Firefox Multiprocessing

I finally updated my Firefox to quantum and was surprised to find multiprocessing. Is this considered a good thing? I only had 2 tabs open and firefox was running 5 processes. Is it running my extensions on individual processes?

On a side note: I run into a few pages here and there that are a little fucky BUT opening multiple tabs (10+) which I do often is now so much faster than the old version I was using. I'm real impressed.

All in all though quantum is pretty slick but it's annoying finding replacements for half the extensions I used to use.

Attached: 1506437444_firefox-quantum_story.jpg (760x430, 49K)

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>Is this considered a good thing?
-utilizes your multicore system
-one tab fucking up won't fuck up other tabs
-one process catching fire won't kill the others
-one process freezing won't kill your entire browser.

> but it's annoying finding replacements for half the extensions I used to use.
Open your mind and your ass will follow. It's the only way but its worth it. t. former diehard 52ESRfag.

Firefox doesn't even go all the way with multiprocessing. Look at Chromium's in-beta strict-site-isolation if you want to see some very hard sandboxing. But, yes, it's a good thing. It uses more ram overall but there are more benefits than losses.

If you don't like it then turn it to the lowest setting.

A lot of the new FF code is written in Rust, so yeah it's better and will get better as more of it is ported to Rust code.

Firefox runs half of Chrome/Chromium's. This Chromium build has many things stripped off so vanilla Chrome should be even worst.

>pic related

Attached: chromenotabs10processes.png (1231x698, 118K)

Open more tabs in each browser and see how much it differs

This looks like garbage for both browsers. I have at least 200 tabs open all the time. I do not want 200 fucking processes.

Really? Who cares what it looks like? It's about the functionality. Having all your tabs in one big pot is horrendous for personal security.

>me using the new firefox
so fast

Attached: firefox quantum.webm (640x360, 2.98M)

How can I test whether Firefox is faster than Chrome or not?

Does ff still memory leak?

I haven't had any mem leaks. Been using since quantum was released.

Are you sure? I'm not sure.

Attached: Untitled.png (1920x1080, 89K)

I had one tab open and it bloated to 3gb before I killed it. Pale Meme was right about the sjws.

I've had this open for about 8 hrs

Attached: 1.png (1107x140, 15K)

nice blog post, but your employer already has a platform for you to post that shit on

something that annoys me is that now i get an entry in the realtek speaker control for every tab i have open.

Attached: realtek.jpg (834x341, 68K)

Call me back when they've u implemented V8.


Attached: SndVol_2018-03-30_01-48-42.png (629x343, 23K)

Fixed in Nightly, maybe even Beta.

chromium also suck hard at fonts because of this hard sandboxing

maybe only on windows