I just want to write a small program that opens a window with a few buttons.
Why do I have to download 20 GB?
Notepad++ is 5 MB.
I just want to write a small program that opens a window with a few buttons.
Why do I have to download 20 GB?
Notepad++ is 5 MB.
>Why do I have to download 20 GB?
You don't.
I just want to drill a hole in this concrete wall over here. Why do I need a 20kg power drill and electricity? A dremel weighs like 500grams!
Swiss knife
to play devil's activist, microsoft DOES iirc provide a minimal package that just includes stuff like the visual studio compiler so you can use whatever ide/text editor you want and compile using a terminal emulator/batch file/whatever, but it's hard to find from what i remember
GUI development is complete ass. Consider making the program just open a socket and serve html pages that are the GUI.
Write it in notepad or something then, retard.
> devil's activist
MinGW with Winapi gui ?
You dont have to select everything retard
>Notepad++ is 5 MB.
notepad that comes with windows is 241 KB.
This is what happens when you use software that DOES NOT respect your freedoms. serves you right!
You don't.
Just use Powershell. Even a complete dumbdumb can make a UI with it.
C# compiler ships with Windows. There's also a notepad. Technically you don't need to download anything at all to make desktop apps.
Visual Studio - uploading all clipboard to the cloud
666 satan's wishes are granted
It does that after all? Why?
Check C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v3.5\csc.exe
>not writing your own compiler
Um, it's 616
> I just want to write a small program that opens a window with a few buttons.
then use autohotkey lol
Anyone use VS Code? Recommend it?
fetch gtk and gcc, done
it's atom but better
if you have zero use for atom (ie maybe you just use vim or a full IDE) then you probably wont get much out of vsc
I mostly program in Python and thus use PyCharm.
I may try out some different languages for a few smaller projects in the near future though so maybe VS Code would be good for those.
and /thread
You can write the UI on the command line and execute it. Of course there's background compilation involved, which is bloat, but if the needs aren't anything complex this option is absolutely viable. Wrap in a function and you can reuse it or start from a file. The attached image was an example.
that's why you use QT. then you can just use notepad++ to write all the code and use the QT gui designer to build the UI. easy.
So funny.
>Devil's activist
Proof? Not popping up in search for me
fuck off webshitter
Dropped VS for Code::Blocks a while ago since its so slow and bloated.
Regret nothing
Use Qt instead.
because the 20GB includes every compiler and API under the sun you dipshit
Dude, it's not the same. But I've been there. So you want to be a programmer aka code monkey. Ok, you install everything because you might need it when you become better. What's the problem here? Stupid games can take up 20Gb or more, if you really want to learn and fuck around with different things do it. Storage is cheap.
I mean we are talking about people using fucking Windows. Naturally they will pick better OS and tools with time. And be sure when that happens they will be better than 90% of autists here who think they are fucking smart if they can follow a fucking guide step-by-step on how to install a fucking OS,
> oh dude check my riced desktop
Fucking proto hipsters, same fucking thing but on the other end of the scale. Thinking so highly about your baby step into CS....fucking idiots.
My point is this. Yeah install all that shit, start doing something and when you come to certain walls looking through the windows will not be enough. We can meet here and have a good conversation how to continue.
Fuck these faggots who will act so high just because you don't use their thing.
> but that's like... So mainstream, man
Yeah faggot and people are having careers and doing real shit while you bitch in your mommas basement.
Everyone who is willing to learn should get an opportunity, and they will realise the potential outside of windows. Potential you fucking sad faggots will never achieve.
except for the customization and vim-mode-plus
TOP FUCKING KEK, my download was 180gb. Fucking bloatware meme program
im a newbie and i ( ( (PROGRAM) ) ) in Atom. Am i woke?
No, you a retard.
Point proven
Word. I used to have a linux distro, but right now I came back to Windows 10 LTSB. It just works. Right now I'm trying to learn front-end and SQL. My text editor is Sublime Text right now. When a mature and affordable Visual Studio alternative arises, I will do C#.
>from linux to windows for development work
Jesus fucking christ
>I came back to Windows 10
After you use Linux for a while, Windows just seems really shit and a pain to use in comparison.
Install QtCreator
>Why do I have to download 20 GB?
just use the visual studio express which is only 19.5GB
I just use mingw on cmd with notepad++.
It's all nice for learning but I almost killed myself when I had to write a gui with those tools. Handwriting resource files and then using the Winapi for C is fucking traumatic. I don't know how developers did that in C, or even assembly.
It just works. Before that I used Fedora, Trisquel, Mint, and Manjaro. They all have their ups and downs. I settled for Windows because I am also learning graphic design, which Windows has a better selection of software for that. Sorry, Inkscape or Gimp does not cut it.
Same. When coding guis in c with winapi, I just fix the layout with resource hacker on the compiled version. Manually editing resource files and recompiling all the shit is tedious.
