Being told kde doesn't have calculator by default

>being told kde doesn't have calculator by default
>install kubuntu
>calculator is present by default
what the fuck

Attached: kcalc.png (800x600, 229K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Pretty sure by saying KDE they meant KDE as a DE, but a distro that uses KDE as a DE. Of course it'll have more features.

What a dumbass

So you want to say if I install KDE on its own, I won't have a calculator?

KDE Neon is basically what KDE has by default. But I have no idea if it has a calculator, never really used KDE for over a week.

KDE Neon is a distro. We are talking about KDE as DE but about distros that use KDE with DE.

KDE Applications != Plasma desktop. Plasma desktop is a shell.
KDE devs split them to for modularity purposes. That's why they have different release cycles.
Kubuntu by default includes all KDE applications. Neon is a minimal distro, and it does not include all of them.
Also, there is a granny-fucking retard lurking Jow Forums for hours in hopes a KDE thread will turn up. He is probably the one who told you about the lack of KCalc in Neon. If you absolutely MUST use the bare essential Plasma desktop, there is a widget you can use. Otherwise, install KCalc. 99% of KDE distros include it by default.

KDE Neon is a distro which doesn't have any extras. So it's basically minimal Ubuntu with a manually installed KDE, which is what you're talking about so it's relevant.

why not just use python?

> Open terminal
> Python

There you go. Here's your calculator.

I install kde-standard manually and get kcalc.
what the fuck[2]

> KDE Neon is a distro
> what the fuck

>type 2/3
>get 0

because krunner exists

Attached: k.png (428x219, 21K)

>litteraly have an useless K in its name
>"KDE has no calulator"

KDE isn't a DE but a whole Desktop project, featuring DE (Plasma), apps (Kcalc,Dolphin, Krita...) , and a distro (KDE Neon)
Therefore "KDE has no calulator" makes no sense

how the fuck do i make the clock smaller?!

Attached: madcow_406x250.jpg (406x250, 30K)

>not using echo $((10/2))

move further away from it

Another friendly reminder that Xorg comes with its own standard calculator xcalc

and senior centers are full of pussy but that doesn't mean you should mess with ancient stuff

KDE is very full featured. Even comes with fapping material.

>fapping material

Mascot of course.

Attached: konqi.png (2082x3470, 646K)


Gnometards "konfused"

Not Neon, the "distro" maintained by KTards

Attached: uncalculatedw_.png (411x336, 84K)

KDE Neon also has extra repos

it is

Hello Gnome internet defense force. Didn't expect (You) in this thread

Is it a distro?

Not quite, it's a package archive with the latest KDE software on top of a stable base. While we have installable images, unlike full Linux distributions we're only interested in KDE software.

Now fuck off, calculator retard.

>type 2.0/3.0
>get real answer
Sorry you're retarded

is e a distro?
is mint a distro?
what about the gorillion of other ''distros''?

Not an argument

But they do include KWrite, why include that and not a calculator? Why are they so retarded?

Daily KDE shill thread.

2.0/3.0 = 2/3

Attached: 1514987882149.jpg (645x729, 81K)

Not an argument

Do you even know how python works

It has a "calculator" by default.

>blame others in proposing average altetnatives
Nice projecting.

And it is a worthless skeumorphic calculator. qalc, bc, and soulver-like calculators are far superior.

About to install debian in minutes shoud I go for stable with 5.8 or testing with 5.12?


Faking brainlets I fucking hate you, having tons of powerful options in the command line and you looks for brainletculators in the GUI

Attached: index.jpg (225x225, 5K)

You should know this image at this point

Attached: 2004-04-26 16:10:19 UTC.png (742x828, 70K)

GUI: "Ah, there are all the options I need in front of me. Let me click what I need."

CLI: "Ah, fuck... was it a capital 'f' after the other arguments? Damn, I can't remember what does what!"

Attached: 1427810078614.jpg (1248x3464, 525K)

CLI: "Ah, there are ALL the options I need in front of me. Let me check the manual page of what I need"
GUI: "Ah, fuck... was it placed on Edit then Selection and More? Damn, I can't navigate where goes where!"

do you even know how numbers work?

Sad this is the only mention of granny in the thread thus far, how else will she rm -rf /?

Sometimes I just want to mash my mouse and use the gui

Attached: 51c.png (658x545, 176K)

OwO what's this

Attached: gnome-3-calculator.png (664x768, 27K)

CLI: Has no options in front of you. Have to spend hours going through archaic manpages to find out how to complete basic tasks.
GUI: Everything is in front of you. Options are clearly listed and accessible with only a few clicks.

Watching someone use the command line, following a guide is painful to watch. They'll type in the characters and letters many authors place before the command to indicate that this is a command (PS, #, %, $), and mix up I, 1, and l, even when the font is very good distinguishing such characters. Ofc. they blame microsoft/linux/apple whenever their mangled command doesn't work. Even when their command didn't work, they still move on to the next stage of the guide, and starts wondering why nothing works.

>GUI: "Ah, fuck... was it placed on Edit then Selection and More? Damn, I can't navigate where goes where!"
People like to shit on apple, but they did that one really well. Their search features can find things within menus. Pretty much every single important feature has keyboard shortcuts too. Most GTK, QT, and Windows applications leave a lot to be desired.

what the fuck

Attached: calc.png (800x600, 206K)

>Watching someone use the command line, following a guide is painful to watch. They'll type in the characters and letters many authors place before the command to indicate that this is a command (PS, #, %, $), and mix up I, 1, and l, even when the font is very good distinguishing such characters. Ofc. they blame microsoft/linux/apple whenever their mangled command doesn't work. Even when their command didn't work, they still move on to the next stage of the guide, and starts wondering why nothing works.
This right here, CLIfags, is why GUIs are necessary. Your 80s bullshit is outdated, confusing, and the farthest thing from intuitive.

