The kingdom of Jow Forums

Can we have like a similar thing to the Arume thread but Jow Forums lives in a castle?

Purple id- king for this and all other threads
2nd purple ID - Queen
Subsequent purple ID - a member of the Royal Family of the poster’s chosing

Trips - Lord in the Court
Dubs- Knight
Everyone else can chose who they are (the GETS need to be on first post)

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Fucking delete this right now you piece of shit. Chino is literally my wife and she only deserves love. Someone literally has to be gay to draw something bad happening to the sexiest girl in existence




I will continue to torture her in my dungeon

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Let's see then.

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Hello fair knyght, how do you do?

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Ya know what? I'm gonna be the cook.

What dish will you prepare for the great dish today Alice?

*great feast

we wuz kangz

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Imma be the butler-in-training!
henlo Sir kangz


A roasted pig with mushrooms. Alice style.

Rolling for king

Fair knight Mr.Q69, how will your blackness grave is today?

Alas poorly knave.

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