Affordable 10 Gbit/s for private persons being rolled out in Europe

>Affordable 10 Gbit/s for private persons being rolled out in Europe
>Ameripoors are stuck on ADSL

cannot fabricate

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Ameripoors are stuck on ADSL
Even a shitty 3rd worlder are rapidly moving on to GPON than stuck in shitty ADSL


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Who even talks like that?

Someone who knows english, since “persons” exists

Yeah, fuck off, pajeet. The correct sentence would be:

>Affordable 10 Gbit/s for private usage being rolled out in Europe

mad american don't know where to address his rage

There's nothing wrong with the original sentence you baka

I have 1Gbit/s for 44,95EUR per Month and no way to fully use it. I just download all games from steam on demand, have a mopidy, nextcloud and a home server.
Don't know what anybody would use 10x that much for.

I'd run one (1) IPFS instance

what about the upload?

German here paying 30€ for 10/2 Mbit/s...

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Are mutt genes fucking with your brain?

Lithuanian - 100/100 Mbps 9.5 evro.

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Brazilian here.
2mb/s for $70 (USD)
Haha I wish I was an ameripoor

Chilean here, 30mb/s for $25

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I don't blame it on Brazil though, it's just where I live down in the south in a coastal town with 10k people. There's fiber available already, max speed of 300mb/s. Dad plans on signing 20mb/s next month :D $30 I think

>amerimutts think they can into english

street shitter at lost job always said "monies" and "do the needful" but their internet is shit I hear, like you can do reliable and slow, or "fast" but down half the month.

El Goblino is at it again

Just upgraded 100/10 to 200/20 yesterday. The price went down from 35,99 to 34,99.

t. spudronia

Christ mate.
In Peru you get 80 Mb or more at that price. The hell are your ISPs doing?

Romanian here
Externally I get 110 mb/s download and AMAZINGLY stable and max 60 mb/s upload even to USA ( tho ping is high :'( 60 + )

Sometimes the download might get gimped when the network is in very high load - max download would become 80 mb/s instead of 110 - 120, but the upload forever stays the same as people don't use it... I just host game servers with it...

All this costs me 10 $ and 50 cents each month.

>60ms is "high ping" crossing 5000 miles through undersea cables
That's half the speed of light. The only way your lag time to another unconnected continent could be faster is if everything were fiber, you had a perfect network route, and there was virtually no processing lag on the network. And then it might be 45ms.
Oh wait you dont even understand anything I just said.

>tfw live in Australia
>supposed 1st world country >Uganda tier internet

Life is suffering bros

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I don't know how to respond to mean posts tho ty for pointing out the potential minimal response, I've never done the calculations.

I know our reputation is bad, but remember we're ex communist shithole and even today 44.80% of population lives in Rural area where poverty and lack of access to modern infrastructure doesn't help.. + our state takes 48% in taxes from what we earn, so a lot of good projects fail or never get to be tried.

woah, that's expensive, must be living in rich country. In my shithole I pay 20€ for 1Gbit/s

There's only three countries in the EU (Sweden, Finland, Denmark) with a higher average internet connection speed than the US (per Akamai). They total about 21 million of the 510 million people in the European Union.

you forgot Lithuania. see: is US average more than 1Gbit/s?

One anecdote does not, in any reasonable mind, override the statistics of the world's largest content delivery network.

>countries smaller than some of the US's smallest states have good Internet, just like the urbanized US States

>eurocucks still can't own private firearms and defend themselves from threats both private and public

lmao keep your "good" Internet prices, at least my wife can blow a hole in Muhammad's chest before he rapes her you fucking cuckolds

German here paying 25€ für 100/20.
You are getting fucked by your ISP

I can own firearms but I have to have an officer visit me monthly. ( Romania )

guns and jobs what a good combination

>eurofags always patting themselves on their backs for their socialist utopia
Daily reminder that you faggots would have nothing at all if the US didn't chuck billions of dollars at your country during the Cold War and that we still pay for the majority of European militaries. We're also literally the only nation paying the bills for all the alliances while you europoors refuse to pay or give back anything. I really hope we pull the plug on your shithole. Your countries are the worst. For fucking God's sake, Europe is named after a woman getting raped by a cow.

