Sincere here fellas - why are women so terrible now?

Almost every woman I am encountering is INCREDIBLY entitled, arrognant, no manners, barely can engage in conversation because they are brain damaged due to phones, are just terrible, stop talking to you at the slightest display that you won't let them be bitchy to you forever.

Example: was just talking with this girl on okcupid, getting along ok, thinks I'm funny, says she's been to culinary school, offers to cook me steak, then warns me she's bossy in the kitchen and tells me I can't cook a steak because I like to eat it with a certain steak sauce. Here's my beef: I barely know her and she thinks it's her place to bitch at me about how I like to eat my steak. How is this remotely considered decent behavior?

Why are woman so massively cunty? Like, even in small ways, it's just constant. They'll be cunty and not even realize they are being cunty. Why on earth would I invite a woman over to my house who is already insulting me about how I, a single man, that has nothing to do with this person, like to eat my steak. As if this would be an enjoyable experience for me?

Women don't give a fucking shit. All of them secretly hate men. They just fucking hate us. They only use us for attention, and I have encountered litereally zero women in the last two years that are GENUINELY interested in being a DECENT PERSON and getting to know me, and vice versa.

What gives? And this is a sincere thread guys. Honestly. Wtf.

I'm as red pilled as the next guy, but this is becoming extremely depressing. Like, extremely. I didn't think it was this bad. You mgtow guys will say welcome to the club, but I really, really don't want to live my life completely fucking alone till I die. Fuck man.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Because modern men are even worse, and the Jews encourage both.

I’d like to wish a poster like this were real, that in our lords year of 2018 a single man would be this triggered over an okcupid response to his use of A1 sauce

She's trying to impress you with her cooking, and even as a bitter slut-hater I'd honestly let that one slide. She wants to prove to you that she's got value to you beyond being a hole, and that's honestly kind of refreshing. but . . .
If you were redpilled so much, you wouldn't be small talking back and forth about steak sauce. You'd of already met up with her to "just kick it" by now.

based and redpilled

jk lol youre fucking autistic and dating some hideous weird bitch

Eating steak with A1 sauce is degenerate

So, you burn your steaks
And you ruin them with sauce?
God, if anything, she is red pilled.
Everybody take note of what a faggot OP is.

Because you are not a CHAD

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> caring about non-sentient objects such as women
Get help

Women are cunty when they sense insecurity. I don't think it's intentional but rather a evolutionary trait that screens out undesirable partners.

Since you decided to dedicate a whole post to "wah she don't like how i eat steak" I think it's safe to assume you are not passing shit tests

Oh hell no I do not burn them. I cook them rare, seared on the outside. I use a little A1 but she was just so bitchy about it.

Honestly I may have overreacted. Eh, live and learn.

She blocked me on okcupid.

Its a shittest you dumb fucker

Are you sure she wasn't just teasing or being coy? Is your Asperger's getting in the way of making a social connection?

Honestly I could have let it slide and I had ear eating out of my hand for the majority of the interaction. She was literally asking to cook for me and saying she hopes she gets the chance to meet up.

I don't know why I sabotage these things. Honestly very avoidable. I just can't stand cunts. Maybe I've become such a misogynist that I can't even stand to be around women anymore.

It might be and if that's the case feels bad man.

> posts unrelated incelslide thread
> complains about a woman wanting to cook for you
> she is educated as a fucking chef
> pissed that she uses her knowledge to cook and serve you proper steak

Ih boy.... Did you insist to thow footballs in your own special way when your dad tried to teach you the proper way of doing it too?

user, if you ever get an offer like that again, next time agree, then put peanut butter on it when she serves it up. (It's actually pretty good)

Every other post on Reddit, Twitter, Jow Forums, and other social media is a concerted effort to sow discontent and create strife between people. It's always, "aren't they terrible?"

I should have taken this approach.

Honestly guys though, listen, it's hard to convey, but there was something just annoying in her tone when she commented on how I cook my steaks. I don't know man maybe my standards are too high but I just really can't fucking stand people who don't know me showing a lack of respect.

you're fucking autistic, kill yourself faggot you'll die single

>she wanted to cook you a good steak and you fucked it up.

neck yourself my man

Sounds like you sperged out.
A bit of advice:
Girls act shitty like that when they want it
Every girl that doesn't will be indifferent

She was testing your frame and you imploded like a plutonium warhead.

Because you're only encountering white women

She did want it. I did sperg out. Don't know why. Hopefully I can learn. I can be humble.

Meaning? Asian better? Jap?

