Ubuntu is bl-

>Ubuntu is bl-

Attached: screenFetch-2018-01-17_00-04-09.png (1600x900, 438K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>ubuntu is black
No, the word comes from some African language but that's not what it means.

1600 packages is not bloated?

Attached: AmRNJkF.jpg (1280x720, 132K)

do tards not understand that xfce is dead and wont be getting any new updates?

-oated. You can do desktop in 1.44 mb of RAM.

I'm using KDE here, hardly bother de-installing stuff I don't need, and I'm at 1108 packages.
t. Gentoo

How long does a full emerge takes? I am considering changing to an environment like this

When I did full-system recompiles of the roughly 900 to 1000 packages I had late last year, without using a second PC to help, they took around 5-6 hours. Specs: Pentium G4560 before Meltdown kernel patches, Gentoo on an SSD, compiling on a tmpfs, using merely MAKEOPTS="-j4".
The PC was responsive enough for me to use it while it was compiling, but my standards aren't very high - setting PORTAGE_NICENESS to 19 will likely help in this regard.

do tards not understand that xfce is complete

And will be left in the past as Wayland grows.
Thankfully I hear LXQT might be working towards supporting it, and there' always Sway for your tiling autism

>uptime: 5m

Attached: -.jpg (480x360, 22K)

>1601 packages

lol. Wayland is not replacing X.


>1.6k packages
>500mbs of ram only a terminal window open
not because you closed all your facebook tabs and propped a terminal in the middle that your system becomes less bloated

Attached: 1.jpg (540x540, 25K)

"Wayland isolates the input and output of every window, achieving confidentiality, integrity and availability in both cases; the original X design lacks these important security features, although some extensions have been developed trying to mitigate it. Also, with the vast majority of the code running in the client, less code needs to run with root privileges, improving security."

>packages: 1601
>not bloated

who cares? xfce does what i want, and i don't want it to change

can't improve perfection

Garbage Desktop, OP.

Attached: photo_2018-03-29_20-58-13.jpg (1280x800, 68K)

running untrusted applications on a host is a user error
the triad is irrelevant to the situation

Attached: vomit-chan.jpg (680x680, 82K)

And yet people run Windows and have a Facebook app on their phones.

Windows XP is more useful and looks better while running just fine with only 64MB of RAM, 128MB if you want it to be smooth.

Anyone who recommends Windows will be shot.

thats bloated as fuck compared to my completely set up gentoo system.

Attached: 2018-03-29-211014_1920x1080_scrot.png (1920x1080, 1.96M)


Attached: 1427114232210.jpg (419x304, 24K)

pic related


Attached: 1511946440552.jpg (224x216, 34K)

What do you recommend as a replacement?

MATE consumes almost the same amount of resources as XFCE and is still under active development.

>still under active development.

So is Xfce.

>so as xfce

Attached: Screenshot_2018-03-30-11-44-59.png (540x960, 210K)

compared to MATE

Attached: Screenshot_2018-03-30-11-48-56.png (540x960, 267K)

Why are people here not understanding Xfce release cycles? A new stable version is released every 3 years and a new version is just around the corner. You can try the dev version if you want.


>not updating your packages every week

Why would you lie on internet?

If you gonna install bloat, go full bloat.

Attached: neofetch-2018-03-27-08-10-30-26534.png (1280x1024, 1.3M)

>a new version is just around the corner

>nearly 600MB of ram with nothing but a terminal open
>not bloated

Windows takes like 400MB with nothing but a terminal open. So Ubuntu is more bloated than windows.

wallpaper please

>1601 packages
>having more than 600 packages

Enjoy your bloatware, cuck.

>Uptime 2m

That's probably like 100 packages if counted The Arch Way™.

Attached: 1520807529657.jpg (2560x1600, 769K)

yes, in that picture i had just turned my computer on. in the OP image it says 5 minutes also.

thanks a lot user

>Meanwhile, on the best *buntu

Attached: neofetch-2018-03-22-08-30-01-14503.png (1366x768, 1.14M)

until OP posts df -h we won't know

>mate is better because there are so many bugs to fix and things to improve

>[citation needed]

it already did
only snowflakes continue to use their special wms

parts of xfce are constantly updated retard

XFCE will be getting updates. I have read their blog blog.xfce.org/ and know their TOTAL plan to herd you into GTK+ 3 with XFCE 4.14 while at the same time bug-fixing and improving XFCE 4.12.

Please. Wayland isn't even network transparent. And it doesn't handle multi-monitor setups. Further, Xorg is perfect, stable, feature-rich and perfect.

A new version of XFCE really is "around the corner" which probably translates to quite some time. But it's not far from read in terms of features, bugs and so on. I used it for a week or so earlier this year. The great news is that it won't be vastly different, it'll be pretty much the same as it is now.

I realize the immensity of this information will make you wildly upset but the simple truth is that GNOME is NOT the most used desktop out there, that's actually KDE. This is what happens when you try to dictate what your users should do and how they should do it instead of adapting to their needs. The only reason anybody uses it at all is that many distributions have made it the default desktop. You have to make an effort to switch to XFCE on some yet it's got almost as many users. It's just a matter of time before the GNOME foundation is bankrupt and finished (yes, really. This isn't that related to the popularity of their desktop but it is a present truth).

Attached: xfce4-2018-03-g.jpg (1920x1080, 301K)

GEM + MS-DOS use less than 128k RAM when running

>It's just a matter of time before the GNOME foundation is bankrupt

This is indeed very bloated and you are obviously stupid and incompetent enough not to understand why.

Go play outside and leave Jow Forums to grownups.


Attached: ayDo6yV_460s.jpg (460x489, 48K)

Just to illustrate the full depth of their foolishness: The foundations total income for 2016 was $221474. Yes, we're not talking huge sums here, they are not Microsoft or nothing. They spent a whopping $321723 on "Womens Outreach" in 2015 - that's about 100k USD more than the following years income. And now they've wasted even more money.

What does setting PORTAGE_NICENESS to 19 do?

It'll just add nice -n 19 before make. Man nice to read about process priority, basically one program can have higher or lower priority than others. There's also ionice if you want to go wild with it (like nice but raises or lowers disk io priority). If having a responsive system while compiling is important then you may want to lower MAKEOPTS=-jX to something less than your number of cores, like -j2 on a 4 core system leave 2 cores for ... other things.

Your i3 needs some rice, senpai.

>A new version of XFCE really is "around the corner
>which probably translates to quite some time

Dumb phoneposters.

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lxqt is a fucking garbage

mate sux ass on multi monitor support