Have to do a fucking ethics course before I can get certified as a professional...

Have to do a fucking ethics course before I can get certified as a professional. Why the fuck do people have such big fucking hard on for making programmers take ethics, why the fuck don't engineers or scientists or mathematicians have to have to study ethics but we do.
And it's not like you can teach someone to be ethical

Attached: sexu.png (545x84, 5K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Have you been paying attention to the current news cycle?????
Computer and data science is facing large scale ethics problems

>why the fuck don't engineers or scientists or mathematicians have to have to study ethics but we do.

They do. See: Jow Forums-science.wikia.com/wiki/Universal_Material#Ethics

I majored in biology. I had to take an ethics course.

But like said in In todays world I think everyone should be taking an ethics course.

Yeah by fucking mangers and executives that wasn't something done and don't care about the consequences. You think your average software development has much say in these matters?

During an ethics class you will be taught how to perform an ethical analysis and you might find yourself in a situation one day when you really need to consider what to do

Do you have no ambition to reach the top? Maybe you don’t but the kid in front of you in class might

I'm an electrical engineer, I also had to do a ethics course. It's mandatory in all the PhD programmes. In my country it's also mandatory to do a course on philosophy, science and ethics during the bacherlor's.

Once you're in the industry, you may likely find yourself asked to do unethical things.

As you're the "man with the gun", you will be charged with the acts you commit, albeit under the orders of a boss.

Ethics courses are for your benefit. How to locate unethical behavior and save your own cheeks.
The Nuremberg Trials show that "I was only following orders" is not a suitable defense.

For my current job I was required to do the EC Council CND->CEH->ECSA certs. CEH literally has you swear an oath to act ethically while on the job.
Just something you have to deal with.

>The Nuremberg Trials

Attached: 1444089172059.jpg (296x314, 22K)

This sounds like a sociopathy thing to say but doing an ethics course sounds like fun. It'd be interesting to see what is generally seen as the "correct" choice. Are there any free quizzes online?

How can ((they)) undermine sciences without educated morality lessons.

>nuremberg trials
>ethical trials at all in any shape or form
It was literally a list a make belief crimes for people already deemed guilty.

>This sounds like a sociopathy thing to say
Not really, it just sounds like you're pretending to be edgy.

>mentioning the kangaroo court
My dude. I had a read through some of the testimonials, including the 'holocauster', the masturbation machines and other fantasies that could have only come from the mind of a deviant and the verdicts that were handed down because of them. If you wanna argue ethics, then the Nuremberg trials are not the way to go.

How does this address what he said?

Nuremberg trials were a kangaroo court and aren't exactly the same as who mined bitcoins on company property. Generally you're covered if your superior orders you to commit something illegal if you have it on paper.

Nice try, edgefag. But actual sociopaths with an IQ around the median understand what is accepted and what isn't. They just don't give a fuck.

It's humanities trying to push their agenda and to establish some sort of dominance in fields that are actually relevant to a modern society.
t. humanity graduate

> sit into course
> do something else and don't listen to their propaganda

>the masturbation machines

Read less Neo-Nazi propaganda which isn't even fact-checked, brainlet. That claim solely comes from a supposed Holocaust survivor who in fact turned out to be Australian and not even Jewish, going as far as to get a fake identification tattoo. He hilariously did it for money...


A actual false flag.


Kek, fuck your filters, gookmoot. Replace it with "baka".

>being this reddit
baka filters out 's mh' without space, not the url

Attached: 1518252338912.jpg (423x463, 31K)

ethics is an extremely important subject and the fact that people think it isn't just shows kids need to learn philosophy in school

it's like at this point most people don't know what either of those subjects are and think "lmao replaced by scianc xd"

>OP complains about how he is forced to take a shitty ethics class in school/training/whatever

>Jow Forumspol starts discussing wether or not holocaust was a lie

This is a clear indicator that this board needs better moderation. I want Jow Forums to leave.

