/hpg/ - Headphone General

How to request purchase advice: pastebin.com/dybEUJ1Y

For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in Jow Forums wiki headphone FAQ: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php?title=Headphones

Headphone guide: canpicker.com/

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>jekyll and hyde
I'll go with anime girls and feet

Attached: yande.re 430791 casino_(artist) eyepatch feet hayasaka_mirei hoshi_shouko morikubo_nono the_idolm@st (1720x1228, 2.6M)

Where were you when you realized that the HD600 shills posting here every day are only a very vocal minority?

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Let me stroke my dick with those glorious feet

Stupid question maybe, but I have a beyerdynamic that came with a threaded 3.5mm to 1/4" adapter and I broke the thing. Where can I find a replacement?

>I have a beyer that broke

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Sorry if I hurt your snobbish sensibilities. The headphones are fine, and work using the 3.5mm jack. I broke the 1/4 inch adapter. I think I could also replace the whole cable, since it has little screw to remove it.

A million online stores or ask someone you know, people usually have multiples of these things.

But usually not threaded.

The signature Sennheiser head-band is plastic and over the years it can snap and break.

so whats some headphones worth looking at under 300 and not the HD 600

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Good wireless IEMs? How is the Focal Spark?

>wondering why google music discovery is 10 times better than spotify
>realize it's probably because they know everything about me from youtube/google searches

They know what I like before I even do..

sell your stuff and move upwards not sideways

Alright, what would you suggest then for under 500

leave mid fi hell

wouldn't you get $150 for the hd600 and $250 for the r70x? that would be $400 and then the $300 budget from would be $700, that's HD800 used territory or a STAX setup

that's not a r70x and if I go up to 600 I would probably just buy the dt 1990 which I have tried and enjoyed.

>that's not a r70x
im tired heh. why don't you do that then? dt1990 is considered the best all rounder

Why is the seat down?

just get an HD800

well, if you were smart you would buy an hd800 and EQ it closer to a dt1990. that is what everyone tries to do with all the modding anyhow

pretty sure the mods are just going for the HD800S treble softening without HD800S bass distortion but ok

I wanna lick her feet.


Attached: dt1990vshd800.png (614x727, 82K)

plus AI data processing

Direct preferable, ok if it is need to amp.
>Type of headphone
over ear
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
dont care.
>Sound signature
balanced, flat, a bit bright is ok.
>Past headphones
superlux hd681


is the bass is virtually non-existent?

Just get some beats bro they got lots of bass xD

they don't have a lot of bass, it just extends too high in the FR which muddies things

akg k612-pro unless you have a issue with that headband style then maybe shp 9500 or dt 880 250 ohm if you want some bass too

Is dt990 250ohm pro used for 153$ worth it?

i would suggest avoiding the 990

Too V-shape?

harsh treble on the 990s

>extends too high in the FR

what does that mean?

THX THD measures in at 0.0000243%, heh. looks like they weren't bullshitting

you typically want bass elevated in the lower bass region ( 500hz. even a 100hz boost can be undesirable for some. microphones do this too but they even dip pretty far down at ~120-200hz before rising below 100hz so it clears up the recording a bit

Attached: Jnvq4kWjSV6fRkxb6fDQ_Massdrop-x-THX-AAA-789-FFT-Spectrum.jpg (1560x655, 119K)

Unironically the best headphones in the world.


no only ironically

Agreed, they just sound so right.

I just fapped to anime feet for the first time..
thanks /hpg/
I guess in order to get good audio you have to sacrifice something and in my case become a degenerate

what did you in?

nice blog

>gatekeeping footfags coming out of the closet for the first time

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stax iem headfi users are some of the wackiest people. yeah let's just put sorbothane fucking everywhere there isn't airflow. sorbothane outside your IEMs, on your headbands, on your cd player, on your wife's boyfriend's cock

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wtf is this

the logical conclusion as a result of this:

Idol trash here.
What's your setup like, user?
Nice OP.

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Idol trash here.
What's your setup like, user?
Nice OP.

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have you bought stax yet?

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nyet, but I know I will eventually.

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fuck it, buy stax's next flagship they come out with that they are supposedly announcing this year

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Which DAC is *the* DAC? Not the retarded expensive dacwhispering shit.

topping d10, measures like a beast and is cheap with a display

>implying appreciating anime foot pussy is degeneracy

Welcome to the fold, my son

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Whatever's in your smartphone

I fucking HATE feet.
Turns out theres a bunch of good stuff. Topping d10/30/50, smsl m8a, massdrop sdac, oldac, are all transparent.

>I fucking HATE feet.
I wish this would just stop already. Feet as fucking disgusting, just look at this shit. The most revolting part of the human body. Evolutionary mutilated hands with freakishly large palms and freakishly small fingers. So big and unwieldy as to be basically useless, not dexterous at all. Weird little misshapen 'nails' covering the top of the weird little misshapen fingers. I fucking hate them, they belong inside a sock, inside of a closed-toed shoe for all eternity, unless you are asleep, in which case socks are acceptable as long as they are thick enough to not show the individual toes.

