Emacs vs Vim

Why do you use one over the other? And why not use nano?

Attached: emacs-vs-vim.jpg (569x400, 82K)

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They're all okay. I prefer vim and nano though just because you can always find one or the other on almost any system

I try to use emacs but I always find it easier/quicker to use vim.
I'd use nano but my muscle memory is already set for vim and I'm too lazy to internalize nano shortcuts

Vim because its great for SSH and the hotkeys make sense. All I really use in addition with it are ctags and cscope and thats really it, my .vimrc is somewhat vanilla.

I can't get into Emacs at all. It seems to try to be too many things. Vim just edits text with fun hotkeys.

>run the vimtutor
>take your time to do all the task
>you will find why vim is so worthy to learn

I love vim and use it every day. I'm hoping to learn emacs one of these days.

Nano is nowhere near the other two, nano is completely useless. Nano is for making small changes to files that you have to do so rarely that you don't have to be efficient doing them. Vim is the most efficient editor and it's certainly not just for making small changes to files, it has splits, tabs, autocompletion, syntax highlighting, thousands of plugins and the best bindings ever created. If vim were a woman, I would leave my tight gf.

doom-emacs, neovim with plugins work okay too. emacs seems to be better if you want to turn it into an IDE.

gedit master race reporting in

Attached: Gedit-Logo-2010.jpg (330x168, 11K)

Literally what is the argument for emacs then?

I can run a terminal inside an emacs buffer.

Script,C,C++,bash, python,Perl,remote editor or general text editor.

Emacs community get best plugin to languages as Lisp,Scheme,Erlang,Haskell,Julia,OCaml,Clojure as some research or language developer use it plus add a lot applications as email,FTP,Git,Notes,games,calculator,web browser ...

just nest vim inside tmux

I don't, I use both.

>evil mode emacs
you sinful man

I use atom

ed/vi exist everywhere by default, so I invested more time in that (sysadmin) and its now just comfy to use vim
Have nothing against emacs, I love lisp with all my heart

emacs with evil. I like emacs cause I also use it as a pdf viewer, so if i have multiple pdfs open its the same work flow to switch pdfs as it is when im coding etc.

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I feel like a lot of people say this as one of their reasons too, I like it as well that's why I keep my vim close to stock. But what if emacs came packaged with every system?

>what is conque

You'll love slimv
>what if
What if *macs didn't suck balls?

NeoVim can do this too.

Attached: copy.png (32x32, 1K)

Only thing I hate is that if you have more than one file open then you can't copy paste properly with the mouse.

I use nano because vim/emacs is too complicated for me

I also use VSCode but before that I was using Atom, and before that I was using Geany.

VSCode is nice.

Neither I don't really see the point in a text editor

Plain old regular Vim can do it too

>Emacs community get best plugin
If it only came with a decent editor...
>inb4 evil

Whyd you leave atom

I like nano because it helps to enforce better programming pratices like defining a method instead of using autocomplete and writing the same code multiple times, formatting cleanly, organising your code logically and using obfuscation, because working through nano in a multi thousand line project becomes a bitch fast. The syntax highlighting is about the only crutch i'll allow myself.

Why did you join a thread about features of text editors to say you don't use a text editor. Do you wander into steak houses and tell each customer you're vegan too? The trolling and baiting as of late has gotten out of hand and i hope the mods cast you from this place forever.

I don't use a text editor but I want to learn . If vim is meant to be easier and emacs is more extensible should I just do evil emacs

No, vim is perfectly extensible too. Just follow vimtutor and be happy.

But then I won't get the respect and social status in my peer group by using emacs.

emacs users worship a parrotfucking footcheeseeating communist paedophile, are you sure you wanna associate with that kind of "people"?

only emacs users respect emacs users
if you want popularity or street cred, go with vim

But lisp is supposed to be the language for smart people featured in serial experiments lain

You can perfectly use lisp from within Vim

Is there anything wrong with atom? Doesnt seem to be popular here

>Is there anything wrong with atom?
It doesn't support proper Lisps.

No Patrick, Clojure isn't a proper Lisp.

I use emacs with a bunch of packages. Used vim for a long time, don't use evil or any kind of vim emulation. Thought I would really miss modal editing. I don't.

Emacs changed everything for me. Never could go back.

What would you say are the best things about emacs?

Personal preference, the only factor you should consider when choosing a text editor/IDE.
The reason is that writing software is actually 99% thinking and 1% writing, so your preferred mode of input has little to no bearing on your performance.

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Vim users use a gimped, non-Turing complete language (cw, d}, etc.) to edit text. They probably speak in broken English with elementary school vocabulary.

