>It's technology related so faggots GTFO
>Come on mods, I know you dirty cock suckers would love to own a sex robot. So let this thread stay up for a couple of hours.
>It's technology related so faggots GTFO
>Come on mods, I know you dirty cock suckers would love to own a sex robot. So let this thread stay up for a couple of hours.
we might start by posting the Gdoc?
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Human bodies with a modified brain is the only realistic option obviously. Robotics are too power hungry and even if you made something that could last hours and plug itself in your power bill would be insane and prohibitively high for your average Jow Forumsremlin
robotics are pretty power intensive right now. We're considering fuel cells down the line but that's probably going to be even more expensive
>fuel cells
>a degenerate user was blown to bits tonight as his robot sex doll's fuel cell exploded, in other news...
how are you going to emulate muscle movement? this guy is right
I haven't heard of any exploding priuses or hyundai econo-shitboxes, or at least of any whose fuel cells blew
we start by using established techniques: putting metal rods and circles and motors together to emulate a human range of motion.
After that, I suspect that we can train an AI to emulate natural gaits in walking, natural balancing, etc. Look at what boston dynamics is doing now with a highly restricted AI
I mean wouldn't the easiest thing to do would be to buy a sex doll and modify it?
Modifying it how? The only useful parts are going to be the skin and maybe the head, you'd want to replace the skeleton entirely since it wouldn't move, you'd need sensors and the chips to do shot with them, you'd need the actual programming for it, you'd have to cut the inside of the doll up...
I thought the real dolls where jointed.
It looks like there developing something similar to this tread.
Oops forgot the link
yeah look at what boston dynamics is doing: jerky, awkward, unaesthetic movements with a budget and talent pool lightyears beyond anything Jow Forums could hope to muster
I've been thinking about companion robots myself, and the gatebox approach seems like the best available. maybe a platform like that, displaying just a face, suspended from a skycam-style cable system to keep it at eye level? obviously you can't fuck it but that's a feature not a bug
What do you mean under "realistic" sex robot?
What it supported to do?
I mean physically.
Should it available to lift some huge mass (100-200kg 200-400+lb) or even more?
Realistic as in theoretically possible.
"human bodies with a modified brain is the only realistic option obviously". What, are you insane? Moral fags will never let that come into fruition. Besides I highly doubt that be any easier than creating a fully functioning sex robot.
Well shit,
Given that society doesn't crumble away from any sort of economic or political collapse. I'm sure the technology enabling sex robots to become a reality would eventually be bestowed upon us if enough time has passed in terms of technological development . Once the first marketable sex robot is released, it'll eventually start an arms race reminiscent of the space race. To see who can produce the most optimal sex robot.
You quite honestly could be on to something. The limbs of the sex doll could be cut in half and or replaced with a mechanical substitute. Allowing for basic human motor functions to be achieved. Of course reaching equilibrium would be a problem for the quasi sex robot, or not depending on how accurately you apply the mechanical limbs. Pic related is what I have in mind.
In all seriousness, Sex bots only sound good if your not getting laid.. Even then i dont think it sounds very fun..
Depends on how you'd want the sex robot to be and or act. If you're just looking for basic humanoid motor functions, see
Maybe: "technical possible" since we talk about something "realistic".
So there are required approximate parameters.
jointed doesn't mean mobile, it means they have joints that flop around (or stick in a single spot) like a box store mannequin
Sexbots don't necessarily have to be used exclusively for sex. They can, with enough sufficiently advanced technology, be used as multi purpose utility bots. Cooking,cleaning or any other mundane task could be appeased in the usage of a sex robot. Not only that, but as some other user has pointed out. They could also be directly controlled via a gaming controller for shits and giggles or maybe even home defence. You could theoretically control a sex robot (as if it were in a game) to kill or deter any foe from invading your house.
The parameters within the realm of reality is what I'm talking about.
"How do we realistically conceptualise the hardware needed to materialise the concept of sex robots?"
the fuck are you taking about? aside from Dr Rodney Brooks and the people at Festo, that's ALL anyone is doing - "conceptualizing". "envisioning diegetic prototypes". in other words, DRAWING PICTURES OF ROBOTS THEY WANT and hoping someone else will build them.
perhaps if they ask Mom to stick the pictures on the refrigerator with a robot shaped magnet, it'll happen faster.
This thread is about producing realistic sex robot concepts, which can be executed in relation to reality. Kind of like the thread version of a brain storm.
yup, think "gundam build fighters with more titties"
Nice, I guess? I'm mean I'd still bang that bot hard, but it probably won't be my ideal ''companion''.
Many of my CNC parts are arriving tomorrow. Also going out to get parts to attempt to whip up some proof-of-concept muscles. Looks like our software devs are some quick working ass kickers, as well.
OP, hold back on creating these threads for a while. I don't know what mod has it out for these threads, but we don't want to give the idea of a general. Also, we'd like to have some more presentable evidence so we aren't immediately dismissed by so many, mod included. If you aren't a part of the Slack already, go ahead and join. A link is in the gdoc.
I'll conform to your statements depending on my state of mind.PS nice to see you going through with this concept.
>I don't know what mod has it out for these threads, but we don't want to give the idea of a general
I was under the impression that they just didn't get enough traffic at all hours of the day to stay on the catalog. If a mod is deleting them and not /spg/ - marketing shills, that's kinda shit, especially since this is one of very few ongoing threads intended to actively create something
The energy technology does not yet exist to make these feasible
Also we don't have a proper skin replacement yet, rubber is a poor substitute
Still, fun concept