My professor recently held a two-hour lecture on correct OS usage where he presented the pros and cons of all of...

My professor recently held a two-hour lecture on correct OS usage where he presented the pros and cons of all of Microsofts latest offerings. His thesis was on digital privacy in the modern commercial space, and he argued that if you want safe and private Windows 8.1 was the way to go.

Attached: 1512971564034.png (1600x1212, 135K)

Public schols, go figure. We really should defund these
>inb4 Jow Forums, get out

Libreboot and Gentoo

>public school
Rethink this.

Your professor's a smart man.

Gee, I wonder who was behind these posts.

I bet your professor also recommended Chrome, huh? Is his nose larger than average by any chance?

This literally didn't happen. You just made this story up.


cool story bro, subscribed and reblogged.


I mean in terms of using Windows yea probably. More support than 7 less ass Rapey Spyware than 10. Just disable the general Spyware and telemetry. Normies are too stupid to compile gentoo and only use McDonald's wifi... Or Install Ubuntu

This is how atrocities happen: you corrode the intellectual fibre of your working class and you widen the gap in lifestyle quality between the rich and poor until it breaks.
>being this retarded in 2018

I think i agree that 8.1 is kinda underrated. Comfier than 7, better mixed of both worlds than 8 and less telemetry botnet than 10

8.1 is the black sheep. Everyone hate 8, so Microsoft fixed everything and released 8.1. By that point it was too late though. Damage was done, those who cared stuck with 7 and those who didn't never saw the need to upgrade.

well put

Attached: 1515689944300.png (862x492, 694K)

I genuinely, from my heart of hearts, believe that W8.1 was a great operating system. It fixed pretty much everything that was wrong with 8 and it's more feature-rich than 7 while booting faster and sometimes using a few mb LESS of RAM (because in a world where people have dozens of gigabytes, that matters, right?).

My point is that it's a good OS, and one I recommend to anyone who doesn't want to be spied on by Windows 10 and who simultaneously want to feel a little more secure than the sinking ship that is 7.

Anyone who claims W8.1 spies on you to has yet to be able to provide a single credible source with information that proves that fact in my eyes.

You realize there are public universities/colleges right? Or are you implying that no "actual" professor would work for a public institution? Because UT says fuck off.

Not using Windows since a long time but Windows 8.1 was indeed a good release and quite comfy to use. If I had to go back to Windows I wouldn't hesitate a second to use it. Windows 7 is getting too old and Windows 10 is too inconsistent. Even LTSB doesn't feel right.

Noice. I think 8.1 is one of the best Windowses, for the modern age, I'll use it until Linux becomes capable (If this ever happens...).

Attached: 8.1.jpg (1011x798, 81K)

>implying atrocities are bad
>being this retarded in 2018

The """intellectual fiber""" has already been corroded. What we need now is anuddah shoah to wash all the (((corrosives))) off of it. These are called atrocities and we've never needed one as bad as we need one now.

LTSB is just W10 with all it's limbs cut off. It's still gushing from every open wound, and it's still 10 underneath.

W8.1 at least feels like it's OS, and not W7 with a botnet strapped on.

Are you in clown-college?

W7 already has a botnet strapped on. LTSB is so low on botnet MS won't even sell it to you.

Are you one of the people who believe the fridge is a botnet, and the toaster communicates with the CIA on a daily basis? Not to mention the oven, he's the worst of them all, he has a direct line to the FBI.

>not putting the fridge in a copper bunker to isolate it from communication

You do realize that academic research is 99.99% politics and 0.01% actual "free" research with scientifically accurate and intellectually honest results, right?

My fridge, oven, and toaster don't have radios in them. If you fell for the IoT meme then they probably communicate with someone who would be more than willing to turn over all the data they have to a government agency if asked. I don't know what in this world of surveillance states and loyalty for sale makes you think this isn't the way of things but I I would pay money to wear your rose colored glasses for a day.

Attached: 1522351686108.jpg (1024x773, 290K)

I don't get this image. Are (((they)) behind the Deep State too?

Yes the unelected positions of power within the US government are filled with people who mostly do the bidding of the 1% globalists.

Attached: 1522292426097.jpg (538x941, 235K)

Indeed, I have w8 in my tablet (normie OS for my normie needs) and its sweet as fuck

everyone who pushes for linux in schools basically is consciously (or not) saying
>I'm a fat sweaty uneducated neckbeard, pls hire me as sysadmin