Emacs users use a Turing complete language that is more expressive than most languages in existence to edit text. They speak fluent and elegant English with an expansive, enlightened vocabulary.

thanks for this

Nothin really. Itd just not memed to death on gee and plebbit. If anything the only knock is its unpopularity leads to fewer plugins. It has a sharp ui tho

You make me agree, I stop use vim now. Only emacs from now

I use both.
I program in emacs with evil, and don't leave it for anything related to that (from writing the code to magit). It's comfy.
I use vim when I just want to make a quick edit from the terminal, etc. So mostly when playing with configfiles.

I used to do everything in vim though. But that's because I was an autistic minimalism-fag.


Note taking - emacs org mode
config file edit - nano
copy command from internet and forget to change it - google how to exit vim

i use qt-creator because im not an autist virgin neckbeard

Emacs, because diredit is amazing for doing mass file renaming, not having to use a mouse, extra options, and it comes in both GUI and TUI flavors. Also has evil mode if you really like those vi keybindings.

Got exposed to Vim first.
Now can't switch.
Based vimtutor.

vim because i can't be asked to learn anything else

how about you try kekoune?

Attached: I_know_I_am_being_a_shill.png (262x262, 38K)

also vim-adventures.com

kakoune, lads

I want to like emacs, I keep trying it (with evil - been using vim for ~18 years) but simple configuration tweaks seem so much more intuitive in vim.
emacs configuration seems far too complex - vim is usable with a few lines of config, or even no lines of config - meanwhile emacs needs like 100+ lines to make is slightly usable. I will persist.

Emacs is a superior piece of software. Vim is a superior editing paradigm. Evil mode is the answer.

>remote editor
There's no reason to run a remote instance of an editor and do a full network trip on each command like an animal, when you can use a comfy local editor capable of browsing and editing remote files over SSH.

>requires GUI
No thanks



Vim is a modal editing method that lives on to this day.
Emacs is a large IDE with plugins and extensibility. It was the VS Code or Atom of its day. Bloated. All things to all men. Used by neckbeards who procrastinate by tweaking their editor and geeking out that they can read their email and RSS feeds in their editor instead of writing code.

Emacs has many plugins to emulate vim.
VS Code has many plugins to emulate vim.
Atom has many plugins to emulate vim.
Even my IDE, Visual Studio proper has vim emulation plugins (a good one too, highly recommend VSVim if you're reading this, even emulates some ex commands)

There is no emacs emulation in vim, or any of those aforementioned editors.
Vim is still used to this day.
Emacs has been replaced by Atom and other electron bloat. That's the difference between emacs and vim.

Attached: lul_emacs.png (666x662, 119K)

>What would you say are the best things about emacs?
extensibility. major modes. Virtual buffers per buffer so that plugins can draw useful things over your buffer. Most of all, a real language instead of viml for writing plugins.

>>There is no emacs emulation in vim
>Emulating a lisp machine in vim
You have no idea what Emacs is or does, don't you?

I like "joe", but I end up using vim mostly. I've tried emacs many times but it has never clicked with me. I just need to edit text. I don't use fancy ide features, I usually have 3 terminals and a browser.

>Run a compiler or a REPL
>File manager/man pages/viewing other files
>Browser for procrastination or occasionally research

>If vim is meant to be easier and emacs is more extensible should I just do evil emacs

No. Emacs is the Atom editor of the 1980s. It no longer has a purpose unless
- You want to write lisp toy projects all day and not get a real job.
- Your computer is 10+ years old and can run neither Windows 7 nor an Ubuntu that is still in LTS.
- Your name is Richard Stallman.

What you should do:
1) Use plain vim alone until you learn the keybindings.
2) If you desperately want a modern pretty editor with mouse clickable menus and modern whizzbang plugins, use VS Code or Atom with a good vim plugin. You can embed actual neovim inside VS Code which means its not emulated, it's real vim inside a modern editor.
3) If step 2) sounds confusing or overly complicated that's because it is, go back to step 1). I only included it because you're stubborn and will probably rebel against plain vim for being "too old fashioned and simple", despite its very simplicity and power being exactly why 95% of vim users love it so much (the other 5% use only the i and ESC buttons and use vim because someone told them to 10 years ago, I've met many of these people believe it or not, usually scientists).

If you want a more modern vim experience, keep an eye on github.com/onivim/oni/blob/master/README.md

vim because it's installed on all nix by default + I have no idea how to use emacs.

What's wrong with neovim. From what I've seen neovim seems to be adhering to the pleasingly minimalist lightweight design of vim, all while cleaning up shit, bypassing benevolent dictator for life bram, and adding interesting things like separate server and gui for integration with other editors, terminal windows if that's your thing etc.

You can always get emacs with evil mode. And you will have your retarded vim bindings

> JavaScript 69.2% TypeScript 26.6% Vim script 4.0%
Well. Modern was accurate.

What about my ex commands though.

