Brainlet here

I've just installed archlinux. What to do?

Attached: Archlinux-Nya.png (1920x1200, 900K)

Install gentoo

After failing your Gentoo, download Solus from you gaming pc and write to usb toet a usable OS that isn't Arch garbage.

Attached: 20fc1cc3820795ff4f02e1dcb459b4c4c4470549829ac0b86e315c475f8c556a.png (720x480, 188K)

Fuck off kevin

Install Wine and use Windows programs

if you can have the exact same programs on linux if not other ones that do the same job better

Use it like you would any other OS. Since you won't be playing very many games, you should consider learning to program so you have something productive to do with that time.

install de or wm
check if special keys like åöä work
disable bmp fonts
install network manager
install yaourt

>using terminal commands
you can learn to program on any other OS what makes linux so special in your view. don't say something like bash scripts now

pacman -Syu i3 vlc mpv firefox lightdm emacs

Uninstall arch and install slackware

You dont need to uninstall arch, you can just install slack right over the top

First and foremost you need an anime wallpaper.

Where in his comment did he say to use terminal commands?
>you can learn to program on any other OS what makes linux so special in your view. don't say something like bash scripts now
t. never developed on *nix before

The UNIX(tm) architecture encourages modular design of small components that do one thing fine and can be used together in combinations to accomplish things that even the original creator did not foresee.
My advice to you is to pick a book that'll teach you how to do so, to leverage the system to your advantage.
Mastering your tools will permit you to make more sophisticated ones that would have taken days to make otherwise in a matter of mere minutes and a few iterations
To illustrate here is a script that'll give me the total size of all files posted in a thread
lynx -dump |
grep '^ File:' |
egrep -o '\([^(]+\)$' |
sed -E 's/^\(// ; s/,[^,]+\)// ; /KB/ s, KB, 1024 / +, ; /MB/ s, MB, +, ; 1 s/^/4k0\n/ ; $ s/$/\np/' |

I can make a wrapper around the above code and pass it a random thread url, by doing that I have a command that tells the total size of files posted in any given thread.
I used to scrape manga chapters from online readers with few lines of code, and for work I can collect huge datasets from websites when I need to analyze trends and stuff.

>mpv AND vlc

*cough* Adobe

Attached: arch.jpg (461x1413, 268K)


That's all you need as an Arch user

Meh, I use LInux Mint. Cosy as fuck.

lol, no... you also need:
tor weechat cmus ranger i3 dmenu emacs vim maybe zsh

I know it, because I use arch
with GNOME, because I stopped posting screenfetches and remind everyone that I use arch
I guess I grew up out of arch circle jerking club

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-03-30 00-56-18.png (722x471, 65K)

>install de or wm
>check if special keys like åöä work
>disable bmp fonts
>install network manager
>install yaourt
The fuck

Other advices are shit

Because they are just parts of installing arch (and i've already programmed in linux)