Who here /reverser/?

Who here /reverser/?

Attached: teh.png (1927x1080, 228K)

too much trouble. just wait for someone else to do it then download it.

Attached: 062.webm (640x360, 1.5M)

yeah we reverse engineered some hardware once
>tfw going to a hospital to do a CT scan of a PCB

Attached: Xray_Layer2.jpg (1200x881, 187K)

I'm not even gonna complain, that's really cool!

I tried to get into it several time, never really stuck long enough with it to get to any reasonable skill level :(

I am starting to get better at finding bugs and security vulns by just reading code, so there's atleast some /hackerman/ in me.



Reverse engineering a game, doing protocol analysis and can finally modify packets sent to serve

Attached: 1421-300318.jpg (5120x1440, 1.12M)

but which one are you?

How hard would it be to reverse a game client and build your own custom one?

How do you access memory in assembly?

In my last year of primary school I looked into disassembly and reverse engineering. I used ollydbg32 to remove a disk check from the video game TES:Oblivion, the check of the TES:Oblivion script extender (whatever faggot made that thing decided that is was also his job to check whether you use a legal copy of the game), and removed a license check from some software called AutoMacroRecorder so I could do bot-like macros in RuneScape. I got banned anyways.
That was a long time ago but now I'm thinking of getting back into it.

mov eax, dword ptr[0xDEADBEEF]

movabs 0xdeadbeef, %eax

x86 in 2018

what did he mean by this?

you can tell if someone is a good RE by their theme, both wnb hackers who posted are using light theme in x32dbg and IDA, the second retard even has discord and windows store pinned, including the windows cut tool because shareX is too advanced for his tiny brain.

Well I wouldn't say the theme says much about a person. That being said I'm not a fan of light themes myself as it strains my eyes during prolonged use - I don't know if IDA offers a dark theme (I work exclusively on Linux).

I'm thinking of creating a server for Aion 2.5 (old game I used to play and I have fond memories of it). Any tips on how I'd go about doing this? I have no packets for reference, all I have is the DVD that can be installed. I've done some malware reverse engineering for my university dissertations and just for fun. Nothing massive though. Thanks for any help.

There should already be private server software out there.

There probably is, but I'm interested in doing it as a personal project. Most of the ones I've seen are for 4.x these days.

Well the best way to start is doing packet analysis, meaning you should t least play on one of the available private servers to capture packets and get an idea of how it works. Afterwards attempt to construct an artificial session with a proper client.

Used to
OllyDBG masterrace

Thank you for your advice, I'll do that first

>tfw sourcecode leaked so no need to reverse engineer

Attached: 1374577328217.png (554x439, 224K)

>sourcecode leaked
>next week its patched

>no need to reverse engineer
yeah right?


Pajeet my son, stop cracking American software. How are the American software engineers going to feed their families?

what am i looking at


babby's first breadboard