/sig/ selfimprovement general - kill the soyboy edition

/SIG/ no room for excuses, stop complaining and start doing

3-4 times a week
cook your own meals, no precooked shit
>Learn to defend yourself
BJJ, Boxing or Krav Maga
>Take Mg and Vitamin D
you are most likely deficient in both
>Get sun and light
leave your basement and get sunlight everyday
>Buy a water filter
tap water is full of estrogens, chemicals and antibotics, start with cheap one and buy later a osmosis one
>Dont heat food in plastic
softeners, plastic and chemicals everything goes into your food, yummy
>Buy a glass / steel bottle
xenoestrogens make you a basedboy, no plastic bottles for you sir (BPA free isnt enough)
>No alcohol, caffein before bed time
alcohol kills your REM sleep phases, makes
your sleep low quality

daily, increases grey matter, empathy and groundedness, decreases stress
>Approach women on the day
at least 3 times a week, learn to accept rejection
>Speak up
learn to speak up, you arent a basedboy
>Read books
finish at least on every 2 weeks
>Accept your weaknesses
you arent perfect, guess what nobody is, your ego just tells you bullshit
>Set goals
make goals short term and long term

>Humans greatest burden is unfulfilled potential

now take action and defeat your inner basedboy

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Guys let's do this, last 2 digits = amount of pushups we do

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nigger you need to build up, you prolly cant do 10 right now.

Rollin for 99

You guys ready to be moved to Jow Forums again?

You got 2, reroll fag, I'm already doing my 78

et parlez vous francais? ou est les webites francophone. j'ai besoin de pratiquer plus, il y a long temps que j'ai l'ocaision d'utilizer

ce ne compte pas

Already did 40 this morning. Been a while and feel myself getting sore. Should I split them into sets of 20?

Roll but I probably won't do them since I'll be benching later today.

Nevermind 13 is nothing.

autocorrect miracle
basedboy = basedboy
No croissants are allowed, i mean food

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I do everything on that list accept approach women’s, god I suck

>Lifting, boxing, bjj
Nothing more retarded than lifting, ESPECIALLY if you are doing boxing/BJJ
You know nothing,
>krav maga
kike bullshit

/sig/ is fag tier, farm like a real man, queer bait

chill bruh, i got the german primsler tapes and am working on latin.

onions boy = based boy

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I was told that doing pushups like that can be bad for your shoulders, is it true?

>bruce lee is retarded

Thank you for posting these. Absolutely the only thread on Jow Forums I'm 100% positive isnt a shill thread.

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I feel like shit today lads, I planed to go to gym but gave up. I am laying at home doing nothing. Lazy as fuck. How do I get back in track ?

user's do you know in Belgium any white only gyms ? Places ? Where I can be with my kin only ?

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do 25 at a time at least 100 a day then work up to doing 50 at a time and do at least 150

only if you have your hands far away from your body, this way its easier, you dont need your trizeps as much and you use your shoulders, in others yes, if you do pushups wrong

get the fuck up, put on workout clothes, grab a book, go ride the bike and read faggot.

Went to the gym today. Did pretty damn well.
I went from 100kg to 80kg in 2 in a half months. Don't lose hope boys, we're all gonna make it.

>bjj as self defense
Good way to get ko ‘d with a kick to the face by a bystander

worst thing you can do if lift weight.
Ask any professional boxer or MMA fighter.
I trained with a golden gloves champ and an MMA coach (top tier)...they both told me to can the weights, it is all show, nothing more.
What they did tell me to do: swim
Made the real difference

>My boxing trainer and all the pro boxers in the gym told me to stop lifting weights
>I'm telling you that boxing and body building don't mix


well I didn't think i could do it boys but I did all 77 pushups in one set.

rollin one more time

if you lift like a retard then yes. high rep low weight for speed.

you should cut alcohol completely, there isnt a single discernible benefit and recent studies show that even casual drinking has negative effects

What type of meditation is best for me /sig/? I have a lot of stress and anxiety daily and would love to start.

Nope...in both gyms (in the USA) and MMA (in Brazil) weights were banned. It takes away from your reach and flexibility.
I used to do the high rep low weight meme but was told to stop or GTFO of the gym.

Vipassana works for me, but it takes a lot of practice to get anything out of it.

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Neither of you guys know what your talking about.

Almost every single athlete strength trains. Olympic lifters and football players and sprinters are among the most explosive and fastest athletes and they all have been doing heavy explosive low rep barbell lifts for almost all their lives. Almost every wrestler lift weights almost everyone who is a professional fighter in the UFC is extremely muscular and lean and has been lifting weights.

Sit on a pillow or chair, back straight, shoulders back and relaxed, close your eyes, dont fight your thoughts, accept them
start with youtube tracks
5-10mins daily until you are comfortable, you can then also lie down or buy a meditation pillow, also try silent meditation without tracks then

Have fun, godspeed user.

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Sorry if this is a noob question, but how exactly does Vipassana differ from the modern day mindfulness meditation? Or is mindfulness basically the same thing just repackaged to sound more modern?

bullshit, any stretching routine on top would eliminate that
mma is different from cardio and bw reps

power is a technique

Mike tyson rocky mcgreggor gsp all train power and win

Bruce lee did dragonflags

Youre an idiot

>et parlez vous francais? ou est les webites francophone. j'ai besoin de pratiquer plus, il y a long temps que j'ai l'ocaision d'utilizer

Bien sur. Tu parles correctement je pense.


what are the benefits of Magnesium? I did some googling but i'm sure there is stuff (((they))) don't want me to know.

Magnesium works to preserve the health of the nervous system
when a person's magnesium level is subnormal, the nerves are unable to control such functions as muscle movement, respiration, and mental processes. Twitching, irregular heartbeat, irritability, and nervous fatigue are symptoms of what is frequently found to be magnesium depletion.

Yes and most pro MMA fighters come from a wrestling background almost every American college wrestler has been lifting heavy weights since high school typically.

Almost every single modern pro athlete has had a strength and conditioning coach since High school and has been lifting weights since then especially in America. If lifting weights makes you slow or unathletic or not flexible explain how professional football players who we huge can run 4.5 40 yard dashes or jump 30+ inch verts? Why are Olympic lifters among the most explosive athletes and can jump 35+ inch verts? Why do sprinters tend to carry so much muscle mass? Why does even lanky basketball players like Steph Curry hit the weight room? Why does almost every baseball player lift weights? Track and field stars? The list goes on. No they are not training for bodybuilding but training to get stronger, be leaner, and more explosive which comes from doing heavy squats, deadlifts, cleans, jerks, overhead presses etc.

As a matter of fact the addition of smarter weight lifting protocols, better PED's, better nutrition is the reason why athletes are constantly breaking older records and why going back to say the 1950s or 1960s athletes were weaker, slower, and less athletic.