I never understood why people love full fledged IDEs like visual studio or eclipse. They load slowly, theres so much shit and bloat, and some like visual studio crash randomly. I always preferred compiling on terminal and writing in a text editor like notepad++ on windows or gedit for linux. I can't exactly take vi or nano though. If I do need an IDE for whatever reason, I always choose the most minimalistic one. Why do people like full fledged IDEs anyways?
bloat is out of control
IDEs do shit for me, so I can get stuff done quicker
me neither. I used to have VS 2013 back in my old computer. I do not know how developers and academics became accostumed to so much bloat for making small programs.
What's a good resource to learn WPF? Assuming that's the most up-to-date, "first-party" way to create a GUI in Windows.
>you don't
>install visual studio
>install million different prerequisites
>install thousands of different of unnecessary bloat
>for a C++ editor with compiler
>don't forget to sign in to microsoft
at one point you'll have do something bigger than fizzbuzz bro
Use your favorite search engine... and type...
neuwen mingw distro and unpack.
download Code::Blocks install and point it at where you installed mingw. You'll be good to go.
less than 150 megs.
>devil's activist
I've been laughing at this for 20 minutes straight
> devil's activist
>20 GB
Give or take 17 GB, but yeah.
>Have any harddrive made in last 10 years and decent operating system
>Makes no difference
This. Use windows version of zenity.
quite the opposite. linux looks shittier the more you use it.
>20 GB
is it 2015 again?
>o play devil's activis
Oldfag chiming in...
Jesus Christ, it's 2018, do you have dial-up & a 500mb hard-drive?
Just stfu
>we have more resources now so it's okay to waste them!
Retards like you are the ones responsible for modern programming being a huge pile of shit, go fucking hang yourselves.
stop being poor and buy a decent computer
I do have a decent computer, fuck off with your strawman bullshit.
>devil's activist
why do I never see anyone talking about netbeans?
Visual Studio is a great IDE, you can fuck about with Mono or whatever bullshit makes you feel special - but productive employed devs know it's worth the 20mbs.
Once you start writing Docker Containers to be hosted on AWS networks with complete IDE Debug integration you start appreciating the benefit of Visual Studio's bloat to have a streamlined production and deployment process almost entirely handled by the IDE. Can't say it's the cleanest IDE and certainly can't say it runs the best.
EDIT.COM is a few kilobytes and MS-DOS fits on a 360k floppy.
You only have to download 20 GB if you're retarded enough to tick every box in the installer. If you literally only want Visual Studio installed it's like 500 MB. Also show me the GUI library and compiler that Notepad++ comes with.
Dumb fuck.
netbeans/eclipse, the other java based shits are stuff I hate most. As much as I hate Visual Studio, which I hate it with passion, I cannot stand those other cheesy java IDEs. They caused me so many headaches when I was younger so many errors and conflicts even getting simple things like compiling/debugging properly.
You try IntelliJ IDEA? It's not the most feature-rich thing around, but it burns clean (in that it rarely has retarded glitches that are 100% the IDE's fault like Eclipse and Netbeans constantly do) and has decent code completion and code navigation features.
Not much, but there was some hype with a C++ variant they were building. Its supposedly in early stages of development.
>devil's activist
Include me in the screencap
He's full of shit. All you have to do to prove it is run a logger on your router.
Anaconda for Python is like 5GB. It's because they include a bunch of data science packages which are all fuckhuge.
Same for Visual Studio.
Get your head out of your ass.
Have you even used VS before? I shat on it all the time until I actually used it. Blows the fuck out of Sublime and Atom.
You don't need to install a thousand packages, and you most DEFINITELY do not have to sign into a Microsoft account.
Well that's embarrassing, I confused VS and VS Code.
My argument pertains to VS Code, not VS.
VS is shit. Carry on.
CLion? I wouldn't hold your breath. I'm sure it's decent, but the world of C/C++ is not exactly a world that they can define the rules of the way they like and they aren't winning over anyone with their pricing schemes more suited to a Production 3D Modelling Program than a C++ IDE.
Means you've used nothing and know nothing about it, user.
i tried to teach VS to ignore my node modules folder but it just churns and churns scanning them... what a backwards IDE!
> windows just werks XD
> linux is a pain XD
Anyone who believes this is truly retarded.
it is true though.
Only if you have no idea how to use gnu/linux. I had a ton more problems on windows and much more "window not responding" errors. Windows also bloats and takes forever to download.
I hate how restarting the IDE fixes so many problems. I just don't get it; no other software I ever use does this (at least not without a massive memory leak) but everything Microsoft touches has this problem. Config file not being moved to build? Nope, cleaning the project won't do anything, better restart your IDE. Project files desynced from version control server? Yeah, we added a refresh button you your versioning credentials, but that's not going to work, better restart your IDE. Mouse cursor forever stuck in finger click mode? You know what you gotta do.