Samusng comes with preinstalled, unremovable facebook botnet. Rooting it causes to lose the stock camera app and its features and the s9 is all abotu that camera.
pixel2 is made by gojewgle. nto a fan
lg aka masters of bootloops
huwawei - maybe?
Samusng comes with preinstalled, unremovable facebook botnet. Rooting it causes to lose the stock camera app and its features and the s9 is all abotu that camera.
pixel2 is made by gojewgle. nto a fan
lg aka masters of bootloops
huwawei - maybe?
Other urls found in this thread:
rooting it keep all stock & features.
It trip knox tho, which blocks access to samsung pay & secure folder.
just use iphone like rest of the normal people.
stop listening to Jow Forumstards
Fuck off itoddler subhuman.
imagine being such a retard that you actually feel superior based on your choice of telephone. no, i'm not talking about the blue bubbles meme--i'm talking about Jow Forums
yeah was a little surprised to see facebook preinstalled in my unlocked s9.
had to use one of those package disablers, but who knows if it really did disable all of it or not.
fuck you pajeet stop shilling your fragmented device and stupid custom roms
Normal people are retarded as fuck, fuck off. What's the point about knowing about tech if you won't do anything with that information like improve purchase choices
Huawei p20 or p20 pro looks pretty good man I would recommend. Or wait a little for the oneplus 6, also bretty gud
>rich fag edition
>not having the Note 8
>getting the S9 due to advertising
what did he mean by this?
That itoddlers dont and never will belong on Jow Forums.
keep dreaming faggot iphones are superior when it comes to smartphones
>buying the most expensive shitdroid phone
You’ve been my armchair accountant for years, pleading me to not buy overpriced Apple products on all of these shitpost generals on Jow Forums, and THIS is how you “stick it” to Apple’s iPhone?
>ifaggot cocksmoker
>calls.someone else faggot
>battery dies in less than a year
>lagOS updates brick it and make it unusable the day after a new lagPhone model launches
>buggy peace of shit+bundled google botnet
>get infected and has more malware than microshaft windows
>comes with shitload of bloatware
>no updates for you
oh and i forgot to add here >app compatibility problems due fragmentation
android truly pajeetOS.
sure but you can disable it
but is it really disabled? its the same story with win10. you siable all of the telemary shit but win10 still connects to their telemary servers
Is there really NOTHING out there that's small, android, and actually good? My carrier is CDMA and so the XZ1 compact is out. Even if it would be perfect.
Yes? I don't got any definitive proof but I trust knox that the app really got admin privilege and I trust androids built in disable function. I know people used the same method to disable forced updates on their note 7. Samsung made the app developer of the most common package disabler push a patch to not be able to disable the forced updates. If it was possible to just bypass it, you would think samsung would have just updated them.
>trsuting Samsung and google & Co
The Xperia ZX2 compact is suppose to be Verizon supported. So there's that, just make sure you get the US model.
Buy that new fangled 2000 dollar xhinkphone
S7 Edge and up are absolute shit phones. the screen makes the phone slippery as fuck so that you will eventually drop it and break the screen and repairs are expensive as fuck.
what do you need the good camera for? to send high res pics of your hairy dick to your furfag friends?
ohh you want the s9 so you can jerk off to Vr furry porn OP.
instead of buying the s9 i suggest your go to the nearest store buy a rope and gently hang yourself.
>Buy a case, like you should for any phone
>suddenly the phone is easy to grip and is now protected
Wowee!! It sure is hard!
Disabling really does disable it.
What's the best package disabler app for samsung phones? There are plenty on play store but some of them are just adware scam for sure.
What is objectively the best camera in a smart phone?
My rooted s9 still has all the camera features the fuck are you on about
but why cant it be easy to hold from the start?
Then why are you on Jow Forums? We don't even have an apple general.
I heard that a website called has a dedicated apple section, you might wanna go and check it
>6" screen
>no headphone jack
>no removable storage or battery
>6gb of ram
Any phone for a person like me? I want to be as futuristic as possible
Essential Phone
I think I'll stick with my Lumia 950. Will there ever be an appealing phone on the market again?
Lumia 1020, probably followed by Lumia 950/950 XL. Haven't seen any iphone or lagdroid perform better than either of them as of yet.
>Galaxy s9+
>No notch
>Headphone jack
>Expandable storage
>IP68 certified
>Beautiful fuck hueg AMOLED display
>Premium glass and metal feel
>Remappable extra button
>Project treble support means AOSP can work out of the box
If it had a removable battery it would've been the perfect phone, definitely not going to upgrade any time in the next 4 years unless something really amazing comes out, had an s5 since release before this.