Season both sides of steak with rosemary salt, pepper, thyme, dill, garlic powder, and smoked paprika. Add a pinch of red peppers on both sides. Stab the steak and twist the knife to create small holes for inserting fresh garlic slices.

Heat pan to medium (3) with butter. Occasionally splash a little water onto pan until it spits back to know it is hot enough. Sear steak on each side for 1-2 minutes (depends on steak thickness). Place steak in oven at 400 degrees for 8+ minutes (medium rare).

I guarantee this will be one of the tastiest, juiciest steaks you've ever eaten.

Be a Chad and shut that bitch down with this recipe!

>why are women so terrible now?
Because they are not debt free virgins without tattoos.

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Specifically shittest #3 (@13:45)
Better luck next time.

Oh, and don't forget the horseradish sourcream (or Greek yogurt) sauce for dipping!

Your'e over sensitive and vulnerable and its working against you, try to flow and take your time to understand the situation.. She was probably into you and didnt know how to be upfront about it like 99% of human situations

You shouldn't lower your standards. Familiarity breeds contempt - if this is how she talks to you during the get to know phase, what's she going to be like when you start dating?

>I really, really don't want to live my life completely fucking alone till I die. Fuck man.

well you could get lucky and get married then divorced when you find out your wife was a chameleon just looking for a supporter or her inner-switch flipped and now she hates you for just existing. I'd rather be alone than go through that or get trapped in a loveless relationship with someone who resents you.

I hear you op. I am a Chad, tall, muscular, White guy and I notice the same thing.

The only solution is the total destruction of Feminism and to take away all rights given to women over the past 200 years. At a minimum

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Sucks that you have to learn it this way.
Any time you come across a time like this
Go back to this time to remind yourself.
Everyone has had their moment too. Just relax.

yep, that's an emotionally abusive relationship ready to start and she'll end up cheating on him with a "real" man

This, depending on the quality of the cut you shouldn't even need any sauce, it should speak for itself.

I have been talking to my ex from 07-09 lately. I was really mean to her back then cause alcoholic and opiate addiction. I was actually shocked she would talk to me. We are like two peas in a pod and she is such a tomboy that its like hanging and bullshitting with the bros. You just have bad luck and are extremely anal and cunty like the bitch you post about.

>Women are cunty when they sense insecurity. I don't think it's intentional but rather a evolutionary trait that screens out undesirable partners.
>Since you decided to dedicate a whole post to "wah she don't like how i eat steak" I think it's safe to assume you are not passing shit tests

No you are just a cuck bitch. In a world where Kikes and Feminism didn't exist, men wouldn't have to pass "shit tests" you fucking beta boy. If a woman acted out of line because a MAN likes his steak sauce he would slap that bitch and tell her to shut the fuck up. Women are property of men and the deserve no rights.

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It's a shit test. Sometimes they know when they are doing it and other times they don't. The way you react to whatever (usually bullshit) situation they present to you is her way of judging you both as a potential resource provider and father of her children. If you get mad over this then you will never be able to live with a woman, because they will never stop doing it. You can only change how you react.

There is only 1 A1, recently I have found that piggly wiggly brand tastes the most similar of the off-brands to A1. Useless information surely. However, it saves me $3 every 2 months.

two pair digits of truth, witnessed

>Example: was just talking with this girl on okcupid, getting along ok, thinks I'm funny, says she's been to culinary school, offers to cook me steak, then warns me she's bossy in the kitchen and tells me I can't cook a steak because I like to eat it with a certain steak sauce. Here's my beef: I barely know her and she thinks it's her place to bitch at me about how I like to eat my steak. How is this remotely considered decent behavior?
as someone who has worked the service industry for about 8 years now i can tell you just say heard and go with whatever

user can't banter ... film at 11.

Yep, I haven't fucked a white girl since 9 asians

>Men are supposed to pass tests

Uno how I know youre a faggot?

In op's defense. I see a lot of people talking about A1 sause. I actually think heinz 57 is pretty good on steak, but usually eat it seasoned.

If not larping I would say, there is a decent chuck of women who like to be sassy and personally I find it annoying, but its the times we live in.

Tons of women hate men, but a lot dont also. Im 31 and have worked 7 years in a IT call center. My very first call was from an old bitch who right of that bat started swearing at me and saying she wanted to talk to a women after I said "Hello this is user, with _____, how can I help you". I was pretty aspergery in K-12 but got, better with women in college, and understand people personality traits a lot better talking to public on a regular basis.

The problem I see with women, is that like men, most of the public is very arrogant and stupid and lack basic problem solving skills. Most good ones got married quickly, many women dont like current men and its much more normal and easy to be alone. The ones willing to date are very picky and often are not that good themselves.

