>right click file in your file manager
>Copy path
>click button to upload image

Attached: 1497773773122s.jpg (224x250, 8K)

Other urls found in this thread:


How the fuck did you manage to post such a shitty version of that image?

>right click file in your file manager
>Copy path
>click button to upload image

sxiv -t /path/to/images
ctrl-x y
xclip -o | xclip -i -sel c
click button

The image is too distinguishable enough and you don't even need the full picture anymore.
Something like
3 4


Do not talk about /b/
Do NOT talk about /b/
There is porn of it, no exceptions

Or just drag and drop from hydrus/fm.

Attached: meme_juice.jpg (531x531, 20K)

Use primary selection you bumhole,

Attached: 2004-04-26 16:10:19 UTC.png (742x828, 70K)

Attached: gZhmPr5.jpg (1795x709, 314K)

>primary selection

Attached: 1522398533452-fs8.png (742x828, 32K)

>being this cucked


How about to just drag the file from file manager to browser?

meanwhile, in the land of people with jobs and/or disposable income, thumbnail view has been built into the file picker and justworks.dll for going on.. 30 years?

Attached: 1495673002235.jpg (600x580, 141K)

You mean... with a mouse or something?

>playing game

>ricing i3

doesn't work for gnome/wayland

>miss the tiny rectangle
>browser opens image and clears all your written text when you go back

No, just 17 years.

it creates a copy of that image on %temp%, so it's a bad practice

You are shit at reading.

yeah, and since when people with jobs and disposable income have tabs in file manager?

>open file manager
>find hilarious meme
>drag n drop from fm to browse dialog

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-03-30 00-56-18.png (722x471, 65K)

>gayland doesn't work
Dunno about default behavior, but with 4chanX you can drop it anywhere on the page and it will open posting form with file attached.

>tabs in file manager?

there's an app for that :^) explorerplusplus.com/

Attached: simplescreenrecorder-2018-03-25_09.09.36.webm (1280x1024, 2.5M)

>выгpyзкa фaйлa
10/10 localization.

read WHAT mother fucker

it's ''broken'' for gtk2

But it does work. see:

>oh lol, linux doesn't have thumbnails! (lol, wat is KDE)
>b..but there's an app for tabs in muh gayming OS!

Works on my MacBook Pro lulz

more like
>GayBook No

It's time to switch to Arch.

>oh lol, just use the ungodly abomination that is KDE just to get thumbnails in the file picker
>b-but don't you dare use an alternative file manager on windows- btw don't you know you can't do anything on windows but games! lol d-did I mention windows is for manchild gaymurz only?

>implying that majority of windows users aren't dumb gaymers
>implying that second largest and one of the oldest DEs is bad

i use linux cause
>all advantages of FOSS(Transperency, efficiency, utility)
>the best kind of system for the things I want to do(Program for the most part)
Customizability and the option for a lean OS are huge plusses. No competitor can even competitor in many ways, and the main thing keeping them afloat is vidya gayms and more mainstream support.

dont post it man, not today....

>implying that majority of windows users aren't dumb gaymers

windows users are a much larger group of people than le dumb gaymurs the Jow Forumsentoo echo chamber loves to autism screech about all the time, but I guess you really can't argue with the power of repeating a meme over and over and over until everyone who realizes it's complete bullshit just ignores you and lets you enjoy your circlejerk.

ok i'll type it out

it doesn't work for wayland to xwayland clients like pcmanfm-gtk3/qt to firefox
it works for pcmanfm-gtk2 to firefox
same with clipboard iirc

or maybe it's just weston, can't switch focus to another window while dragging

>uses GNOME, doesn't use superior fm nautilus
you might aswell start using only TTY and complain why you can't post on Jow Forums with cli browser

Attached: 1490554093876.gif (640x480, 358K)

>uses GNOME

GNOME becoming standard. Deal with it.

weston > gnome
deal with it