IPS is a fucking meme

Thanks Jow Forums and reddit (what's the difference) for conning me into getting an IPS monitor.

>same color accuracy as TN
>at least 10x worse ghosting
>low refresh rate

What a piece of shit. There is absolutely no reason to buy an IPS monitor in 2018.

>muh color accuracy
>muh viewing angles

My brand new IPS is basically indistinguishable from my Acer XF240H - one of the worst monitors currently available in terms of color accuracy. It also is essentially the same as my 10+ year old Asus VH236H, except for brightness because the 236's backlight is extremely old and dim.

And the ghosting is *fucking* horrific. It's absolutely terrible. It reminds me of the old LCD monitor my grandma had in 2003.

Attached: 1514940786825.jpg (239x340, 51K)

Other urls found in this thread:


So which monitor did you get?

>Thanks Jow Forums and reddit (what's the difference)



Asus VPH249H: newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236743

Attached: 24-236-743-V01.jpg (1280x960, 87K)

>buy poorfag monitor with shit reviews
>wonder why it's shit

Get a good IPS then, faggot. A good IPS panel vs a good TN panel is night and day.

>Asus is poorfag
Oh, IPS is only usable if you buy a $4,000 Eizo?

So it's a shit technology, is what you're saying?

>spend $140 on a monitor


No, if you spend $208.40 on a factory calibrated Dell of the same size, which is one of the best IPS monitors of its class.
And yes, ANUS products are overpriced shit marketed at retarded gaymers. Congratulations on your purchase.

My Dell UltraSharp is an IPS panel, and its fucking gorgeous. Its a clear cut above what I was using prior, big enough a difference that I'd have a hard time considering anything else but another UltraSharp.
That being said the newest TN panels aren't anywhere near as bad as they used to be. The same goes for IPS panels too. There are IPS panels with fast response times and low input latency. There are TN panels with great color accuracy.

Apart from my UltraSharp fanboyism the only other panels I'd really consider are VAs from Samsung.

I have a Dell U2412M and I love it. However, I do not play video games on my computer and value good colors for multimedia.

you chose the wrong ips monitor

Attached: IMG_0552.jpg (2592x1728, 1.65M)

Alright, alright. I get it. I fell for the same bullshit that audiophiles push.

>oh you just didn't get the right oooone
>oh that one was too cheap, if you spend $6,000 it'll actually do the right thing
>oh you just have bad eyes
>I have special eyes

Got it. IPS retards are at the same level as audiophiles aka completely retarded. Thanks for tricking me guys, you really bamboozled me this time.

IPS is shit. Webm incoming.

IPS is ancient by technology standards, if you're going to cheap out on it, you are going to get bottom of the barrel stuff.

Should have gotten something that has measurements, or just went for a VA screen.

i have the same and do photography work and also play games. color calibration out of the box is 99% as good as my old 500$ TN monitor after calibration with pantone hardware, and i got it for 148€. i absolutely adore this thing and not once noticed the bleeding in real life use.

Attached: 3a2a01a5-cee1-4a47-8930-fc643211fe15.jpg (1280x960, 47K)

only thing i don't like about it is PWM flicker, though not everyone is sensitive to that. it's a nice secondary monitor though. would be good if 3840x2400 existed...

I've turned back panels for back light bleed and uniformity before. Before I started my current job it was more of an issue. I'd have to scan through images and scenes at different sections of the monitor to make sure it looked consistent. The back light issues are legitimate for professional use.

what kind of professional use? i've retouched weddings on this thing and colors have always been top-notch when printing. i guess it could be a bigger deal for designers or video guys, though, but for my use it has never been an issue.

>IPS in a nutshell

Attached: ips is shit.webm (960x540, 1017K)

I have this monitor and it looks like ass.

lol, zimbabwe'd

I've done video editing for some youtube channels with moderately large viewerbases. With some panels I could notice a distinct difference in how colors were represented in the center of the panel vs the edges which made grading an issue for consistency. One I had was so bad that one corner was bright enough to notice even while watching a movie for an impartial viewer.
A good IPS panel is fantastic if you get a good one, but a cheap one or an unlucky one that managed to pass QC then its pretty bad.

In the beginning I was wondering if you were just baiting or genuinely retarded. At least there is no doubt now. Please go back to whichever hole you crawled out of.

The comic sans was a nice touch, that's how we know you're a retard

>it's a britbong

Attached: 1520486054388.jpg (600x600, 41K)

What point are you even trying to convey with that picture? Without any context the only thing that can be concluded by looking at is that the LCD-monitor is brighter..

My ips monitor scored 98 on displaymate, and has pretty fucking accurate colors, wide viewing angles, and great contrast ratio. I consider it my best purchase when considering peripherals, and wished that I never got memed into buying a shitty gaming tn that ironically ruined my gaming experience.
TN = complete shit, and there is no excuse that they are still being manufactured.

You bought a shit product and you blame the entire format. "Wow this song.wav sounds awful, all wav formatted songs are aweful" is your type of argument basically.

>kinder surprise
>1. You will not upload, post, discuss, request, or link to anything that violates local or United States law.

They sell Kinder eggs in America now. Or are they not Kinder Suprise?
They started selling Wonderballs again too.

I actually bought one of those chocolate eggs recently.
They place the toy next to the egg instead of inside of them now.

Imagine being this retarded you don't research anything then making your purchases, just buy based on the labels.

Your life is a meme, OP.

Attached: u.gif (500x375, 2.31M)

>land of the free
>home of the brave
>300+ year reign as most powerful country on earth
>systematically toppled by a fucking chocolate egg

You're a faggot (that's the difference)

I don't get it. Also are you typing with one finger?

You're retarded or got a cheap panel. The IPS on my older laptop is miles better than my mbp, even with a lower resolution

What shitty ass monitor did you buy?
I have a sub 100 dollar ultrasharp that kicks the shit out of any other monitor I've ever owned.
And I certainly haven't noticed any ghosting.

It is a food
But it contains a plastic
Burgers might swallow the whole thing thinking its a food and choke on the toy inside.

>want a new car
>buy indian
>dies after 300km
This is you

Attached: 1389945565879.png (725x684, 354K)

>Indian cars


Attached: 1510719632584.gif (500x500, 197K)

since all you do is bullshit, enjoy your TN.

IPS is for designers and people that want better viewing angle.