Things I could offer a wife, I have enough money to never work again, I dont get paranoid or controlling, im extremely loyal and committed. I get rejected though 90+% of the time because im not super attractive for womens standards, a beta.

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You just talking to the wrong women

sounds like you just dont like women. good thing theres nothing wrong with being gay, you prancing lala homo man. im not saying be gay, im just saying look into it. people are happier with a partner that care about eachother

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>I think it's safe to assume you are not passing shit tests

Do you think Chad cares about a woman's shit test? Men who talk like this are basically confirmed non-Chads.

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>two pair digits of truth, witnessed

Get the fuck off of my board you fucking NBC nigger

Fuck you John Kerry! Fucking Frankenstein looking ass kike

Of all the fucking things to complain about when it comes to women, THIS is what you're bitching about? Not the fact they use sexuality as a weapon or to get what they want, or the fact they only want you for money, or that they fuck hordes of niggers, or how generally shallow and degenerate they are in general, no you're bitching about fucking steak? Fuck you for making me reply to this fucking bait

Thing is I'm bascially a chad. Tall, very handsome. 99.9% IQ and great sense of humor.

I just cannot stand low or mid tier IQ people, male or female. I "don't suffer fools" well, something like that.

The more responses I read, I'm leaning towards that this was an abusive relationship waiting to happen. All you cucks saying I sperged out are likely virgins or degenerates. In the course of very early banter, if a woman is willing to basically announce that she will dump on your (it doesn't fucking matter how I eat my steak) tastes, it's a huge red flag. Oh, and her next line, after I suggested that hey, maybe if you come to my house to cook, you don't have to be bossy in the kitchen" (she had previously announced she is "bossy" when she cooks)... was:

"Don't try to change me"

So guys, are you getting more of the picture now?

>She takes pride in her craft and wants to show it to OP
>Engages in playful banter

Now, I don't shit about Jung, but I recall Peterson pointing out that if you want to observe Animus possession, a difficult concept, look at Kathy Newman. Irrationally confrontational demeanor, a kind of pastische of what she imagines a tough talking reporter should act like.

OP, on the other hand, is suffering of Anima possession.

You're being a bitch. Stop whining and be a man.

Bro, bro, BRO. My whole point is that she was red flagging for all those other things, and I'm here asking my beloved, trusted brethren their input, as well as reporting the case, for the edification of all. I want to save myself and all decent men from missing the early warning signs of massive cuntship. I may have sperged out, or I may have saved myself some trouble. But don't write this off as meaningless information.

OP did the right thing in ditching

OP did the wrong thing in over analytically posting this dog poo of a thread

That is all.

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>Listening to Jordan Peterstein

You're standards arnt too high you're just a fucking retard

.t roastie npcs

Do you agree I should have ditched her?

She was probably teasing you, you fucking idiot. The fact she offered to cook for you at all is a huge +1, most girls these days tell you to order chinese takeout for dinner and fuck off. Why don't you post the convo since you already blew it anyway, that way we can see where you fucked up instead of guessing what went wrong

It is a run to the bottom. Humankind cannot even imagine the horrors that a genetic algorithm tuned for worst result can achieve after several iterations. These people still resemble human, but soon their niglets will give birth to la creatura.

I might have but she blocked me and hence it is not accessible anymore.

I like this. Its like a black box for the wreckage you call a love life. Post it!

Bro I would, I have very little shame, but it's gone.

Sounds like she ditched a waste of life honestly.

You claim to be a Chad but so far you have only proven that be nothing other than fedora.

You guys are defending this girl way too much. The bottom line is that most men are attracted to feminine qualities in women. A rude and bitchy woman is not feminine. Therefore it is not attractive. Decades of feminist brainwashing has conditioned weak men to accept this arrogant unattractive female behavior as normal.

Nigger she offered to cook. You're just as virgin as the OP.


It does sound like teasing. The only way to know for sure would have been to invite her over and let do her thing.

Did OP lose a trad waifu?

This right here is my bro. Many of you seem very weak.

sounds like you have a case of a being tender cry baby faggot who cant just let the woman make you steak.

What other things were you guys talking about? Was she shitty about those topics too? It sounds like she wasn't a total headache, but a woman that isn't crazy was born with a penis. You just have to find a girl with a level of neuroticism that you can cope with effectively.
Many girls act out because they want to cue the authoritative male response they crave.
E.g. girls act like an insufferable child so daddy will come around and give attention

She offered to cook and announced in the same breath that she is "bossy" in the kitchen. It's not as straighforward as you you think. The vibe coming off her was very much. "I don't have to change my bitchiness for NO man."


