What do

What do

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these porn ads are shit I dont wanna see mutt ass everytime I open up Jow Forums

At least you don't have 15 single mum's in your area.

atleast you don't have piss fetish gifs

Lol, show.

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oh yeah I thought that one was pretty funny desu
this chick just literally squirted an oceans worth
but my adblocker is working again so I'm good

>my mfw

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Also that's not piss, squirt is different than piss. At least less salty.

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>trust me i would know


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gibe it the $ùçké

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studies show squirt is piss

Which is why it got banned in Britain lul

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I fucking hate my country

You're slowly turning into an authoritarian police state and whites are already a minority in London and Birmingham, but at least you have your autistic buddies on Jow Forums

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I'm up north so I'm relatively safe from that shit but it won't be long

Good luck friend

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Thanks friend, I plan on moving far away from this place one day.

Cheer up, user! You gave the world Top Gear. Be proud!

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I wish I could escape this country too, but there are far too many problems with that plan for it to be feasible.

Thanks user, you're right. Still doesn't make my government not retarded though :(

It's more of an end goal for me if I find a different country I'd like to live in. Fade away with time in a place where nobody knows who I am.

Wouldn't you be lonely?

For the most part, yes. If possible I wouldn't give up my internet friends, but minus my close family, I don't talk to people in real life.

Do you feel lonely right now?

Not really. It's possible that I don't feel lonely because I live with family.

find a long-distance girlfriend and buy a dog

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Oh user, I've tried online dating with numerous people. It's never worked out before so my expectations are minimal and I've basically given up on that. As for a dog, perhaps. I dislike extra priorities, but the payoff may be worth it.

find a long-distance dog and buy a girlfriend


I know that online relationships never work out. I've been in a bunch of them myself, as likely have most people here. But to be frank, they're easy to find and make you happy in the short run, so what's the harm?

It makes me feel mentally drained in the long run. I don't want to start something just to expect it to end so quickly.


Well, if you really get desperate, you could always either lower your standards and date an ugly girl or try being gay

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I've done both already. I regret ending it with the girl, I knew her in real life and she was probably perfect for me, I was a child and arrogant unfortunately.

Maybe all is not lost with her

Try reaching out to her again

Ask if she wants to get lunch as friends

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It's been 3 years since we last saw each other's faces, and I have already committed to never using social media again.

So? That's just you holding yourself back

My life has become much better ever since I got rid of it, I'm not going to gamble for something that I already know will not happen.

Well, I hope you find happiness nonetheless friend

I found happiness in this conversation. It's nice to be normal in a place like this. Thanks friend, I hope all your dreams come true.

that makes me happy to hear

i wish you the same friend


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