Is this the most Soy peripheral one can own? An Apple chiclet keyboard? I can't think of a more effiminate peripheral

Is this the most Soy peripheral one can own? An Apple chiclet keyboard? I can't think of a more effiminate peripheral.

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"tee hee!! soy!! Look mommy I said it again!!"

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Mechanical keyboards are soy central my friend, the only people that own that Apple keyboard are the ones that got it with their machines.

It's a good keyboard. Go use your gaymen rgb mechanical keyboard.


Hey buddy. Fuck you

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>I hate le maymay DX

Low test detected

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also nice quads

I have one of those. They're actually really nice. But I can understand why you wouldn't like them if you're used to more standard-fare keyboards. They are pretty different I suppose, but once you get used to them they're actually great. Or is this just another meme thread?

Patrician taste, my friend.

But mechanical keyboards are objectively better in every respect except loudness (which if you want you can curb with dampeners)

It's better than clackity clackity clack.

It's bad, but not as bad as crippling yourself with a trackpad when you're behind a desk.

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Looks comfy desu

>more travel
>objectively better in every respect

Are you saying that less travel is objectively better or that more travel can be only subjectively better?

Apple is literally Soy: The Brand.

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The external touchpad is but that comes close
Kill yourself

Never understood macbooks. I don't understand the appeal of spending more than a few hundred bucks on a laptop. I do a lot of things including programming and dev work on my laptop. I also do digital art and 3d rendering, but never on a laptop. Screens are too small. Now I get why you might spend over $1000 on an iMac, those are nice, the screens are huge, and the display is probably among the best I've ever seen. But with a macbook, what are you paying for?

>what are you paying for?
Soy signalling.

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Unix without the upkeep of Linux

fagOS is literally daily upkeep to keep this shit from catching fire doing the most basic of tasks.

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You're wrong. That's okay though, I'll keep using macos and you can use your Libre autism OS

What music player is that?

Have fun ruining your fingers.

I fucking hate the soyboy meme with a passion, it was funny for the first few weeks but then poltards ran it into the ground as always.

You have my condolences

I'm very poor user, I like how macos works but I'm too poor to afford one, don't even have a desktop machine


How will mactoddlers ever recover?



>Magic Mouse instead of patrician trackpad

Show me another keyboard I can pack in my briefcase so I can dock my mbp at the house or office... It’s thin, well built and stays put on a desk. Long battery life. I like it.

If you are an information worker, you need good tools. Mac is worth it.

If you're invested in the Apple suite, Apple products will most definitely work for you.

In my opinion (inflation adjusted $2.00e-69), Apple focuses too much on design over ergonomics and it makes using them quirky at times. Typing on an Apple keyboard for long stretches can feel tiring at times.

There are better hardware options depending on what you want most in a peripheral, from noise, feedback, maintenance (cleaning, etc.), and other factors, but for most people following the Apple way, what you get will be just fine.

Also nice quads.

The scissor switch model is one of the best keyboards I've ever used

Do macs even 144hz yet?

The tricky thing with less travel is that it either bottoms out hard and sends the impact straight back into your finger (fatiguing) or that the keys can start to feel really mushy (lack of feedback frustrating) as cramming in the switch mechanism and the rubber dome for stuff under 1.8mm of travel makes for some tough engineering.

On the other end, more travel gives a very tangible feel of getting feedback when typing, which is probably why mechanical keyboards with Cherry switches have enjoyed a surge in popularity. However, too much travel means exaggerated movements and it could be fatiguing on long stretches of typing. They're also stupidly loud, which can be mitigated with gaskets but they're still noisy.

For most keyboards and most users, key travel of around 2mm to 3mm is best, with some resistance at the moment of contact on the key and a quick, but not too sudden give from the switch.

I think apple keyboards feel mushy

You took the time to make this thread. Think about that for a minute

Not a fan of them either and it's due to key travel constraints. This is why.
The scissor switch is allowed a lot of slop and the silicone dome that keeps it propped up isn't shaped to provide a lot of resistance. It gives too early from the moment of contact.

To be honest, most companies just fuck up rubber domes at low key travel. Even Fujitsu, the company that pumps in ridiculous amounts of money into making low travel keyboards (down to 1.2mm) still has challenges making it work. I even own one of their U820 laptops, one of the first to implement their ultra low travel keyswitches. It's squishy. The new stuff is crisper but it's not great. It's just a big challenge in general to make it work properly. Most people don't care either. I digress.

Apple also has this weird tendency to make sure each keytap must make some sort of thunk noise, especially on their MacBooks, as if people are going to think that guy that steals Starbucks WiFi is writing a Spielburg-esque screenplay in the middle of a coffee shop.

I used to know nothing about keyboards. I have no idea how it came to this. (please help)

You sound like someone who does everything, but nothing good comes out of it.


My boss has that shit. He's full autism with newer MacBook, chiclet keyboard, trackpad, & external Apple monitor.