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user that is revolting. This would be a much better image to post of a cute (the perfect) woman.
Now to decide if I should buy a topping d10 while this sale is going on!

Attached: mcuhbetter.png (282x520, 64K)

Can we trust headfi though?

jude? couldn't trust the words that come out of his mouth any farther than you could throw his stout little midget body. their measurements are decent though, they don't seem like they try to fuck with the results. same rig as what amir uses too

>user that is revolting
it's absolutely degenerate to post feet

Attached: yande.re 442131 sample feet fengya.jpg (1134x1500, 199K)

>implying Jow Forumsenerally-autistic is literally some sort of echo chamber of memes just being repeated over and over and over by shills until the idiots who do it for free hear the meme enough times to take over for them, haha that's simply preposterous! t-that's reddit you're describing!

Good to know at least. I'm saying this as someone that threw money at massdrop for the thing.

How are her soles so clean when she was clearly walking around outside?

ahhh then why do you keep doing it when there are plenty of much more flattering anime pictures that leave out the most disgusting, misshapen, often dirty, rarely not-smelly, part of the body?

How much better is the d30 than the d10? From topping.

Attached: pureandperfect.jpg (480x898, 60K)

are these the end-game headphones for white guys who actually think a pair of headphones will somehow get them laid? asking for a friend

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>How much better is the d30
It's worse, the D10 is better.

>trying to get laid with anything other than beats

Pantsu gets moist at the sight of HD600.

>Is dt990 250ohm pro used for 153$ worth it?
Even if you did want the 990 in all its treble glory, it's still not worth it. It's almost the brand new price ( $170 ). If you're a sane human being and would swap the earpads for brand new pads on your used headphone, buying this + new pads would be as expensive as buying brand new.
Very mediocre offer, you have to be tarded to buy this close to brand new.

No. And DT990 is shit not even worth considering. If you absolutely want a beyer, DT880 is a world better.

more like pantswho

Is there some decent DAC/AMP combo or stack around $3-400? Need optical input and balanced line out preferred but not 100% essential.

The older Topping DX7 is the closest I could find, but still misses the mark with the 10 Ohm output impedance. I also don't like how there's no way to switch it to line out only with volume control.

Chinkshit is ok, but no US products, since importing from there is stupid expensive, since no one undervalues.

Cute girl(female)
I got laid with my dt990, convinced her I was a music nerd and she was totally into that and it went well after I let her listen to my sweet dt990.

Attached: mqbsd71c84701.jpg (1080x1350, 134K)

if you want a combo unit for $300 it's a bit of a no-mans land for well measuring products now that we know audio-gd measures like shit. there's the CTH+SDAC combo on massdrop, but that's a tube. sdac measures well though. my CTH arrives today actually


>put dt 990s on girl
>play treble heavy song
>rape her ears with disgusting treble
>her mind goes blank and you take advantage of her in her dizzy state

Disgusting, basically using headphones as a rape device.

is pic related her?
i would

Attached: 1420715523664.png (400x400, 56K)

Audio-gd was always aimed at poorfags who thought they could cheat reality.

sugget some treble heavy song

just got a second hand HD700 with 190 usd.
Should I also get a HD600? I mainly listen to classical

D10 + O2 is essentially the best stack you can get for the price. THX amp + D10 also works fine but you need to import it from Massdrop.

k712 instead

no, it's in the name. nfb stands for no feedback, not "negative feedback" like NFB is normally thought of. no feedback is some snake oil shit that no one actually believes in because of how poor it is design wise. it's actively worse than being a cablefag. audio-gd doesn't aim for poorfags who want well measuring gear. their target is OG audiophiles. the 11.28 is guaranteed to measure like trash.

Literally anything by dr dre


Yeah, it's a bit unfortunate. I suppose I'll have to wait until Topping makes a DX7 with a better amp, or more measurements surface for chinkshit. Can't really justify dropping $4-500 on the current DX7.

D10 is optical output only sadly, would have been a brilliant deal otherwise.

That's a fucking nice picture.

You’ve obviously no experience with the gear targeted at audiophiles, cause built in China A red flag and off their menu. Poorfags like you though, know all about them and bother to measure them lol.

learn how to string together a logical thought. topping measures incredibly well and is chink shit.

And still sounds like the mid-fi garbage it is. Hmmm, seem to found their target poorfags market though.

indo user put your trip back on like a good boy

Just bought the topping a30/d30 stick on AliExpress. Do you any of you guys have experience with these? Did I make the right choice over getting the schiit stack?

>Did I make the right choice over getting the schiit stack?

There's more to an amp than harmonic distortion measurements.
Have fun.

Don’t blame me for the poor decisions you’ve made in life.

I don't have an amp
>Type of headphone
Over ear
>Open or closed
Doesn't matter
>Comfort level
Doesn't matter
>Sound signature
Doesn't matter
>Past headphones
Superlux HD 668B, Monoprice 108323

I need something for positional audio in FPS games, apparently what I want is good "imaging."
A removable cable is a must.

Why is it so hard to get objective information about headphones? There is little to no testing, a whole bunch of marketing speak, tons of $50 headphones rebranded and upmarked to $150, etc.

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