>I can own firearms but the police get a free pass to harrass me if I do


>eurocucks still can't own private firearms and defend themselves from threats both private and public
Oh yeah, that seems to really work out for you.
More people are shot by toddlers in the US than shot by the police in germany.

>keynesian """economics"""

Did you eat Mohammed's cum out of your wife's twat today, cuckboi?

What can I say toddlers are assholes

That's natural selection of people who don't know what a safety is.

He will most likely also get the inscription out of bullets during his visit too, so it's pure shit indeed :'( - we need more freedom.

>be american
>pay $80k a year to attend a subpar school
>get shot

>be american
>go to school at no cost to myself because slightly off color
>get harassed by the police but never arrested

life is ok

>80k a year for school
Even the top tier private schools like Phillips Exeter don't charge that much.

>be American
>dont attend government indoctrination centers
>stay home and have a gun that you can use to defend your life, liberty, and property
>dont get raped or run over by a truck

>what is a hyperbole
Should have payed more for school

obeys the schlomo

>tell me to go to school
Okay pajeet

>he still thinks schlomo has power through businesses and not government

actual fucking retardation

well how many languages do you speek?

.i mi na jinvi lonu do djica lo nu tavla

>More people are shot by toddlers in the US than shot by the police in germany.
>unironically comparing a country with 80million versus a country (accumulation of states) with 330+million

You are just trolling at this point. Also, 3. English, Russian, and took Latin in school

At least you're not this.

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Don't try to reduce my anger. I want the ISPs shot by the Jow Forums chekists.

Ok, lets say it like this.
Twice as many people have been shot by toddlers in the US than by the police in germany, a country that has a population four times smaller.

here's an important question. How many of the people shot by toddlers were more than 56% european? therefore effectively 0 people were shot by toddlers

3rd worlder here
I know that feel

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Well look at this edgy little school shooter

Can you even pull the trigger with those fatso hands?

>unprotected school buildings full of HVTs
>media glorification for months after a shooting

I wonder why school shootings happen in America.

I'm skeleton mode, 5'11 130lbs lmao

Can someone explain to me why speed limits exist? Like why they dont just give us 200Gb/s or something like that already

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Can someone explain to me why natural resources are limited? Like why can't we just have unlimited energy and food or something like that already

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they dont have enough copper to give everyone high speed so they stole alien technology but it still isnt enough

nice selfie user

Because parallelization at some point adds too much physical complexity and higher frequency (especially combined with distance) creates more electromagnetic interference

>Natural resources
Thanks uwu

Location/ISP ?
it's 40€ for 100/40 VDSL here.

Oh, ok, nevermind

>120 aud a month for 4 megabits down, 0.50 up
just fucking kill me

Dutch here. 10/10Gbit here for €95.

>Be American
>Live in literal mountains
>Rural as fuck
>Cleanest air and water
>120/20 for $40
It's not bad.

That's a retarded explanation.

It's all about channel capacity. Shielded copper has quite a bit, but struggles with gigabit speeds over any significant distance. Fiber is great because the noise is so low it's practically non-existent, so that channel capacity is absurd. It also doesn't attenuate much with distance. But we have all this copper strung up everywhere already. Service providers simply won't pay to replace it all, and they don't want competition so they'll fight anyone trying to run fiber around them.

Europoor on 10mbps down + 0.5 mbps up here

>That's a retarded explanation.
>We dont have higher speeds because copper struggles with higher speeds
Yeah, your explanation is much less retarded.

Czech here, some shitty hotel internet for free

I studied 'connectivity mechanic' at high school but what the fuck

>statistics done by US
You're brain dead user.

You can look at their methodology. The reports are freely available.

If I were you I wouldn't go to the market today. There has been an angry looking truck parked near there for quite a while now.

>admitting that your police are so feminized that a toddler is more of a threat than them
Explains why Achmed feels at home.

Same brother.

>Be in any big french city, get optic fiber for less than 30eur/month
>Move to belgium, pay 50eur/month for 50/10Mb/s


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Your answer wasn't correct. It doesn't even make sense. What the fuck does parallelization and physical complexity have to do with anything? How does higher frequently create more electromagnetic interference?

I explained why copper can't handle it. It's a mix of poor noise immunity and long distance signal attenuation. I also explained why we don't use anything better: Big Telco don't want it. I'm sorry you're too much of a brainlet to understand what all that means.

Get out that favela, Wandercleyson