That's why he's your boss and you're his employee

>t. soyboy

>people calling anything soy effeminate while using dairy products which actually have shitloads of animal estrogen that effects humans instead of phytoestrogen that only effects plants

Enjoy your man tits dairy cucks

it has nothing to do with soy. you paid for all that. by working for him. at least 1/3rd of your every day life is spent on making money for your boss. deal with it, that's what being an employee is all about. sure, you can be opinionated about things, like apple products being this and that, but your boss, the man who pays you your salary, makes a premium on work you do. every time you make the company some money, he cashes out on it and buys himself something expensive.

All chiclets are soy. Its like cucking yourself out of extremely better typing experience that is the magnificent keyboard of thinkpads before t430

>A fucking dongle
That keyboard is awful, every time I use it it's like I'm hitting a wall.

Please tell me this isn't the guy with all those Macs and apple shit and the beats headphones again.


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>getting worked up over other people's choices
nothing more effeminate than the girl you're acting like

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>I don't use it so I can't possibly see why anybody else would want to
Classic Jow Forums autism, completely unable to see past their own nose. Products exist because different people have different wants and needs.

Yes you work for him, but that doesn't mean the macbook has anything to do with it you fucking retard.

lmaoing at your life

t. soyboy

never terribly liked these
got an Anker bluetooth keyboard that's basically identical to the numpadless Apple one, but I only use that shit with my phone

god, these are fucking retarded

Are you stupid? The wired full size Apple keyboard is one of the best keyboards ever made.
Bot quality and haptics are on top level. Not to talk about typing on them, which is also on absolute top level.
Using it with my iMac and i would not esitate a second to buy a second one for a PC as well.
The only keyboard i had that reached this level was my old Logitech Ultraflat X keyboard, which got orn out and died after like 15 years of use.

But hey, stick with your sugar cube keyboards, where you need like 1 meter of trigger way to type.

t. soylord

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A laptop cooling pad under a gaymer laptop is top soy.

>t. soylord
Not an argument

Meet me up and tell it to my face faggot.
But my guess is that you fucking fatso nerd won't show up anyway.

t. soybean bag as a mouse pad

Hahaha, i do not even use a mouse pad at all.
But hey, Gaymer idiots will never understand that. Go hit some WoW nuggets you fuckstick.

>i do not even use a mouse pad at all.
t. hands too soft from all the soy so he gets bruises when touching a mousepad

Picking on gaymining is a low hanging fruit.

What a fucking stupid noargument!!
Anfd fucksticks like you call others soyboi. hahaha

>typed while having a SoyStroke

But in that case it is pinpointing the problem.


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I bought an Apple chicklet keyboard back when I was a huge Apple fanboy and it's literally shit. There's $5 keyboards that are more comfy.

Hey, if you could come up with any reasonable arguments why the Apple keyboard isn't good, we could discuss this, but crybabying about muhh soyboiwhilet being one yourself isn't a valid method to discuss things.

>a mactoddler actually trying to argue that zero travel appleshit fag keyboards are good
This isn't even bait, fuck off retard.

Nobody cares soycuck

You could have bought 5 more comfortable chinkshit keyboards than that shekel scam you bought.

You fucking idiot.
I am not a mactoddler. I just use them as i prefer their operating system.

But hey
>a PC-faggot actually trying to argue that one meter of travel PC-shit RGB fag keyboards are good.

You at least care enough to shitpost here.

>Macs are not PC's

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Not an argument.
There are expensive Gayming keyboards that are even more expensive.
My wired Apple keyboard costs 45 euros. Not that expensive for being a superior keybord that is better than 99.9% of all keyboards available on the market.

Didn't say that either.
You have reading issues.

So what is the final argument?

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The final argument is that keyboards are about personal preferences. Some idiots like to have one meter travel for their keys, others don't.
And some are way too stupid to accept this as a fact.
You could not figure this out yourself?

>keyboards are about personal preferences
But being a fucking soyboy isn't.

Fair argument, I give you some of my internets to you today but this battle isn't over user.

Accusing others being a soyboi isn't an arument and is not even nearly true in my case. I would rip you fuckwit apart in a meetup. Be sure of that.

There is no battle when i have won already.

This is the main reason for why it was a mistake to ban pistol duels, would fix so many problems the world has.

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Sorry I don't meet up with soycucks.

Hahaha, you lack the balls for a meetup but you don't meet soybois?
What do you have to fear if you are sooo much more of a guy than i am?
Are you afraid?
In reality, you are just a fatso autist totally defenseless.

People are way to pussy nowadays to get things cleared out like real men.
And it doesn't help calling me a soyboi if they themselfes are the ones that pussy out.
How ridiculous can someone be?

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>No Kesington lock on sight


You're out of your league soyboy.

Pic related, actual Jow Forums meeting

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Best keyboard i've ever owned. Logitech K800 comes close, but not quite.

Nah smartphones without SD cards and headphone jacks have them beat. At least that device has a physical keyboard.

I type considerably faster with those keyboards than with any mech. Thinkpad chiclet keyboards are a little bit better but not by much