It addresses it in the way that it’s indeed true that the bottom-line data developer isn’t concerned with ethics and doesn’t have a say in most of the matter; unfortunately you aren’t educating people to the lowest commons denominator, but you are hoping they progress their career. Having said this it’s then natural to say that in the immediate future he won’t be dealing with ethics but a few years from now if he gets a promotion he will

It's pre hiro that filter, new friend.

>ugh it's like %CURRENT_YEAR%
>why can't people with the WRONG opinion be banned from my reddit-lite shitposting forum

You can have your opinions as much as you like, but there are dedicated boards for discussing those opinions so I don't see why you need to shit this board up too.

Ethics is actually interesting though.

>reddit spacing
>wants more moderation

>And it's not like you can teach someone to be ethical

that's the point and why ethics is so interesting you brainlet

What the fuck is reddit spacing?

Is this some Jow Forums meme they use to identify (((them))) ?

>can't teach something
>justifies teaching it

What you're doing is reddit spacing, friend.

Attached: reddit_spacing.png (866x475, 53K)

Also, I didn't say "more", I said "better".

Attached: mods-are-gay.png (613x410, 52K)

>using paragraphs means you post on reddit and you're therefore my arch enemy
Get a life, loser.

>what is reddit spacing
>brought to you by reddit spacing

Imagine seeing enemies everywhere so you literally get triggered by paragraphs and linespacing.

>being this new and retarded
Hello reddít!!!!

>ousted as redditfag
>gets antagonistic and confrontational
You'll never fit in

This is why we need moderation. Thanks for proving my point, guys.

No, (you) just need another website.


Attached: word.jpg (400x345, 105K)

>le Jow Forums is RUINING MEH BERD
>derails thread
>gets found out as reddit
>spergs out
>lol see we NEED more mods xd

Attached: 65212383db9b39f8e856b1419d5eedeca23d05564d1d5a5d087fe56b8701fd40.jpg (759x847, 100K)

I've been lurking here since 2007, and this board only turned to shit after Jow Forums started leaking here and ranting about j00s and SJW redditors.

Go back to your contamination board.

most of these ethics classes are just about drilling slave morality into peoples' heads anyway. no ethics to be found there.

>why the fuck don't engineers or scientists or mathematicians have to have to study ethics
they do.

It's called containment board you fucking brainlet and this whole site is one.

>found out as reddit
>people call you reddit
>no longer fit in

>this board only turned to shit after Jow Forums started leaking here and ranting about j00s and SJW
confirmed for not having been lurking here since 2007

>replying to an obvious troll
Just stop, you're only fuelling him.

>i miss when everything was loli, linux and ricing

Attached: 29790b147ee0769322c0884cc2bcc54913c394ffab7405db92eaeab8d9efc263.jpg (500x500, 41K)

I unironically do though. I even miss the tripfags, lolicon and jordan and johnson.


>quotes one post
Do you even know what samefag means?

>pretending to be someone else in disagreement/agree with a pretend third person (yourself)

Exactly. So you can't exactly be a samefag with only one post now, can you?

This. This board became cancer. These fuckers need to stay in their containment board. Or just fucking delete Jow Forums so they migrate back to Jow ForumsThe_Donald.

Haven't you ever posted in a forum? This is completely normal and way older than Reddit.

Attached: まどほむ.jpg (900x1305, 150K)

>Haven't you ever posted in a forum? This is completely normal and way older than Reddit.
Not to mention that people have done this on 4chins since it was conceived.

They are afraid of angry nerds coming from schools that decide to use their autism for revenge against the normies. They will brainwash you with ethics because

>They want you to be a cuck rather than building a robowaifu from scratch
>They want you to loose fingers by using cheap chink fireworks rather than building recreational nukes
>They want to steal your loli folder without having to send a SWAT team to deal with a BigGuy™ minigun sentry

Everything is done to take away power from people and turn them in to good obedient goys.

>unironically getting triggered when someone tells you to go back to your containment board

ITT: Newfags who think they're part of some secret racist club called Jow Forums.

You can if you pretend to be a third party attempting reconciliation through cultural appeal.

This ? Absolutely not. If you have long sentences, then yes. But not if something should just be in the next line.