How would you substitute bar with baz in every line starting with foo

or swap the first and second space delimited words in lines 15 to 20
:15,20 normal 0dWWP

I prefer emac's because it has the ability to run python code while you're working on editing the file. You can also have multiple windows without running something like tmux. Not sure if vim has that. I've found it easier to modify the automatic syntax editing and highlighting in emacs than in vim as well.

Attached: emacs.png (1366x768, 57K)

Yes, It is all supported by evil


Nice. I have tried evil in the past but abandoned it because I couldn't get emacs packages to work on the shitty old Ubuntu 12.04 server at work.

Vim on the otherhand is so simple that its identical on my dev machine and the 12.04 Ubuntu server, all I have to do is git pull my .vimrc and a choice colorscheme or two over.
Vim can also live in tmux with the rest of my work so I can turn my dev PC off or lose the ssh connection, and the session waits for me on Monday.

I use emacs because it's what I'm used to and it has a bunch of nice extensions (magit, helm, irony-mode etc).

You can do that in neovim too

Neovim for life.

>Emacs is a large IDE with plugins and extensibility. It was the VS Code or Atom of its day. Bloated. All things to all men. Used by neckbeards who procrastinate by tweaking their editor and geeking out that they can read their email and RSS feeds in their editor instead of writing code.
faggots and their opinions.
The reason why developers used emacs was for practical reasons.
In an era where nothing was standardized, not even keyboards, you jumped from one machine to another and you couldn't bring you email client or your file viewer with you, you couldn't even use the same hotkeys or keys if you had to work on a completely different machine.
Emacs eliminated those inconveniences, emacs provided a universal way of using a computer for developing
Emacs is a powerful editor, not an ide. It's so extensible that you can run your code inside its sandbox, that's why you are mistaking it with "ide"s.

>Even my IDE, Visual Studio
I wish you wrote that first, faggot.

>Why do you use one over the other
I hate niggers from uganda, therefore I use Emacs.

Emacs is too bloated, vim by far.

vim x ssh is terrible. emacs tramp is as natural as editing a file on sshfs. evilmode is decent. emacs is wonky (linenumbers notably), but less so than vim.

>Uganda, therefore, Emacs
I'd forgotten about that.

I can do video editing with emacs, give presentations, have a webserver, browse the net, play some music, play games.

How can you do fucking video editing in emacs?


also incoming "muh bloatware" reply for

I've actually not used Visual Studio in over 6 months, but nice ad hominem. It's just the last IDE I have experience of using because I used to work at a place that used the full MS stack.

>full MS stack
try these or search on the net for complete scripts about building s/w and calling the compiler and its directives via the command line.
I haven't used it much though because I program mostly on linux.

We actually transitioned to dotnet core while I was still there and I was using cmder as a dropdown terminal with bash-like commands to build my projects. Visual Studio still has an excellent interactive debugger though when you're really stuck, there's no point trying to use sub-par VS Code breakpointing when you're on Windows and full VS is right there.

There is literally no reason to use vim when emacs can do everything vim does but with better plugins and elisp configuration. Now I use vim just to edit over ssh as it is faster to use from the terminal. If speed is one of your concern with emacs, then just run an emacs server. If you like modal editing then just use evil mode, which offers you the possibility of changing every key without using autistic mappings like in vim.

>open emacs
>get overwhelmed with all the stuff
>try the tutorial but forget everything instantly
I really want to use it because it seems perfect for what I want, but it's so scary seeing how much stuff it has and how much information there is on it.
Wat do, any better tutorial than the inbuilt one?

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all tests were run on an asus 701 eeepc, 2GB ram, no X(not even installed), it has just the bare-bones and idles right now at 39MB/1.96GB RAM and runs debian stretch. no plugins loaded in any editor.

emacs, which runs its own lisp interpreter and has moved most of its functionality to lisp is at 4.6 MB.
Vi, which is just a test editor, is at 1.5MB

zile which is the emacs bloatware but just the text editor is at 0.05MB.
nano, which is just a text editor uses a mere 0.1MB
ne, which is a great text editor is at the levels of zile.

How come vi, vi just the text editor, is 15 times heavier than nano, and emacs which is a bloatware with its own programming language is only 3 times heavier that vi?

I mean the built-in tutorial is fine. Don't worry about memorizing all the hotkeys at once, they'll come with practice. Just remember how to open a file (C-x C-f) save a file (C-x C-s), close it (C-x k), and exit (C-x C-c).

Now that I'm comfortable I'll use hotkeys to open buffers in new windows (which actually means splitting the current window into two), switch between windows, and kill the buffer of the current window + close the window.

I still end up using my mouse to highlight text I want to copy paste (sorry kill and yank) because I always forget the keys for setting a mark or highlighting regions.

VS code is bloat, leave.

>emacs is way too complex so is shit.
fuck all of you. git gud

I started with spacemacs until i figured out what were the plugins i needed.

Org mode is rlly good once you master it, theres no way back.

This channel has good videos about emacs and vim.
