What's the best text editor that has syntax highlighting + auto-completion for multiple different languages (either in...

What's the best text editor that has syntax highlighting + auto-completion for multiple different languages (either in stock or through plugins) and supports some sane way of setting up build options so you can compile your programs straight from it?

Attached: real_programmers.png (740x406, 83K)

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visual studio

forgot to mention that it has to be good

Attached: 1234.jpg (786x798, 95K)

it is good. and you shouldn't be using a laptop

>mixing visual studio up with vs code
you sure are stupid, user

but that's clearly a picture of an issue on VSCode's github tracker

On my win7 pc id doesnt use cpu in idle focused.
Guess there is a reason its called Cuckbook pro

are you retarded or what?
suggested visual studio, while
replied with a screenshot of vs code saying it's shit

Notepad ++ has highlighting and completion for many languages

visual studio is not a text editor, retard