Syrian refugee in Sweden, I've lived here for 5 years, and recently got my citizenship, ask me anything

syrian refugee in Sweden, I've lived here for 5 years, and recently got my citizenship, ask me anything.

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Kill dumb fr*gposter(a-poo poster) from Sweden, please

Do you even have a job?

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ahaha sweden literally got rapefugee'd

you too


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well i'm just 18, so i'm still studying.

ne jag tänker inte gå nånstans.

yes, that is why i think many people should be deported. not everybody who comes here comes with the intention of repaying society, I however do, so these people don nothing but muddy our name and reputation.

Skall du aldrig någonsin återvända till hemlandet ditt?

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are you planning to leave you disgusting rat?

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jag anser sverige o vara mitt hemland nu, jag kom hit när jag var 13, jag pratar svenska bättre än jag pratar arabiska, och jag har bara olika värderingar än folket i Syrien, jag tänker plugga, få ett jobb, och betala tillbaka till samhället som tog emot mig.

not anytime soon, no.

Don't worry Sweden. We will annex you soon and put you out of your misery

why did you abandon your homeland to ruin?
are you proud of your cowardess?

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Så länge du inte är S*sse eller MP-bög så okej då.

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كيف الحال؟

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well yaknow, i was thirteen and i came here with my mother and two sisters, so what exactly would you have done at my age and in my situation, oh brave Canadian man

Gas yourself you shit. You are a traitor to your country so there is no reason you should be accepted in any other.

At the very least get a vasectomy.

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nej då, Moderaterna all the way.

not gonna happen.

Vidrigt, men inom någorlunda rimliga gränsvärden.


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Know that if I was aware of your location, I wouldn't hestitate to fly over and gut you in the middle of the street like your folk are doing to us. I spit on any kind of immigrant.

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vem e kvar annars då? SD?

lol all talk, you wouldn't dare do shit, just like you're not doing shit right now...


so why don't you go home once the war ends?

Men självfallet.

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because I view the world differently, I have been raised in a different way, I don't speak Arabic very well anymore, and tell me exactly what there is left to go back to?
also, I'm bisexual and would probs be stoned over there.

men usch

لماذا لا ترد علي

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>i think many people should be deported.
>Nej men SD är rasister USCH
Är du korkad?

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>i'm bisex
there you go your credibility

SD vill bara skicka hem folk utan nån plan, de hade en 30 miljarder hål i sina ekonomiska plan, och de vill bara en sak, det räcker inte för att styra en hel regering.
jag vill att vi ska skicka hem folk som vägrar integrera sig i samhället, inte bara om du e brun.

why tho?

because u dumb muslim animefag

>what there is left to go back to
Syria. help will be needed to rebuild, will you just turn your back and leave it to foreigners who will exploit it?
and no, you would not be stoned in Assad's Syria.

sorry friendo i'm not v comfortable typing in abjad, if you'd like we could talk in english?

How would I know you are not a larper?

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yea I know, but i'll probs be shunned by every single person there, and not a lot of rebuilding i can do, i'm studying to become a history and English teacher.

fini aktob hek, bs mo bl 7rof el 3arabie, ktir bati2 baktob. happy?

De vill skicka hem våldtäcksmän och andra grova brottslingar, hjälpa människor som vill återvandra frivilligt och nej.

30 miljarders hål är inte så enkelt att veta eftersom att det är svårt att förutspå Lafferkurvan. Oavsett är ett 30 miljarders hål acceptabelt på fyra år värt det om en bättre invandrings och ekonomisk politik kan sätta Sverige på rätt kurs därefter.

"Enfrågeparti" är ett memeargument, om de är de enda som för politik med sunt förnuft så är de bättre än alternativen.

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You are not a larper I guess
How are the locals treating ya?

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Mer specifikt, det svenska välfärdsstaten står till stora delar i ruiner. Ett underskott i fyra år är fullständigt rimligt för de saker som måste göras.

what the hell were you running from in Syria?

it doesn't need to be literal rebuilding, what I mean is that Syria needs her people back, if all the people like you leave then who will be left?
an aging, war wearied population. will you not take some weight off of their shoulders?

We're not enslaving people like your despicable country does

de vill skicka hem alla invandrare, de har sagt det gång på gång på gång, 30 miljarder hål är inte acceptabelt, det betyder att vården, skolorna, trafiken och allt annat som bedrivs av skatt (välfärden) kommer bli ännu mer skit, enfrågsparti är inte alls en meme, om ett parti bryr sig bara om en sak i samhälet, så borde de inte få styra landet.

wow rood
I'm not even from this country. I'm a Levantine

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.لِأنَّكَ وييابو لا يُطِاق

almost everybody is great, of course, you meet a bad apple or two every now and again, but i understand where they're coming from, even though it's anger that is being misdirected.

>selling steel to the nazis
>calls others despicable

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ah yaknow, a war, just the usual stuff.

how long did it take you to learn swedish
was it hard

Calling out the UAE for the islamofascist enslavers that they are is not "rood"
I'm not here to defend the actions of the Swedish state.

الحس زبي يا مور
From which part of Syria are you from?

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>de vill skicka hem alla invandrare, de har sagt det gång på gång på gång
Nej de har bokstavligen inte gjort det. Var har du ens fått det ifrån? Källa tack? Och nej, politiker som blivit uteslutna för det som de sagt räknas inte.