Forgot to mention the 10/10 camera but I don't get much use of that that anyway
About to buy a S8, am I making a mistake?
Yes, better off with the s9 unless you want to be stuck with samsungs shitty rom for the foreseeable future
>>Premium glass and metal feel
>muh glass and metal
t. poorfag
It's a bit out of my budget hence I'm getting the S8
Once my note 4 dies I'll probably go for a Huawei
It feels nice in the hand though that's what I meant by premium feel, I have to keep a case on mine sadly because I'm a clumsy retard
if the s9 had a flat screen, 6gb of ram, and an unlocked bootloader it would have been the best phone ever.
but as it stands, it will last until the next odd numbered S release at the very least. want the case prices to go down too, since fuck paying 40+ for them.
In all seriousness, should I replace my HTC One M9?
It's running slow and crashing often but I don't have an ideal replacement. Willing to buy high end if it's worth the cost.
If you have to keep a case on it because you're a nigger, why do you care how the materials feel ? You don't get to touch them in the first place.
Also no, glass and metal don't feel anywhere near as nice in the hand as leather or even good (read: not the shit glossy garbage you see almost everywhere) plastic.
Pls help.
Want something that it's in Nokia 8 or Op3T price range.
which one would be better? any other recommendations?
s9+ has 6gb and the exynos versions bootloader isn't locked, the curved screen doesn't add anything to the device but it hasn't impaired my usage at all
Everyone makes mistakes fag (I more than others) I'm planning on taking this for the long haul so a case is a must
>Everyone makes mistakes fag
Speak for yourself, Jamal. Not everyone uses their phone as a weapon to beat other niggers down with.
Beast phone is best phone
I own it. It's worth buying. The S9 ist a glorified S8 with a better camera and Samsung's version of Animoji
What's the best mobile browser? I'm about to just give in and enable Chrome, but I don't want to be that deep in the botnet.
>"I don't get in car accidents, I don't need a seatbelt or airbag"
>getting in car accidents
literally lmaoing at your life
+ too big, and not worth importing a gimped exynos. guess i'm stuck with this
My favorite purpose is doing the needful to install Lineage OS onto my device, offering best control and customization for user
either you use electronics with internet access and be in the botnet or you dont. ther is no in between.
So should I get the s9+ exynos version for option to root? I read on the other thread that Eu version s battery and cpu are Shit compared to us version. Does the unlocked us version work in Eu?
Let me t-bone your car and see how much you lmao at your own life as a vegetable
Thanks for the warning picture, you really are a retard
Just a PSA: dont make my mistake and buy this piece of shit.
awful battery life, heats up, lagged from the day I got it and is generally slow
I'll see if I can get rid of it and get a better phone, but one thing is for sure, phone companies dont want you to get midrange devices anymore.
They used to be good deals, now they are gimped down abortions
>Leather on phones
shiggy diggy
there are decent midrange phones, but that isn't one of them
>HiSilicon Kirin 658
try and squeeze the remaining life out of it first
wait til it becomes completely unusable
don't be a good consumer goy
don't feed the smartphone jew
>calls himself a rich fag
>doesnt use iphone
>doesn't know the benefits of the ECOSYSTEM.
Google phones would be good if they had nice laptops/desktops. When will techlets realize that discrete products are worthless? What matters is the software ecosystem you are buying into.
>Google phones would be good if they had nice laptops/desktops.
*blocks you're path*
Huawei P20 pro is pretty much your dream.
Orfox maybe ?
It fits everything he listed
i dont care about apple generals or even if g using apple at all. i personaly like apple and thats all. im here for install gento and memes
I've heard Firefox focus is good if you want some privaci
Can't you disable the Facebook application? It doesn't show up in the running applications list anyway.
Lol "ecosystem"
All my shit works together because I have a 3 digit IQ. 2 digit brainlets can stick to Applel.
But you can't delete it. Enjoy your furry pork being tracked.
But it can't run. How can it track me?
How about no. As a token of appreciation, please die from disgust by watching this video.
>massive touchpad that gets in the way of palms
>thin keyboard with bullshit tactile feedback
>glossy display
>boiling hot when pushed hard
>bixby button
Galaxy S9 or Pixel 2. Which one guys?
Pixel 2
>mfw use gentoo but also have an iPhone 7
Do I have schizophrenia? Or just garden variety faggotry?
>Buying flagship samshit at top dollar prices.
>rooting a 500+ dolllar phone just to get updates.
what's more important to you, hardware or software?
Can't think of a better phone than this.