Npc meme is dead

i don't know where it came from,

but people who think other people are npc's are npc's themselves.

thank you

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I agree. NPCs BTFO

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>the only reason the "npc" cannot think is because they're being controlled
>meanwhile we are real npcs, and our thinking is done by the immense AI running the universe

Found the npc

op is an npc

Your quest marker is showing.

It came from a study, but all the study indicated was that people did not perceive an internal monologue while performing a task.
Not that they don't have an internal monologue or are incapable of having one.
Pretty much everybody who regurgitated the maymay based upon misrepresenting the study was just displaying how they value feelings over facts, and how easy it is to manipulate Jow Forums into adopting a talking point.

you assume that npc implies stupid, since npc's follow a pre-ordained path. granted, they like to hang out on the same websites and they actually have groupthink, but literally, can you even remember what it was like to be blue-pilled before you became red-pilled? do you remember your thoughts then? they are literally just in a different stage than all of us right now. they should not be neglected

>>meanwhile we are real npcs, and our thinking is done by the immense AI running the universe
Wouldn't that make us God's chosen?

>i don't know where it came from
Then you should clearly shut your fucking mouth.

literally how do these memes catch on so autistically. literally, i thought i saw that meme literally three years ago, saw it on /x/ once, now its on full blast here on Jow Forums without cessation. what gives?

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>since npc's follow a pre-ordained path
Everyone follows a pre-ordained path. Cease your autism.

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so you believe in pre-destination of the universe?
i know where it comes from. tumblr/reddit post of girl who learned that she has some form of internal dialogue now and cannot remember what it was like without having that inner voice thing.

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kinda like how when people are homophobic, it means they are secretly gay. or people that are afraid of spiders are secretly spiders.

It's not dead till based Pewds makes a video about it


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6th sense type quote: "I see dead people" Lets just add these, zombies, normies, npcs, robots, aka vessels of wrath fitted to destruction.

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NPC implies exactly what it means. Non-player characters. Some NPCs are better written than others. Some are known only by what is spoken or written by other NPCs.
I live in a simulation as evidenced by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle; ie. no elementary partial exists without conscious observation.
Any and all experience can be broken down into energy and data, and with that being known, there is no reason to believe that any other inorganic or organic interaction is real.
I realize as I write this comment that there is no real point to it, as my response is only further creating feedback into the simulation that I am experiencing the simulation. I guess I’m bored.
Some day I hope to meet a non-NPC, but there is no possible way of discernment. If you are not an NPC, you have no way of discerning whether this comment is real or not either.

>so you believe in pre-destination of the universe?
I'm a monotheist, so I have to.

I'll take a sword and two healing potions, good (((merchant))).

Spoken like a true NPC