Look what you guys made me buy

>I feel more of a chad eating these
>I feel like a man.
SJWs don’t eat sardines, they eat onions products
>sardines, the ultimate facist food
Heil Hitler!

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Other urls found in this thread:


You’re not white if you don’t eat sardines

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those black pepper king oscars are absolute kino, top choice m9

I eat sardines, why must fags like you fuck up shit I like?

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>Top choice top kek
Thanks m8
This is my breakfast everyday before I lift I just woke up

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Shut up kid

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>he doesnt eat sardines and anchovies

Side of vodka and you're all set comrade

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I can't stand fish skin..why can't they skin them

I gotta try these next. These black pepper sardines are fucking great m8

Don’t be a pussy leaf, the skin doesn’t even have taste

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>I feel more of a chad eating these
>I feel like a man.
>SJWs don’t eat sardines, they eat onions products
>sardines, the ultimate facist food
>Heil Hitler!
Gayest shit I have ever read. You should give this brand a try.

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>sjw jidf detected
Fuck off schlomo

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Imagine be such a basedlet that eating fish out of a can give you a big dick and make you feel like a man.

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Wow. Get a load of this onions goy! He still thinks it's red pulled to eat sardines OUT OF A CAN! sardines? Really? A can? Have fun getting parabens from the coating on the inside if that can.

Real Chad's only eat herring out of a jar!

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I'll stick with my Tuna, and a little bit of dolphin.

Sardines and avocado on toast. Best breakfast. Shmear a load of
Butter underneath on some good sourdough bread mmm.

I really like anchovies, but I don't trust sardines.

I know you are just talking shit, but are these any good?
I like smoked sardines just out of the can best.

Real men eat King Salmon.

Start eating sardines

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The skin is the best part. When you roast it and it gets nice and crispy... Yum!

Jar lids have the same shit on them, user.

I like cutting up the sardines, sprinkling them on mixed greens with a healthy amount of salt, pepper and a splash of apple cider vinegar (with mother).

You can get them, personally I like to crunch on the bones

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what the fuck is with these file names? what website are the shills getting these images from?

They're phone posters.
Did you just wake up from a coma? Have you seen who's POTUS now?

It's a GUID, look it up

Please don't let this become a Reddit meme food. I have enjoyed canned sardines for over 30 years.

kill yourself you absolute brainlet

Pickled herring? Oh ya I love em. My oma always used to make this weird herring salad with beets. Sounds and looks strange but taste is so good. Idk about that specific brand tho.

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You would think people would have learned not to reply to threads with tracking tagged images. But no.

Take care of your mecury intake. Don't overeat them. Do fish twice or three times a week.

I picked up some pickled herring from Ikea a while back. I like the idea of it, but the brine they use is so fucking sweet it just ruined the experience for me. Might as well have been straight sugar.

>party bites
I'm having a laugh trying to picture a bunch of friends having a saturday night herring party

Mercury is mostly an issue if you eat fish high up in the food chain, like tuna.

Best brand
pic related is best product

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Thanks memeflag your opinion is equally valuable.

this one's bait

Give me all the onions and no one gets hurt.

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Sorry gramps, the deenz boys are here to spoil it. It's a long-running Jow Forums and /ck/ meme, it crops up on Jow Forums and Jow Forums sometimes, I even saw it on Jow Forums once (user was asking about importing huge amounts from China).
Example: warosu.org/ck/thread/10452049

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Sardines are fucking putrid

>Not eating sardines and sriracha in your oats

I eat canned sardines and macquerel.

Since when is it /ourfood/ though? And why?

Fantastic nutrient profile. Especially when it comes to the balance of omega 3 to omega 6 fatty acids.


Can you guys recommend me some redpilled food products?

Justice has been served. This is what you get for activating your almonds in my Jow Forums you filthy niggers

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you filthy fucking subhuman
you literal nigger
fucking walking garbage pile of shit
absolute scum cunt

kill yourself, and to any government agents monitoring this that wasnt a meme, it was 100% serious
I hope you were raped as a child you fucking faggot

Meat, fish (especially the ones that eat plankton), cruciferous vegetables, seeds/nuts (walnuts and pumpkin seeds especially) and berries. In that order.

lol do you work for big fish skin or something