Whatever you do, don't tell them to calm down.

No dude. She was verbally dancing with you. A 10/10 response would have been "oh really? I'm the same way, but bossy in the bedroom." You gotta work on your bantz man. Don't assume malevolence in others.

So her offering to cook negates any other negative quality she might have? You do realize that there are purple haired feminists that have fucked 30+ guys, been gangbanged by Jamal and co, who like to cook too?

Your entire first mistake was questioning a dumbass cunt that wants to rule the kitchen.

Why the fuck are you even in the kitchen to begin with? That bitch wanted to run it for you, and you were too fucking stupid to even rationalize that. You, as a man, have no reason to be there.. and here she is telling you to fuck right off from it to your rightful place in the living room being lazy as fuck while she cooks you good ass food.

You were just too stupid to see it. You will always be a virgin and you will die alone. Neck yourself or go to Jow Forums

Or maybe she was implying that she wants to cook regularly for her man and takes pride in it. Women aren't always logical.

WOMEN have inverted the Goethean, "love young men for what they will become, love young women for what they are," thing

now it's duding hoping women will become not-whores (ready to settle down!) and women only going for men "with their shit together" with zero regard for their potential


Welcome to the dystopian, gynocentric feminism era of the #metoo movement.
The only silver lining of all this bullshit is that women are finally collectively shooting themselves in the foot with their metric fuckload of bullshit they're pushing.

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>not eating it well done with ketchup to spite her

Good luck breeding your stinky white genes with that attitude, incel.

>Almost every woman I am encountering is INCREDIBLY entitled, arrognant, no manners,

Not to mention it is becoming impossible to find a woman that does not have any tattoos.

Anyone who uses something else than salt and pepper with a steak is a dumb subhuman who should be killed with fire.
Garlic butter then to the plate, next to the steak not on top of it.
Wanna date me bitches?

It's the pills

It's the antidepressants and birth control pills. It fucks with their heads and hormones. But they're not all bad. Just don't expect the world and avoid talking politics unless you want to be disappointed and fast.

my red pills or her birth control pills?


This is why you have to find a working girl, and i mean physical labor. Those ones have had their fair share of blood and sweat unlike the pompy princesses that grow up in suburbs and cities.

I 100% get your point. I havent looked at any heinz thing the same way since 2004. So I avoid as much as possible. But still I like their steak sauce, and their ketchup is so common its hard no to use it, and alternatives often throw the taste of food off. I cant eat hashbrowns without ketchup.

Side related, even though I was born in 87, dont have attachment to Vietnam war, I hate Joe Biden, the most of any politician and John Kerry 2nd most. I grew up next to a Vietnamese family. They were really based, Vietnamese, not shitty ones. I really respected their traditional values, hard work, success. They never complained, but it enrages me the parents and grandparents had to flee because Leftists not committed to letting the Communists over run and mass murder the South. The extended family was all good additions to the United States, but the part of me that is a Nationalist is glad they stood up for the original country and opposed communism.

I actually did get kind of an antidepressant pill vibe from her. Anyone who so forthrightly announces "don't try to change" me... is a little questionable.

They are like this because men allow it.

Dude please stop, you blew it end of story. Leave it up to a Jow Forumsock to have a woman trained as a chef to offer to cook him a fucking dinner, and somehow still fuck it up. I will give you props however, you managed to disguise this thread just enough as a women are shit thread, when actually you're just a retard when it comes to dating. Now that I've had a good laugh you should probably KYS

Hunts is better desu, and they don't use high fructose yellow serum. It’s really not a new concept guys. The hotter she’s is the bitchier she thinks she can be.

all those matches are ugly tho

It's a trap. Or was she too far gone? She clearly had a chip on her shoulder though... as if she had be used to running her crap on men. Because when I gave a little pushback, and we're talking more than just about the damn sauce, she showed that she was in no way willing to participate in a give and take.

When a woman announces she's a bitch (codeword "bossy") and then annouces "don't try to change me", what she's basically signalling is "fuck you and I'll fuck you over if you ever challenge me on anything".

Boys it wasn't about the sauce, sorry you're too dum to realize that was an allegory to a pretend power dance. A dance in which she signalled a perference for total war, rather than genuinely playful interacting.

Hate to be the one to break this to you OP.

The reason you only meet cunts who don't respect you is because somehow in some way you exude betaness. And women can sense that a mile away, like a dog can smell fear.

When she said you couldn't cook steak you made her you should have just pulled the plate away from her.
I'm completely serious.