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So at least don't pretend like you're squeaky clean, because Sweden also did it's fair share of "despicable" things.

i personally know many people that are returning everyday, they yearn for their homes, they are mostly older people, in their 30s or 40s, i came here at a very young age, i consider this, where i am right now, home.
of course, i would love to go visit, see my childhood home, relive different memories, but a long term stay is out of the question for me, plus, wouldn't i be a rude guest if i didn't repay my host? i plan to stay here and repay this country.

i already had a pretty good base in English, and since english is sort of a germanic/romance hybrid, alot of the words were already very familiar to me, only in a different accent/pronunciation, so no, it wasn't very hard for me personally, but i can see how it could have been very hard for other people that have been here as long as me (or even longer than me) if they didn't have a base in any other germanic language.

>implying I would defend the absolute state of the swedish government

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downtown Aleppo, what bout you?

I'm not implying, simply making reference to and pointing the inherent hypocrisy of this statement.

>implying manhood

It's true though

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the guy already said he's Levantine tho???

I literally have nothing to do with such practices. I'm not a citizen of this country.
From Jordan, Amman.

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Sweden also did it's share of enslaving, like every people ever. So it is kind of hypocritical.

Seriously though mane, the idea that SD wants to kick out all migrants is literally a media fabrication. Their politics around migration literally go out on cutting of economic migrantion, deporting criminals, helping people to voluntarily go back home and increasing aid to for example Syria. This is extremely reasonable, and all things the other parties including M refuse to do.

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That's not true.

You make a good point, if only all of Sweden's guests were so reasonable.

>the absolute state of Swedistan

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Problem is though, that he openly refuses to support the only party that wants to help people do that and instead votes for more mass immigration

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>That's not true
History is written by the victors, boy-o

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Take a look in the mirror dear friend.

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alright while you're shitting all over Sweden's history, didn't Sir John A. MacDonald have a policy of starving first nation people to open way for the expansion of ethnic "Canadians" into the west of the country? do you also expect Canadians today to be at fault for what happened decades ago? would you also like white people to pay reparations to African Americans for slavery?

So what? You're stating falsehoods.

lol the alliance literally wants to end mass immigration???

Missing the point.

They are for you, not for others.

sorry but just saying that I'm "missing the point" isn't good enough of an argument.

That is troublesome, but SD made it into coalition, didn't it?
I think that is all we can expect for now, should things continue the way they are we will see more support.

I'm not going to argue a point I didn't make. read more carefully please

not really, all parties are refusing cooperation with SD, but none can form a government without their support in the Riksdag.

They don't, their policy of open door anhörighetsinvandring (vad nu det är på engelska) and continued asylum immigration of primarily economic migrants will result in continued mass migration. Yes, the asylum migration has been somewhat reduced in their proposals, but that will be offset by so many migrants already here acting as anchorages for relatives to immigrate. And again, they don't want to stop asylum migrations, only somewhat reduce it.

you are arguing that people TODAY can't criticise things happening TODAY, because of things their ancestors might have done IN THE PAST

Do you luv anime, Syrianon?

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>but SD made it into coalition
All other parties has said they will refuse any and all cooperation and compromise with SD
>I think that is all we can expect for now, should things continue the way they are we will see more support.
Yes, I think so too, putting it mildly.

Again, not my point...
The moral righteousness is the problem, if you need some guidance

I am not exactly far-right, but I am getting seriously tired of the stubbornness and arrogance of the Swedish left

Did you hit your head or something.
Anyway, I'll justify my standpoint. No European country actually enslaved anyone during the atlantic slave trade. Africans did that, europeans simply bought them. Had these africans not been bought by europeans, they would either have been living as chattel slaves in africa or been sold to the arab world where they would have been worked to death.

yes, economic migration will continue to happen, like it is happening in any other country in the world?
but that does not at all equate to mass immigration, economic migration can be controlled, and if your application gets denied, then you can't stay here on the basis of fearing for your life, so a no is going to be a no, hopefully that becomes the case for all denied applications and no more MPs psychos are gonna be crying in airports to not deport people.

what are you trying to say frognigger? your country is an overrun muslim shithole

OP go back and fight faggot, Assad needs you

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it's not arrogance tho, even the center and the center-right refuse to work with them, and it's all about keeping the coalitions intact, if the moderates and the Christian Democrats work with SD, then the center party and the liberals (a combined 12%) will probably leave for the left coalition, as long as the left party (8%) leaves the red-green alliance, and that could prevent a centre-right government from forming, and put the socialists in charge for another 4 years, so we can not cooperate with SD without all the blocks falling apart.

>implying feudalism is not a form of slavery
Sure thing

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>yes, economic migration will continue to happen, like it is happening in any other country in the world?
No, only countries in the modern west do this. Accepting large numbers of uneducated people from vastly different cultures and ethnicities is not normal (or sustainable in a welfare state). Furthermore, the scale of the migration is what matters the most. A country of our size should be expecting at an absolute most maybe 20000 people every year, not over 150000 every year like we are right now. If this countinues (which it will under alliance politics) my people will be a minority within less than 50 years and the welfare state and many other societal institutions will collapse.

I agree that the alliance politics is a step in the right direction, but it is far too little too late.

>what are you trying to say frognigger? your country is an overrun muslim shithole
And your country is overrun by niggers and mestizos.

>implying fucking feudalism has any relevance to the discussion
And no, feudalism, as shitty as it was, is not slavery.

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that seems intentionally precarious

Of course, how many wives do you have?

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