>Their search features can find things within menus.
unity has this, too bad it's cucked and dead

MATE has this too, but, you know, >MATE

>Their search features can find things within menus.
Unity was good at this.

>People like to shit on apple, but they did that one really well

oh yes shitOS has bash too, so I don't have to use their limited digusting Graphical User Interfaces, GUI its only for browsing , design and games everything else its bullshit

I use >MATE.
Where's HUD?

stop using that crap, just install openbox and configure shortcuts.

>being a degenerate and actually debating over fucking calculators that you can install with a single command or even just open your browser and use online calculator

Attached: wojak2.png (645x729, 75K)

Fuck off.

or simply doing octave --no-gui

no you fuck off ubuntard.

Nobody asked you about openbox.
Fuck off.

nobody asked you about Matetard neither kys


Attached: yuri.jpg (256x300, 32K)

Mate does? I've been using mate for a while now, and I haven't seen a single feature like this. Does brisk have a feature that let you search for and find things within the menus of the currently active application?

Footfags BTFO

>Mac has HUD
>MATE too!
>hurr that's all crap openbox rulez!!!
You can do yourself a favor and accomplish the sudoku you wished so long ago.

You installed it KTard, is not there by default

give me one moment, i'll try to find it

>and accomplish the sudoku you wished so long ago.

Bitch please I wrote a sudoku solver in x86 asm.

Post the code then.

p.s. that other guy isn't me

here we go, lads

this article isn't terribly up to date, i'm not entirely sure if it's been implemented into a stable build of MATE yet, but it looks to me like you need to change the desktop layout to get it

>The HUD is available on Mutiny (Unity style), Contemporary (GNOME2 style), and Cupertino (MacOS style) desktop layout, switchable using MATE Tweak Tool. Now, pressing Alt once will open the HUD. See this GIF animation of Caja.

What does Granny do on her computer?
Office work? She needs to install, or have someone install for her, Calligra.
Email? She needs to install, or have someone install for her, KMail.
Drawing? She needs to install, or have someone install for her, Krita.
If additional installation is required anyway, she can get the calculator when she gets the other programs she needs.
> inb4 Google docs, gmail, etc
If she knows how to use a browser, she knows how to either use a package manager or google the math she needs done.

Attached: kdeneon-2018-03-30T18-53-10-355784000Z.webm (1024x768, 849K)

Personally, the only thing I find tdee can't do is a tiling Window Manager. if if could replicate the functionality of i3 gaps I might abandon all this i3 autism.

Can't you use i3 instead of KWin?

>letting Granny use KDE
Jesus fucking Christ, what a nightmare.

>s-sonny, why is the power button broken?
>i closed my laptop and when i opened it again it broke...what did i do wrong?...

At least KDE has a huge fucking clock for her old, tiring eyes.

Attached: d90fa1f2-4400-4407-92f6-7d3dff49b3ed__screenlocker-emergency.png (3200x1080, 80K)

I don't think there's ever been a more fitting use for this image.
> inb4 not an argument
Argument already over, you lost.

Attached: KONQUERED.gif (710x828, 21K)

Not Sure.
Currently use i3 itself with a generous amount of KDE software.
I think you're referring to replacing KWin with i3 which I never tried.

>point out two laughably retarded, documented, and severe issues with KDE
>"not an argument"

If it makes you feel better, I think GNOME is a big piece of shit too, and when I tried it, GDM would totally freeze upon reawakening from suspend about 60% of the time. So, I guess the issue with KDE is at least recoverable.

Still, fucking hell, I can't imagine letting an old grandma use the buggy piece of shit that is KDE. Not to mention that its menu layout is an obtuse nightmare. Give her XFCE or Cinnamon or something for christ's sake.

big klokk is the true kde experience my komrade.

Sorry, thought you were the guy with the calculator fetish. The image is still fitting, though.

I guess you're not entirely wrong, I'm still cucked by GTK.

I would love to KDE to be good, I really love some of the things it has to offer, but every time I've tried it, it's broken in the dumbest ways. Even after the recent release that everybody lauded as being wonderfully stable and polished, I found it to be anything but.

At this point, I'm just resolved to waiting for LXQt to finally be good, or waiting for the Budgie Qt rewrite. Maybe that Unity 8 community project will eventually go somewhere.

>Moun P..
best thing in KDE tho, especially since the fonts are much smaller than other DEs by default

I tried the power button and expected behavior happened, same with locking and closing my laptop. Not saying those issues don't exist for people, but my experience with KDE Neon has been almost bug-free for the past few months. (The only exceptions which come to mind are the Discover application and KDE's Wayland implementation.)

Nice trips
I want it in LTS now, is there a way to install it?

>using graphical calculator

>using a graphical web browser

hmm, just like mathematicians use?
fucking mental midget hipster, fuck you.

Attached: tips.gif (312x250, 1.9M)

No, mathematicians don't.

>calculator is a widget
how more cucked can you be?

Why would you make the clock smaller? Granny has bad eyesight. Do you hate granny?

but will granny ever find it?

Hey, I can install the file picker in Gnome, yet we all still have to listen to KDE shills and their tired memes. Now it's their turn to listen to stupidity.

Not an argument

not an argument, a fact, a cucked fact

>he needs a file picker
mega KeK

Attached: no_file_picker.webm (1396x782, 1.13M)

never seen a mathematician use a calculator.
They use python, r, mathematica, matlab or c, depending on their needs

What kind of mathematical need would require a low-level language?

Actually I use elinks, cunt