/cdg/ - Clover & Dashchan General

Clover: github.com/Floens/Clover
Dashchan: github.com/Mishiranu/Dashchan
Omnichan & other inferior alternatives not allowed, make your own fucking thread

Attached: 1522375538.jpg (720x360, 25K)

Other urls found in this thread:



How to fix spoiler tags?

New clover update from today/yesterday has some fancy new animations

Attached: 1510746601896.jpg (596x618, 108K)

Remove cl*ver. It is absolute garbage

>*teleports behind clover*
> *shits down xir throat*

Attached: 1522382608474.png (500x327, 19K)

It is, but floens tries to make it a bit less garbage every release.

He doesn't make a new release though.

Do dashchan and clover have lainchan and endchan?


Clover just updated and now everytime I switch to another app and open it again it refreshes everything instead of just opening the last opened thread. Any way to fix that?

install gentoo

>tfw new Clover dev update

does Dashchan allow me to select text to copy it instead of the whole post?

Used dashchan to browse multiple imageboards. Crashes sometimes (like clover do) and after playing specific webms sound disappears. Moved to clover because now I'm browsing only Jow Forums and don't need to install 3 applications.


It was updated 2 days ago




how? I don't see the setting

Copy & pasta doesn't work on my machine ;_;

Post your Clovers in replies :DDDDDDDDDDDDD

Attached: Screenshot_20180330-150937.png (1059x1852, 293K)

Insomnia theme a best.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-03-30-16-29-36-630_org.floens.chan.dev.png (1080x1920, 167K)

double tap the post

oh shit thanks pham

how can I enable relative post dates in dashchan?

Uhhh is there any way to delete a site I've added on Clover?

No escape

For now

Can anyone post a highdef png of the clover app icon?

How to make thread list on amoled theme really black?

Attached: Screenshot_20180329-180432.png (1920x1080, 145K)

Dev or F-droid?

Attached: Screenshot_20180330-140651.png (1080x1920, 226K)

Never mind, I'm retarded

Attached: 1509249684864.png (645x729, 27K)

Has clover stopped being updated in fdroid?

Nvm I did it

Attached: PicsArt_03-30-03.09.47.png (192x192, 16K)

I don't know, but it seems that since floens cares more about the dev version, we might not see a new update in f-droid anytime soon.

Mimi is better and more stable but it lacks an autoupdate functionality.

Download more ram.

What's the difference between regular clover and the dev version?

If the regular version isn't getting as many updates I might switch over

Dev is less stable but gets more updates, also has support for more imageboards

Any included features that would make it worth it? I don't really care too much about other image boards

It has up to date defaults (captcha was changed recently), better cache management, fixes the issues that the stable had. It's definitely worth upgrading. In addition, it's just as stable as the regular 2.3.1, only had one version with hiccups. Download the current dev build and don't update it if you're paranoid about updates breaking it.

clover needs flags for Jow Forums

Isn't mini proprietary?

What font?

Nope. It's OSS.
Wish it had an auto update though...

Clover font settings and CyanogenMod theme settings on OnePlus 1

Attached: PicsArt_03-30-05.56.15.png (1080x1920, 715K)

your phone is shit

It's since today's dev update only. I can't be the only one

userstyles.org/styles/157558/modified-beautiful-dark-Jow Forums

This is the best there is.

>not using mimi

Do you have to manually refresh in order to view my reply though?

I wonder if chinkmoot decides to surprise us again with something like /spa/, would Floens push a fast commit for April fool's?

Doubt it

Open your recent app history and clear it. That's what fixed it for me.

>using mimi

I use it for nojs captcha alone.

I've re-installed Clover 1.2.11 (don't like the newer design language) and can only add 3 or so boards - it claims most board codes does not exist. Wat do?

the old version is broken (duh)
you can't fix it without making adjustments to the code

Tbh only the captcha was broken for me, but it works now.

Wut dis?

Attached: Screenshot_20180331-014312.png (1080x1920, 563K)


Why is so small?

That's how it's supposed to look like.

Ah ok, i come from the last stable version.