Post your IT stories

Post your IT stories
Here's mine.
>be today at doctors office that is a specialist for plastic surgery.
> filled with female nurses who all had a little bit done here and there.
> 90% don't have common sense, i mean denser than a box of rocks.
> only 2 have intellect, I now only talk to those two.
>fixing and tyding cables under a desk, looked nasty.
> half way thru I notice pic related.
have you spotted it yet?
> the idiots put the same side of Velcro on the wall and surge strip.
> the lady that's sits at the desk then asks me if I can figure out how to make the Velcro tape work.
> herewego.jpg
> ask her if she still has the rest of the Velcro packet. She thru it away
> she
>tell her ill make the area neet and clean. Ill post finish pic next
>finishing up 1 of the intelligent ladies come by and asks how its going so I show her pic related.
>she laughs and mutters "dumbasses" to her self.
See why I like her?
>Finish up make sure all things work. Purfect.
> come to find out while typing this the dumb Bitch that owned the desk can't print.
> walk over spot the printer is off ( its networked and I did not touch it)
> point at to button and tell her yo push it.
> windowsxpstartup.wav
>Made her fell even more stupid, did not even try.

So how's y'alls day been?

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Here's finished pick not my best but damn sure better than before

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>complains about dumbasses
jesus fucking christ, man

Is this a troll? That's dual lock-tape not hook-and-loop.
There is no other side they lock together.

Its not dual lock tape if it was I would not be having a problem

Got dyslexia man. I'm not an English major.

Thats not velcro you nonce, its 3M DualLock. Its superior to velcro in almost every aspect, save cost.
> The strong, interlocking mushroom-shaped heads close with a snap to ensure a secure attachment and help to reduce concerns about material damage and deformation, fastener placement, contamination and corrosion, and the challenges of joining dissimilar materials. From ceiling attachments on buses and trains, and light panels for trade show exhibits, to interior attachments for vehicles, 3M™ Dual Lock™ Reclosable Fasteners are versatile, allowing for greater freedom of design with the ease of tape application.

Its literally designed to be symmetrical

>OP's fw reading those posts.
Who is the dumbass now!?!

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Its not its Velcro. Dual lock tape works I like it. This shit is Velcro. It does not lock with a snap. I know cus I picked up shitty 3m Velcro and had same design for to attach part.

Man this has got to be the shittiest b8 thread ever
- obviously not velcro in op pic
- obvious over the top spelling mistakes
gotta be a bit more subtle young man

fuck off retard

not op, but i've never seen this duallock stuff before
that's pretty cool
non-destructive/temporary fixtures are technology, anyone have similar stuff that isn't super well-known?

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Why not use the mounting holes like a normal person?

>Adobe Reader

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It must cheer you up a lot to find someone who makes you look intelligent.

it clearly is
you can see the little 3m pull down tab in your image

IT for public library system

>Get ticket
>"muh zip drive doesn't work" (zip drive lol)
>show up to investigate
>she was putting her USB flash drive in backwards, and forced it so hard the USB port panel pushed inside the case

>Not realizing it's 3M duallock strips
OP is a faggot.

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Hey my mother did the same thing and now has no front ports. I need to get her a new case anyways, something smaller because her office picks up a lot of clutter.

That's not an excuse.


I've done that, but with ps/2 port. Funniest shit ever in 1999.

I have some in my room I'm using to hang photos. You can buy it under the Command brand, but they label it as dual-sided Velcro or something. I don't remember exactly what was on the package.

>be me
>second day working IT gig
>remoted into a users PC, re-installing printer drivers
>admin access required
>type password once
>a second time
>final time
>locked out of server for the next 30 mins because I don't want to ask my boss what the main domain admin account is for fear of embarrassment.
It turned out the user had a software-defined UK English keyboard layout, which has a different second layer for the special characters. I sure felt dumb after learning that. Luckily I closed that ticket OK and I haven't had any majorly embarrassing issues again so far (knock on wood.)

you sound like a dirty pajeet

It's dual-lock tape. My grandfather is on the patent for it through 3M and most of my life (read: trust fund) is due to it as well as the adhesive that it uses on its backing.

You're a fucking idiot.

