that isn't the west and you've solved the problem, otherwise fuck off.

Right now what we need in Europe is more white people period. We will talk about the earth n shit later.

>7 out of 10 children are not even the biological father's

you guys are tiresome

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go outside sometime retard

I did find the study worldwide that says 1/25 kids are not of their biological father. I cant find the US study that shows 3 out 10. But suit yourself kike

Let's all compete with the Makumba and Ahmed! Let's have at least 4 children per couple!
In 20 years, they'll make excellent cheap labor for our corporate overlords
>I have 10 other candidates for this excellent garbage removal job position here, take it or leave it

Healthy marriages are built on mutual respect and unconditional love for eachother. The wife respects the husband's position as head of the family, provider and protector. The husband respects the wife's position as a mother, caretaker and homemaker.

If you do not respect your woman, you're a literal fucking subhuman manchild, shitskin or otherwise non-white. If a woman does not respect you, you're either all of aforementioned or she's not worth your time.

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1/25 is not 7/10 and 3 out of 10 is 7/10 anyway you didn't provide any ressources and you're full of shit

Also it's slightly better to be a kike than to be a fucking nigger. Nigger.