Can join armed services at 18, shipped off to kill

>can join armed services at 18, shipped off to kill
>can't buy beer until 21

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>all alcohol is only allowed after you're 21 y/o
>no alcohol allowed in public
i got drunk with beer publicly in the city when i was 16

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yeah I think its parent responsibility
shouldn't be any age limit on smokes or drinks

younger kids shouldn't really have any money to buy them with anyway and once they are teenage years its really parent responsibility to educate them on why its bad and if they still wanna do it so bad that they find a way well... maybe thats a decision they should be allowed to make, its bad for adults too

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damn it's almost like the brain and body of an 18 year old are developed enough to shoot a gun but not enough to properly regulate alcohol or something

Yeah, America sucks.

in Sweden you can't drink until like 25 and only buy from one government owned monopoly store which only opens for like 15 minutes a day in the middle of the night and sells at ridiculous prices


>this post was made unironically
>someone out there is this backwards and retarded

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>mfw Swede
>System Bolaget sells Heineken 3k kroner a pop

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literally not an argument sweetie
the swedes got it right

I hope this is ironic now

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Is that why they're backtracking their immigration, is it fryman?

u fo real

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Holyfug, is this basedspeak?

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'Cause it reeks of onions to me

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i can join the army at 16 and drink at age 5 if my parent gives me it. why can't i join the army aged 5?

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Ok, autocorrect has turned onions into based and onions on this site.. dafug is going on?

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based onion onion onion

*Pats head* you need an education and have to be old enough to actually know what you want.

Onions s o y s.o.y. Onions green

6 you are old enough to be able to drink alcohol Tbh


Onions s o y s.o.y. Onions greenits S.O.Y. they won't let me say

It's always funny seeing a person discover the filter for the first time.

basedboy onions onions onions

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alcohol and cigarettes should be banned

not banned but higher taxes on it so people slowly stop wasting their money on it.

There doing that here. I doesn't work. It just resulted in people calling for the blood of those who supported the tax increases.

No, the legal drinking age is 18. You can buy alcohol almost anywhere, it's just the stronger stuff that's sold by Systembolaget. They've tried more flexible hours, but that just lead to violent drunks showing up. Like the ones you've got, America. Besides, if you can't make it between 10 AM and 7 PM, you've got bigger issues.

That's because Heiniken is piss and no one should have to subject themselves to it. But the poor souls who do hate themselves enough to buy it do help pay for our universal health care which, by the way, last time I check, was doing a lot better than yours, Canada.

>forced to join armed services at 18
>allowed to drink at 18

>You can buy alcohol almost anywhere
Not really.
Maybe in bar but stupidly expensive then.

In local Swedish stores they only allowed sell one type of bad tasting beer in chubby can with 2% alcohol content and many probably not even that.

>Besides, if you can't make it between 10 AM and 7 PM, you've got bigger issues.
What if you work during those hours?
Many people work during those hours or get off work not much earlier then 7.

>They've tried more flexible hours, but that just lead to violent drunks
We don't have many of those.
People here are fairly civilized, especially the natives.
I also don't get the logic.
Are you saying if they stay open later drunks from bars would go to the stores?

>be Sven
>be butthurt
>be saged
lmeo rip I get 1L of beer for 4$ wot u gon do

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>can join the armed services even younger with a parent's permission
>cant buy beer until 21
>homebrew and break the law because fuck the police

dumb furfag

So get a friend/relative to buy for you
If you don't have one of those it makes sense the state would want to take alcohol from you

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i wish i had an army of children to take down big pharma


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i'm a commie, just like you

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How do I get free shekels?

you can't, you have to pay

Delightfully devilish

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unless you're cute and want to hang out with me... owo

truly free :)