If you're sooo smart Jow Forums why haven't you invented a new computer?

If you're sooo smart Jow Forums why haven't you invented a new computer?

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But I did, in 2012.

I'll invent this dick in ur ass kid

tbf I couldn't build my own pc at the age of 11

Probably because building your own computer wasn't a common thing back in the 90's, innit?

"Invented a high spec computer" what the fuck is this even supposed to mean?

you probably use windows right now, too

>whizz kid

>it took him 4 hours to assemble a megablocks constructor
legally retarded, right there

it means that the pc-brigade of the islamic republic of britain needed some good news on black youth, because most of it isn't good
it isn't good at all

This black boy is a genius he is the next Bill Gates.

>black people doing anything is spectacular to even a laymen

Yeah, about that...

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>not building your own computer in the 90s

Fuckin normies

>high spec
did he pay some older niggers 600 quid to steal the parts for him?

building a pc back then wasn't as easy as it is today (literally just assembling retard-proof pieces)

This isn't even the real headline of the news article. Some fag edited it to say "invented" to trigger people more

Someone doesn't know the difference between Inventing and assembling.
What the nigger did and obviously was worth a propaganda news is what i did on a daily basis when i worked as a computer tech guy at a company that sold PC's.
Maybe i am one of the biggest "inventors"?

For once a niglet does something appropriate instead of robbing or chimping and you bash him

>looking for any reason to put African balls in their mouth

Pick two.

Attached: 2018-Bong.jpg (620x388, 34K)

I built my first pc at age 9 back in 1995, it was a piece of shit 486 with 8MB (yes, MB) of RAM running Windows 95. It could barely run Doom.

You're not black, nobody cares.

fuck off nazi
Jow Forums is hilldawgs territory

You guys know racism is against the rules?

Hope it was a DX, I did a 486slc-25mhz with 4meg ram and 102 meg drive in feb 1992

Full of losers stuck in the denial phase of grief?

Mine was in 1989 and was an SX/20.

I've been inventing my own computers for years now, actually saving up to invent a whole new computer right now too. Nothin personnel, kid.

Pls no racism guys, us Brits will get arrested

Is there anyone who didn't feel like a technology god after putting together their first computer?

i felt like an idiot for taking so long to figure out IRQ's, what CHS values to enter into the bios, what to put in config.sys, etc

You better be up to date on your internet license and registration or we'll be breaking your legs.



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by this pace when he's 21yo he'll invent skynet

4 hours really isn't that bad. Opening shit up in itself takes time and cable management/cooling can be a bitch

more Muhameds should try this. They have nothing to lose anyways.

>sees spoon

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His cable management is better than mine.

Also what 11 year old has £600?

The first time I built a computer, it took me about 6 hours to build and get running.
Now it takes me an hour or two

If this kid keeps this up, by the time he's my age he'll be the fucking Flash

British police won't do shit, they are fucking pussies

I'm sure you already know this. But the original article says "build"

Not that that's much better, but you are being memed

Fuck off you black hating nazi piece of shit

>not making a CPU out of discrete transistors
>not creating your own diode memory arrays
>not punching your own paper tape and making a reader for it

computerlets will never make it

It takes me 30 minutes. What kind of fucking brainlets are you guys?!

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We're going to take you down to the station and give you a cup of tea for that comment son, do you want to come?

I'm having trouble soldering my CPU. I mean, my hand is steady enough, it's just hard to solder 6 billion transistors without making a single mistake.

>wrote my own Commodore 64 game when I was 10 just using the manual that came with the system
>nobody cared
>if it were 2018 and I was black, I'd would've been renowned as a genius and given a free ride through MIT

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lol imagine if he used anything else

What kind of tea?

>high spec computer
I remember it had a quad core locked i5 or something.


Oh well, that doesn't sound too bad.

I'll have some toast with my tea, thanks.

>sees absolutely nothing
> 7 shots fired

This is minimal effort bait