>she laughs and mutters "dumbasses" to her self.
She was talking about IT monkeys

>and most of my life is due to it

so you were born from dual lock tape?

>she thru it away

I don't think you're in a position to call anyone a "dumb bitch" OP

Can I get the name of the business so that I can call them and provide my MSP's contact information? They're clearly in need of someone that actually knows what they are doing.

You should be fired immediately.

My dad works at Nintendo and will beat your grandpas ass

This. What the fuck did he think.


I don't know why dumbasses call flash drives zip drives. Had a guy blew up on me over this because I told him that zip drives is a different style of device that is died.

>computer janitor
>i have superior intellect
Jow Forums doesn't get any better than this

I work for a finance company, dealing mostly with loans. We allow customers to adjust the schedule for their loans if they're struggling to pay them; we call it a payment plan. When we add a payment plan, we record the new payment schedule in a database table, then write a human readable note on the loan. Something like "payment plan added, new schedule is blah blah blah"

My company employs a lot of "data scientists". These are basically SQL monkeys that run reports that people ask for. I really mean it when I call them monkeys here.

Anyways, these data analysts needed to run some reports every day to find loans that have payment plans. You can imagine this is very simple. Something like "select * from loans inner join paymentplans". Nope. Our data analysts wrote a complex, 300 line query that parses the text on the notes of the loan. They had actually written this query a long time ago, and many of our employees were relying on this query to do their jobs. This query had been run every day for years. No one ever stopped to question it until an engineer actually saw it. We had a pretty good laugh, I wonder what other shit they've written.

cool story man

Not sure if serious but thx

I work for a midsize corp in Europe.
I started as a It Drone.
Fastly climbed to Management (>2 yrs)
>mfw when I realize that I'm not being paid for my skills, but for my discrection...

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be me
it support
mac user says their system has slowed down to where it's useless
mac classic
all files stored on one floppy
has never been taught how to make folders
nine hundred files

same site, different department
yes, mac users
can't get floppy disk out of drive
they bought a program
installer comes on three floppies
they inserted first floppy, installed
"insert disk 2"
they forgot to remove disk 1
managed to get disk 2 in anyway
had to replace drive and disassemble old one
disk damaged to point of uselessness


someone came to me once looking a bit nervous and said "I think someone sent me a virus."

i checked it out. it was a microsoft word document sent as an email file attachment. the virus was written in word basic. with comments. and the name of the guy in india who wrote it. i looked him up but he didn't reply to emails, which is a shame because he made a mistake in the variable initialization stage that meant his virus wouldn't work, and i thought he should know.

Imagine being so retarded that you can work dual lock tape.

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especially someone who insults the staff

You are having a problem because you are an incompetent buffon who should not be anywhere near devices that connect to mains voltage.

Tell me you fucking genius, which is the hook side, and which is the fuzz side, in OP pic? Because neither look anything like pic related.

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Rightly so you autist.

>be manager
>had to hire a dyslexic retard due to diversity quotas
>constantly forced to assign him menial "tasks" so he thinks he's useful.
>tell staff to act stupid whenever he's around so it doesn't hurt his self-esteem
>the tard discovers duallock tape, doesn't know what it is
>decides to go on a quest to make things right
>interrogates one of the secretaries about where she threw the packaging
>she got confused why he kept breathing deeply and fuming about "velcro packages"
>dismisses it and just tells him she threw them away so he fucks off
>he tears the paint off the desk and sticks on some dollar-store velcro that gathers dust and dirt.
>mfw he didn't bother to stick the second side on so now it hangs by the cord

>knowing basic things like the names of popular and wide-spread hardware is wrong and being gently corrected is worthy of a chimpout instead of a word of thanks

Who's the autist again?

>fixing cables and playing with Velcro
babbys first tech role

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>power cables making direct contact with Ethernet
Do you have any idea what you're doing bro

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You don't need to "correct" someone when they are using common and unambiguous terms. Some things have got multiple names due to regional and historical circumstances, it doesn't make them wrong. Thinking that the name you use is the only correct one is fairly autistic, shoving your worthless opinion in other people's faces is even worse.

> irony; the post

I never said I wasn't an autist.